Supreme Court should rule 2nd Amendment as absolute for all states in the United States.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I hear their is a case coming up to the United States Supreme Court, brought by the New York State pistol club. They want to challenge an insane New York State infringement on the States citizens right to carry a concealed fire arm.
The infringing law wants the New York State citizens to state a "need " for the weapon , and a "need" to carry a concealed weapon. I feel that no citizen needs to state why they need to obtain or carry a concealed weapon. The
second amendment clearly states that every adult citizens has the right to bear arms. We don't have to state a need, or
reason why we want to have any weapon, or carry a concealed weapons. We can see that the state of New York and many other infringer states, are violating their citizens second amendment rights. This must come to an end. The second amendment right must not be infringed upon by the government. This is stated in the United States constitution. The right to form and maintain a State militia must not be infringed upon also.
I hear their is a case coming up to the United States Supreme Court, brought by the New York State pistol club. They want to challenge an insane New York State infringement on the States citizens right to carry a concealed fire arm.
The infringing law wants the New York State citizens to state a "need " for the weapon , and a "need" to carry a concealed weapon. I feel that no citizen needs to state why they need to obtain or carry a concealed weapon. The
second amendment clearly states that every adult citizens has the right to bear arms. We don't have to state a need, or
reason why we want to have any weapon, or carry a concealed weapons. We can see that the state of New York and many other infringer states, are violating their citizens second amendment rights. This must come to an end. The second amendment right must not be infringed upon by the government. This is stated in the United States constitution. The right to form and maintain a State militia must not be infringed upon also.
not to mention the need is easy to see once you look at world history over the last 100 yrs,,
I hear their is a case coming up to the United States Supreme Court, brought by the New York State pistol club. They want to challenge an insane New York State infringement on the States citizens right to carry a concealed fire arm.
The infringing law wants the New York State citizens to state a "need " for the weapon , and a "need" to carry a concealed weapon. I feel that no citizen needs to state why they need to obtain or carry a concealed weapon. The
second amendment clearly states that every adult citizens has the right to bear arms. We don't have to state a need, or
reason why we want to have any weapon, or carry a concealed weapons. We can see that the state of New York and many other infringer states, are violating their citizens second amendment rights. This must come to an end. The second amendment right must not be infringed upon by the government. This is stated in the United States constitution. The right to form and maintain a State militia must not be infringed upon also.

Thank you for the post. Please provide a link to the case, if you would. I agree. The right to defend one's self and family is the cornerstone of being a free individual. The Second Amendment simply enshrined and protected a right guaranteed to Americans at birth by God and as free born people. The only reason government might have for infringing upon this right or limiting it is to ramp up for tyrannical rule. Like any other kind of weapon imaginable under the sun, since eons ago, if a person wants to acquire a firearm nothing will stop him.
Thank you for the post. Please provide a link to the case, if you would. I agree. The right to defend one's self and family is the cornerstone of being a free individual. The Second Amendment simply enshrined and protected a right guaranteed to Americans at birth by God and as free born people. The only reason government might have for infringing upon this right or limiting it is to ramp up for tyrannical rule. Like any other kind of weapon imaginable under the sun, since eons ago, if a person wants to acquire a firearm nothing will stop him.
You can google New York State pistol club United State Supreme court case for concealed carry and to obtain a weapon 2nd amendment infringement case. The link should come up. Or I can return with the link .
I hear their is a case coming up to the United States Supreme Court, brought by the New York State pistol club. They want to challenge an insane New York State infringement on the States citizens right to carry a concealed fire arm.
The infringing law wants the New York State citizens to state a "need " for the weapon , and a "need" to carry a concealed weapon. I feel that no citizen needs to state why they need to obtain or carry a concealed weapon. The
second amendment clearly states that every adult citizens has the right to bear arms. We don't have to state a need, or
reason why we want to have any weapon, or carry a concealed weapons. We can see that the state of New York and many other infringer states, are violating their citizens second amendment rights. This must come to an end. The second amendment right must not be infringed upon by the government. This is stated in the United States constitution. The right to form and maintain a State militia must not be infringed upon also.

