How has your marriage been hurt?

Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?

That wasn't the only argument against Obergfell. My view was you couldn't force States to issue Same Sex licenses, but you could force them to recognize same sex licenses issued by other States. SSM is an issue for State legislatures, not the courts.

And while it didn't do anything to marriage, it seems to have emboldened the more radial alphabet morons to spaz over to the current trans fetishist idiocy.
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?
So called gay marriage, like all sin, harms all of society. It cause misery among those who are misled by the societal sanction of an immoral act. It causes more young people to think they're gay, participate in gay sex acts, and therefore become depressed, even suicidal. They are being influenced heavily by the leftwing social media. Today, one in four high schoolers identify as LGBTQ, way up from 2015 when the gay marriage travesty was written into law.

Their chronic depression is demonstrated by the spike in anti-depressant medication in recent years.

According to a February 2024 study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics, the rate of antidepressant prescriptions for young people in the United States has increased significantly since March 2020. From 2016 to 2022, the number of adolescents and young adults with at least one antidepressant prescription increased by 46.1%, from 4,633,433 to 6,768,106. For female teens ages 12–17 and 18–25, the rate increased by 129.6% and 56.5% after March 2020, while there was a decline for male teens and young adults in the same age groups

I personally know three 30-somethings who were raised in seemingly normal environments who are now basket cases because they've bought into the whole leftwing lifestyle arrays; LGBTQ and the rest. They are chronically depressed, have trouble with their jobs. and can't really function. One of them, a formerly pretty woman who dated men, now has the butch hairdo, and new 'girlfriend'. You multiply this by thousands, and we taxpayers are not only paying for their drugs, we are also paying for their unproductivity, and negative influences. And of course we also have the AIDS epidemic we are paying for as we speak. In 2012, taxpayers spent $42.8 billion on HIV through all the government programs.

So your question is miscast. Instead of asking "how is your marriage affected?", you should ask "How are your lives affected?" A lot.
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So called gay marriage, like all sin, harms all of society. It cause misery among those who are misled by the societal sanction of an immoral act. It causes more young people to think they're gay, participate in gay sex acts, and therefore become depressed, even suicidal. They are being influenced heavily by the leftwing social media. Today, one in four high schoolers identify as LGBTQ, way up from 2015 when the gay marriage travesty was written into law.

Their chronic depression is demonstrated by the spike in anti-depressant medication in recent years.

According to a February 2024 study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics, the rate of antidepressant prescriptions for young people in the United States has increased significantly since March 2020. From 2016 to 2022, the number of adolescents and young adults with at least one antidepressant prescription increased by 46.1%, from 4,633,433 to 6,768,106. For female teens ages 12–17 and 18–25, the rate increased by 129.6% and 56.5% after March 2020, while there was a decline for male teens and young adults in the same age groups

I personally know three 30-somethings who were raised in seemingly normal environments who are now basket cases because they've bought into the whole leftwing lifestyle arrays; LGBTQ and the rest. They are chronically depressed, have trouble with their jobs. and can't really function. One of them, a formerly pretty woman who dated men, now has the butch hairdo, and new 'girlfriend'. You multiply this by thousands, and we taxpayers are not only paying for their drugs, we are also paying for their unproductivity, and negative influences. And of course we also have the AIDS epidemic we are paying for as we speak. In 2012, taxpayers spent $42.8 billion on HIV through all the government programs.

So your question is miscast. Instead of asking "how is your marriage affected?", you should ask "How are your lives affected?" A lot.
Are you one of those that gets up every morning and has to decide if they are gay or straight?
Maybe marriage to animals didn't happen but young girls are traumatized every day by confused boys in dresses lurking in their locker rooms and showers and government agents are kidnapping and castrating young boys without parental knowledge.
You need to be institutionalized.
The truth is my traditional marriage has not been affected one bit. I do however believe that a trend in alot less marriages overall will help the nation. More independent working single adults is a great thing. And I'm a lifelong Christian.
Nobody is talking about this issue, sorry. :itsok:
No one is talking about the issue because the degeneracy is recognized as politically expedient. It doesn't mean that everyone now accepts same sex marriage. I don't recall people saying that marriage to animals would be next. I have seen a demand for acceptance of pedophiles and changing the name to minor attracted persons to make their monstrosity more palatable. Degeneracy started with recognizing same sex marriage. It won't end there.
As a traditionally married Christian I'm more than good with getting rid of marriage altogether and just creating unions. Good enough.
I would remind you Dem scumbags that over 60% of California voted to BAN gay marriage and Dem scumbags ran to the courts to overturn the will of the people and undermine democracy.

I would remind you that minorities have rights too, and that the Bill of Rights was written so the that majority could not strip rights from others.

Human rights are not decided by majority votes. They are decided by sanity, decency and respect for others.
No one is talking about the issue because the degeneracy is recognized as politically expedient. It doesn't mean that everyone now accepts same sex marriage. I don't recall people saying that marriage to animals would be next. I have seen a demand for acceptance of pedophiles and changing the name to minor attracted persons to make their monstrosity more palatable. Degeneracy started with recognizing same sex marriage. It won't end there.
Not necessarily started, but point made. Leftists are simple minded, never mind cross minded. They don't consider consequences, they just do as they're told by their masters and peers.
I wonder if the gays and lesbians now paying divorce lawyers are happy gay marriage was legalized.
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?
Take it to the gay marriage forum
Nobody claimed it would harm their marriage. What we said is that it would demean the institution of marriage.

That’s why I was for civil unions. Two gay people are not a marriage. Not even the Supreme Court’s decision has changed that.
Of course they made that claim often.
One of the primary intentions for marriage is to support reproduction and families.

Liberal: Reproduction isn't a requirement for marriage.

Every argument for gay marriage suits an argument for marriage between close relatives.

Liberal. No cuz their offspring are prone to birth defects.

You said reproduction isn't a requirement for marriage. And we don't prevent those with inheritable birth defects from marrying when they're not related, do you even know "your" own argument?

Liberal. But it may lead to sexual abuse.

Actually, an unusually large percentage of gays experienced molestation during their childhood. Having been a victim is a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator.

Liberal. Gay couples make the best parents.
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed.
I don't think this is about one topic, like gay marriage. I think this is a reaction to the much bigger picture surrounding PC, Identity Politics and culture. The whole thing is being rejected by a large (enough) portion of the electorate, and the whole thing is also absolutely animating that portion.

So gay marriage is just one of the trigger points that will be met with strong reaction.

Hell, I've been warning about this since I've been on this board. Here it is. It's playing out now.
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