Black Lives MAGA Hosts Trump's Latest PR Stunt for Black Voters

Biden and Democrats took a giant shit on the black community, importing 10 million illegals and spending hundreds of billions on them. Dems will pay a high price at the polls this November for their treason!
Wrong. Since a lot of those illegals are from Hiaiti, Afrca, Cuba, the Dominican Republlica and are black..... Plustrump won't be doing anything for blacks but guttiing civil rights and fighting against phantom anti white racism, you really are foolish to think what you do.
Wrong. Since a lot of those illegals are from Hiaiti, Afrca, Cuba, the Dominican Republlica and are black..... Plustrump won't be doing anything for blacks but guttiing civil rights and fighting against phantom anti white racism, you really are foolish to think what you do.
LMAO that you think the color of their skin or where they came from matters. 10 MILLION new dirt poor mouths to feed, vs helping our own poor. Poor blacks took in right in the face from Democrats and Biden.
Wrong. Since a lot of those illegals are from Hiaiti, Afrca, Cuba, the Dominican Republlica and are black..... Plustrump won't be doing anything for blacks but guttiing civil rights and fighting against phantom anti white racism, you really are foolish to think what you do.
What civil rights will Trump gut?
Look at all these thousands of black trump supporters. Oops, they don't exist.








A lot more whites than blacks there. And showing me a gold sneaker doesn't proove shit. There are 30 million black voters. Trump will get between 3-3.5 million votes.
Wrong. Since a lot of those illegals are from Hiaiti, Afrca, Cuba, the Dominican Republlica and are black..... Plustrump won't be doing anything for blacks but guttiing civil rights and fighting against phantom anti white racism, you really are foolish to think what you do.
It’s amazing how bad you’re willing to fuck yourself because the illegals look like you.
He went way beyond criticizing, he tried to belittle them personally. All the while spewing commiecrat talking points. That says all I need to know about him. He's a commiecrat propagandist.


When you use words like "commiecrat", I automatically think "still seeing commies under every bed".

Communism ceased to be a problem in 1989. Today's world problem is the brainwashing of idiots into voting for an authoritarian dictatorship and an end to democracy.
When you use words like "commiecrat", I automatically think "still seeing commies under every bed".

Communism ceased to be a problem in 1989. Today's world problem is the brainwashing of idiots into voting for an authoritarian dictatorship and an end to democracy.

The folks in Cuba, China and North Korea would probably disagree with your foreign commie bitch ass.


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