Feisty second debate yielded confrontation, but no clear winner


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Feisty second debate yielded confrontation, but no clear winner

Thomas Lifson

The second presidential debate was less one-sided than the first, meaning President Obama was not as distracted, while Mitt Romney turned in a solid performance.The level of confrontation was far higher than anything previously seen between the two men. Obama was very stale. He didn't look good. Romney looked a lot better -- like a president. Obama looked like a salesman

It is clear the media will declare Obama the winner, for his performance was not as weak as previously, and because they are predisposed to do so, as Daren Jonescu laid out earlier tonight. I am far from certain that the president gained any support. Mitt Romney interacted well with the audience, and gave the lie to the hundreds of millions of dollars of Obama propaganda that has labeled him a monster.

Both men interrupted each other, to my eyes Obama more than Romney, and both entered each others' personal space. Obama enjoyed 2 -3 more minutes of speaking time that Romney did, as was true int he first debate.

Later fact checkers can clarify the dispute between the two men over Obama's contention that his Rose Garden address on 9/12 called the Benghazi attack a terror attack. But moderator Candy Crowley entered the dispute, essentially calling Obama correct, the clearest indication of her bias.

Romney laid out the failures of Obama clearly. Obama for the most part repeated previous talking points, and for anyone paying attention, his answers were stale.


Alana Goodman in Commentary fact checks Crowley:


Read more: Blog: Feisty second debate yielded confrontation, but no clear winner
Oh great - Mr. Lifson said what I just noted as my favorite part of the debate -- Romney listing all of the numerical FACTS of the failures of the last 4 years -- while Obama sat there with a sullen look on his face. That was priceless. He couldn't dispute it - I loved it.

The Moment Obama Folded

J.R. Dunn


Now, you can get away with anything if you carry it off with enough in the way of panache. There are plenty of politicians who would have gotten away with what Obama was trying to do. Lyndon Johnson would have brushed aside all protests. Richard J. Daley would have blustered his way through. FDR would have charmed his way into taking over the entire debate. Reagan would have added humor. Harry Truman, Churchill, Maggie Thatcher... They all had the gall to draw the spotlight to themselves, the effrontery to make it work, and the class the force audiences to accept it.

But Obama... Obama has none of these.

For a fleeting instant, Americans saw Obama the way that Putin, Jiang, Khamanei, and Jihadis see him. It was not an impressive sight, and it cannot be made up for.

Read more: Blog: The Moment Obama Folded
Oh great - Mr. Lifson said what I just noted as my favorite part of the debate -- Romney listing all of the numerical FACTS of the failures of the last 4 years -- while Obama sat there with a sullen look on his face. That was priceless. He couldn't dispute it - I loved it.
i don,t think their was real winner . at times it was a pretty ugly debate .

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