How has your marriage been hurt?

That's all water under the bridge. The Supreme court determined that gay marriage is constitutional. The list of harms expected to be caused by gay marriage was long and scary. Did any of those bad things actually happen, or was it all just silly made-up things by bigots that just didn't want gay people to be married?
The will of the people was overturned. This is what is dangerous when propaganda was and is pushed. And why the powers that be better understand the Israel/Muslim issue among others.
You still don’t get it
They wanted our government to accept their marriage just as they accept yours.

Not too long ago, mixed race couples were not allowed to marry…….they said it was unnatural
I get it just fine. Marriage for the entire history of humankind has been a union between a man and a woman and the primary purpose of it is to establish blood lines, inherited traits, and provide a physically and emotionally stable situation for the children. It has been the strength of our nation and has provided far more advantages for individual as well as neighborhood, communities, states, and the country than any imperfections in it. And in the USA, almost ALL the marriage laws are to establish property rights and mostly for protection of any children produced by that marriage.

A gay relationship can be just as strong and just as meaningful but it can never be a traditional marriage. So same-sex couples were offered legal protections of inheritance, hospital visitations, tax benefits etc. but they would not be 'married' but a different word would apply. As there would be no children produced by the union, the same rules of no marriage between close relatives, blood tests, etc. would not be necessary but gay couples could have the legal protections they needed.

But that wasn't good enough. They wanted the WORD too. And therefore changed its definition probably forever which benefits nobody and in my opinion has weakened us as a strong society.

I don't expect you or any other hard leftists to accept or even understand the argument. But I will stand by it.
I get it just fine. Marriage for the entire history of humankind has been a union between a man and a woman and the primary purpose of it is to establish blood lines, inherited traits, and provide a physically and emotionally stable situation for the children. It has been the strength of our nation and has provided far more advantages for individual as well as neighborhood, communities, states, and the country than any imperfections in it. And in the USA, almost ALL the marriage laws are to establish property rights and mostly for protection of any children produced by that marriage.

A gay relationship can be just as strong and just as meaningful but it can never be a traditional marriage. So same-sex couples were offered legal protections of inheritance, hospital visitations, tax benefits etc. but they would not be 'married' but a different word would apply. As there would be no children produced by the union, the same rules of no marriage between close relatives, blood tests, etc. would not be necessary but gay couples could have the legal protections they needed.

But that wasn't good enough. They wanted the WORD too. And therefore changed its definition probably forever which benefits nobody and in my opinion has weakened us a strong society.
So you claim marriage is for procreation meaning infertile or older couples shouldn’t be able to use the WORD Marriage.
No they dont

The SC approved homosexual marriage and that has become law of the land

But that does not mean most people approve homosexuality and certainly not gay marriage
I have no problem at all with gays and have attended a gay 'marriage'. I do think gay couples should have legal protections afforded married couples.

I will forever resent them demanding to use a word that has meant one thing in the entire history of humankind up to and through most of the 20th Century and forever changing the definition of that word which had the affect of weakening society as a whole.
So you claim marriage is for procreation meaning infertile or older couples shouldn’t be able to use the WORD Marriage.
I recommend you join the remedial reading comprehension course that I have recommended to so many of your leftist friends. (I swear that dysfunction must come from the water you all drink or something.)
So you claim marriage is for procreation meaning infertile or older couples shouldn’t be able to use the WORD Marriage.
I dont think God created sex for recreation

And procreation works best in a traditional family
Gay and Transgender BS is a mental illness. We have no reason to accept it or shut our mouths about our opinions.

As Far as this Stupid Op...must be a slow news day.

Time to yell we are perverted and proud.

Well good for you and STFU
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?
Nobody claimed it would harm their marriage. What we said is that it would demean the institution of marriage.

That’s why I was for civil unions. Two gay people are not a marriage. Not even the Supreme Court’s decision has changed that.
I've literally never heard of a guy not jerking off before but here he is! Congrats, man, impressive (or sad?) stuff.
Do you like cheesecake?

I do

If I were a libertine I could stuff my face with it twice a day every day without getting tired of it

But I dont

too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing sooner or later

Something that anything/goes libs never seem to learn
Do you like cheesecake?