Stiff shit. The 2nd is well out of date.
It's a very poor justif8cation for wantIng to carry for no justifiably reason.
The SC doesn't need to rule on anything.

It's in the Constitution.

States can ADD to it, but they CANNOT take it away.

Guns are not for everyone. Although you have the RIGHT to bear arms, does NOT mean you SHOULD.
Gun/weapon applications should be stringent and cover all bases. If your application for arms is approved, then there is no need for any further questioning. If they "need" to know something, it should be on the application.
The SC doesn't need to rule on anything.

It's in the Constitution.

States can ADD to it, but they CANNOT take it away.

Guns are not for everyone. Although you have the RIGHT to bear arms, does NOT mean you SHOULD.
Gun/weapon applications should be stringent and cover all bases. If your application for arms is approved, then there is no need for any further questioning. If they "need" to know something, it should be on the application.
states cant add shit,, the 2nd is clear,, the people and shall not be infringed,,
Stiff shit. The 2nd is well out of date.
It's a very poor justif8cation for wantIng to carry for no justifiably reason.
My point sir , is that you technically should not be asked why you need a weapon. It is a constitutional right. And the second
Amendment is not out of date in today's world. Those Taliban in Afghanistan were all armed with
fully automatic AK- 47 and AR-15 assault rifles, and they had the United States military at a stalemate for 20 years. The U.S. Army felt that the war became to expensive, and vacated Afghanistan. Yes, there is now more than ever, a need for the 2nd amendment in today's world!!
My point sir , is that you technically should not be asked why you need a weapon. It is a constitutional right. And the second
Amendment is not out of date in today's world. Those Taliban in Afghanistan were all armed with
fully automatic AK- 47 and AR-15 assault rifles, and they had the United States military at a stalemate for 20 years. The U.S. Army felt that the war became to expensive, and vacated Afghanistan. Yes, there is now more than ever, a need for the 2nd amendment in today's world!!

You sir, should be asked for a reasonable excuse to carry that weapon.
Personal protection, hunting and the 2nd are not justification.
The saturation of guns has caused hundreds if thousands if unnecessary deaths if bliss but you still use that as a by product not freedom.

What a pathetically irresponsible human being you are.
I hear their is a case coming up to the United States Supreme Court, brought by the New York State pistol club. They want to challenge an insane New York State infringement on the States citizens right to carry a concealed fire arm.
The infringing law wants the New York State citizens to state a "need " for the weapon , and a "need" to carry a concealed weapon. I feel that no citizen needs to state why they need to obtain or carry a concealed weapon.
If the USSC rules against the NY law, as it likely will, it will affect all similar state laws.
States cannot require a person to show "good reason" to exercise any of their rights, let alone a fundamental right of th eeople specifically protected by the constitution.

The court might even go so far as to rule the states do not have standing to even issue a permit to exercise a right, much less require it.
You sir, should be asked for a reasonable excuse to carry that weapon.
Personal protection, hunting and the 2nd are not justification.
Your opinion doesn't matter.
The opinion of the court, however, does, and it opposes yours.
The saturation of guns has caused hundreds if thousands if unnecessary deaths if bliss but you still use that as a by product not freedom.
Unsupportable nonsense.
Supreme Court should rule 2nd Amendment as absolute for all states in the United States.
This is just as ignorant and ridiculous now was it was last October.

The Second Amendment is neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited’ – it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose; the Court will be making no such ruling, nor should it.

The may issue provision before the Court now concerns solely that provision, nothing else.
Whatever. It's a right that "shall not be infringed". Suck on that for a while.
Not whatever. You were wrong in assuming it is a god given right so admit that first.

The right you speak of clearly states a well armed militia. Do you consider yourself trained enough to defend your state?

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