Liberal Democrats -- Honor and Morality -- The United States Supreme Court

Maybe it's quaint to some that I look back at a time when liberal Democrats on the Court lived by their ideals, morality, and honor. Those values lived and possessed by liberal Democrats on the United States Supreme Court are sorely missed and desperately needed today.

Recent revelations are a heartbreaking realization for those of us who have long defended the Court from partisan attacks coming from all sides of the political and ideological spectrum(s). I've defended CJ Roberts, Justice Thomas and others with whom I have ideological and judicial differences. Being a fan of the work of Jeffery Rosen for so many years, I learned to have enormous respect for the Court as an institution. Few things could have damaged the Court's reputation in my mind, as the recent exposure of the attitudes and behaviors of some of the current Justices.


I posted about the democrats on the supreme court.
Are you seriously this stupid or just trolling?
Before Mitch McConnell rewrote the rules. All the democratic justices received wide bipartisan support at their senate confirmation. While republicans lost bipartisan support because they started nominating justices picked for their ideology, and not their understanding of the constitution.
going back through the previous posts (20), it appears all the TNH has done is deflect and spout programmed bs.
The latest in a long list of examples became public last week, when The Times reported that an upside-down American flag flew over the front lawn of the Alito family home in the immediate aftermath of the Jan. 6 insurrection incited by then-President Donald Trump. The flag, a clear pro-Trump statement widely flown by those who believed the 2020 election was stolen, apparently stayed up for days, even as the court was weighing whether to hear a case challenging the outcome of the election. (The court voted not to hear the case. Justice Alito, like Mr. Trump, was on the losing side.)

In a statement to The Times, Justice Alito placed the blame for the hoisting of the flag on his wife, Martha-Ann Alito

what a cad!
Yes, because Justices should control how their spouses express their political beliefs. That's so 1950's.

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