How has your marriage been hurt?

I wonder

A better way to put it is that many people accept gay marriage, which is not necessarily the same thing
Wow. You get the award for the most nits picked. Most believe gays have as much right to get married as anybody else. Doesn't matter if it's something they might participate in, themselves.
Maybe marriage to animals didn't happen but young girls are traumatized every day by confused boys in dresses lurking in their locker rooms and showers and government agents are kidnapping and castrating young boys without parental knowledge.
Government agents are kidnapping and castrating young boys? You are fukin crazy.
Nope. Lots of people were outraged by the ruling. Were those people just hateful bigots that didn't want everyone to receive equal treatment under the law?

So where's the equal treatment for the women and girls that are now forced to compete against men and boys? Without the faghadist marriage, none of this other crap would have come about. Scalia got his decent exactly right and now the country is paying the price, mostly women and girls.

So where's the equal treatment for the women and girls that are now forced to compete against men and boys? Without the faghadist marriage, none of this other crap would have come about. Scalia got his decent exactly right and now the country is paying the price, mostly women and girls.

Are you one of those crazies that claimed there was proof of kittylitter in school bathrooms?
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?
It hasn't hurt my marriage at all. But it was another nail in the coffin of traditional marriage, weakening it, making it less important, less common, attaching concepts to it that it has never been and was never supposed to be. As a result fewer people are bothering to get married or put it off until later in life. More people are having kids without benefit of marriage and that is bad for the children. You cannot change the definition of something that is important to the culture without changing the culture.

It won't be the case in every anecdotal incident, but overall the results are more dysfunctional relationships, kids with more emotion problems and much more likelihood that they will be raised in poverty, less stable and prosperous neighborhoods, more crime, lessened quality of life.

The gay activists weren't satisfied with a remedy that gave them the advantages and protections and security of marriage. They wanted the WORD. As a result nobody has it as it was intended to be any more.
The gay activists weren't satisfied with a remedy that gave them the advantages and protections and security of marriage. They wanted the WORD. As a result nobody has it as it was intended to be any more.

You still don’t get it
They wanted our government to accept their marriage just as they accept yours.

Not too long ago, mixed race couples were not allowed to marry…….they said it was unnatural
It hasn't hurt my marriage at all. But it was another nail in the coffin of traditional marriage, weakening it, making it less important, less common, attaching concepts to it that it has never been and was never supposed to be. As a result fewer people are bothering to get married or put it off until later in life. More people are having kids without benefit of marriage and that is bad for the children. You cannot change the definition of something that is important to the culture without changing the culture.

It won't be the case in every anecdotal incident, but overall the results are more dysfunctional relationships, kids with more emotion problems and much more likelihood that they will be raised in poverty, less stable and prosperous neighborhoods, more crime, lessened quality of life.

The gay activists weren't satisfied with a remedy that gave them the advantages and protections and security of marriage. They wanted the WORD. As a result nobody has it as it was intended to be any more.
Actually, marriage rates are up, and some STDs are down.
and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted

We're still patiently waiting ...


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