Why the Sudden Doubts about the Verdict?

Costello IN FACT testified. When you say he wasn't allowed to testify you are factually wrong.

You'll just have to find some way to post wihtout stating counter-factuals.
Some testimony. The prosecution objected before nearly every defense question was even finished being asked and Mershan sustained those objections without the prosecution even giving the grounds for the objection!
Some testimony. The prosecution objected before nearly every defense question was even finished being asked and Mershan sustained those objections without the prosecution even giving the grounds for the objection!

And? Defense should ask less objectionable questions.

There are rules to testimony.
And? Defense should ask less objectionable questions.

There are rules to testimony.
There sure are. You ask questions. The other side can object and state the basis for their objection. Opposing counsel can then offer a rebuttal. Then the judge makes a ruling. That's the way it works in court rooms that aren't run by a biased despot who could care less about justice!
There is a reason why if this jury returns a guilty verdict it will be overturned on appeal. This trial has become farce.
Mr. Bump (National columnist) is biased to the left. It's obvious in the last part of the article when he lets slip:

"And I would note that Trump’s guilt will ultimately be decided not on whether the public thinks the case has been made or even on whether the jury does, but instead on the conversation the jury has within the constraints of evidence and the law to which they have been exposed."

If he were an unbiased person he would have written "Trump's INNOCENCE." Either that or he is unaware that we are INNOCENT unless proven guilty by a court of law. This is why I don't read that leftist rag. Notice how WaPo just drops this in with no comment, etc. as if it is unquestionable.
Guilty or not, he is and always still will be a sleazeball.

I have heard nobody state with any confidence what this verdict will be. I will say one thing: there will NOT be a not guilty verdict. At best (for Trump) there will be a hung jury and a mistrial. The one thing giving me optimism is that there are two attorneys on the jury, and anyone who has completed their first year of Law School knows what a fiasco this has been.

Furthermore, the judge has made SEVERAL reversible errors - so many that it is comical. Even a guilty verdict will be overturned emphatically, and probably ended by the appellate court. The whole reason for this trial is to give Democrats the ability to describe Trump as a "convicted felon" during the Summer campaign season. And it will be exactly as meaningful as referring to him as "twice impeached."
I have heard nobody state with any confidence what this verdict will be. I will say one thing: there will NOT be a not guilty verdict. At best (for Trump) there will be a hung jury and a mistrial. The one thing giving me optimism is that there are two attorneys on the jury, and anyone who has completed their first year of Law School knows what a fiasco this has been.

Furthermore, the judge has made SEVERAL reversible errors - so many that it is comical. Even a guilty verdict will be overturned emphatically, and probably ended by the appellate court. The whole reason for this trial is to give Democrats the ability to describe Trump as a "convicted felon" during the Summer campaign season. And it will be exactly as meaningful as referring to him as "twice impeached."
Hmm, I don't see anything there relating to the prosecution's case at all.

Do you not think they made their case?
I have heard nobody state with any confidence what this verdict will be. I will say one thing: there will NOT be a not guilty verdict.

See? Even a broken clock like you can be right twice a day.
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11 people can vote guilty and 1 not guilty and he gets off. So then does that really mean he is not guilty?
Because Judge Merchan informed the defense that if Trump DID take the stand that he would allow questions about multiple things that have nothing to do with this case? One more display of how biased he's been right from the get go.
No, that's not it.
At the beginnng and through most of the trial, Democrats on her were crowing about Trump going to prison, Republicans being forced to vote for a felon, etc. Now the attitude seems to be "wait and see," and the moral cowardice of, "I'll respect the jury's verdict."

Even the WaPo is lowering expectations - they defining "high expectations" as a former president and current frontrunner literally imprisoned by the opposition party, banana republic style.

I would caution people, based on my own experience, to remember that their experience from the outside is as different than the jury’s as the courtroom sketches are from the reality of being there in person. And I would note that Trump’s guilt will ultimately be decided not on whether the public thinks the case has been made or even on whether the jury does, but instead on the conversation the jury has within the constraints of evidence and the law to which they have been exposed.

And no one can reliably predict how that conversation will unfold.

I don't get it. If the evidence is so strong, and the judge so fair, and the Jury made of savvy New Yorkers who won't be put off by the likes of fellow New Yorker Michael Cohen, why doubt the outcome? If Trump's actions are so proven, and they fit so well into a clearly defined crime, and the witnesses so credible, why would you not predict a swift verdict of guilty on all counts?

Team Trump barely responded to the prosecution's case. Two witnesses, both of whome the fair judge cut off from answering. The jury will consider only the prosecution's examinations, the defense's cross, and the closing arguments. How can you doubt a victory for your side?

Is is possible that this is the answer, incredible as it may seem:

Did you really and truly not know what a farce this trial was from the beginning? Did you believe your own nonsense about no one being above the law, and this case being a simple example of Donald Trump finally facing trial for his crimes as anyone else would? Now, having seen how absurdly weak and counter to the law, this prosecution is, you pretend that you only care that the process was carried out, and you were never expecting a particular outcome?

I'm disappointed in you, really. I would have expected you to keep up the cry of "Felon Trump" right up until the hung jury was announced and then to denounce the sneaky Trumpers who must have lied their way onto the jury.

But, you will respect the findings, eh?

I look forward to seeing you keep that promise.
Smart money says hung jury. Which is not a finding..but rather a declaration that a finding is impossible. I'm sure that the Right will tout a hung jury as a victory, but it really isn't.
Trump isn't going to prison.....not on this charge, anyway~
Smart money says hung jury. Which is not a finding..but rather a declaration that a finding is impossible. I'm sure that the Right will tout a hung jury as a victory, but it really isn't.
Trump isn't going to prison.....not on this charge, anyway~

Right, there is a zero chance he goes to prison over this.

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