I do

If I were a libertine I could stuff my face with it twice a day every day without getting tired of it

But I dont

too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing sooner or later

Something that anything/goes libs never seem to learn

Wow, cheesecake twice a week? Much crazier than what your average obese old timer stuffs their face with every week. Just imagine!
Nobody claimed that gay marriage was going to harm THEIR marriage. It harms the institution of marriage. It adds to the theme that marriage is a joke, and the word can be used to describe any two (or group of) people who want to make their relationship special in some way.

It is worth noting that Rick Santorum, who was excoriated and indeed "cancelled" for saying it, was absolutely correct when he said that the same Constitutional rationale that led the USSC to legalize gay marriage could be used to legalize incest, polygamy, and polyandry. It is only a question of when it happens.

So now we have children born (or adopted) into these bizarre relationships, with hundreds of corrupt "researchers" claiming that they are just as happy and well-adjusted as children born into...marriages. Sell it someplace else.

One thing that gay marriage has done is create a lot of weird divorce cases as they fall apart.

The unspoken aspect of gay marriage is the fact that the majority of gay marriages are lesbians, and THOSE couples have astronomical divorce rates.

"According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2019, 56% of same-sex marriages were between women. However, the divorce rate for lesbians was much higher, with 72% of same-sex divorces in 2019 coming from lesbian couples, about 3 times higher than gay male couples. The lesbian divorce rate was 78% in 2016, 74% in 2017 and 75% in 2018.”
My wife and I have been together for over 30-Years. We dated for one year, lived together for six years and will be celebrating our 27th. Anniversary in November. We both have LGBTQ friends and we both support Same Sex Marriage. No effect in any way, shape or form. Our marriage is still strong. It's called loving your partner.
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?

Nope, in that time I've never see gay men fucking, I've never had them get in my face.

Doesn't make a single difference to me.
Nobody claimed that gay marriage was going to harm THEIR marriage. It harms the institution of marriage. It adds to the theme that marriage is a joke, and the word can be used to describe any two (or group of) people who want to make their relationship special in some way.

It is worth noting that Rick Santorum, who was excoriated and indeed "cancelled" for saying it, was absolutely correct when he said that the same Constitutional rationale that led the USSC to legalize gay marriage could be used to legalize incest, polygamy, and polyandry. It is only a question of when it happens.

So now we have children born (or adopted) into these bizarre relationships, with hundreds of corrupt "researchers" claiming that they are just as happy and well-adjusted as children born into...marriages. Sell it someplace else.

One thing that gay marriage has done is create a lot of weird divorce cases as they fall apart.

The unspoken aspect of gay marriage is the fact that the majority of gay marriages are lesbians, and THOSE couples have astronomical divorce rates.

"According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2019, 56% of same-sex marriages were between women. However, the divorce rate for lesbians was much higher, with 72% of same-sex divorces in 2019 coming from lesbian couples, about 3 times higher than gay male couples. The lesbian divorce rate was 78% in 2016, 74% in 2017 and 75% in 2018.”

Which is, of course, HILARIOUS.

Divorce in the US is at huge rates.

"In 2021, a total of 689,308 divorces occurred across the 45 U.S. states that report this statistics."

So, more than 1.3 million people a year are getting divorced.

"So, what about the famous statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce? That’s true, but only when it comes to first marriages, half of which are dissolved. Second and third marriages actually fail at a far higher rate."

So, you've got a 50% chance your marriage will fail, based on pure statistics. Obviously the people getting divorced include people who will almost certainly get divorced because that's the kind of people they are. They're in professions that lead to divorce, or they just can't deal with marriage and be trustworthy.

but let's blame gay people.
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?
This is a lie. There is no such thing as gay marriage. So fuck you.
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?

Coincidence society has corroded since? Just asking.

Coincidence women are now having to compete with female imposters? And not very good ones.

Gay marriage should have been a right to begin with, but under another label. Marriage is intended for heterosexuals, for too many reasons, including reproduction as God and nature intended. Few gays are married anyway, know why? Many are traditional and respectful.

What's interesting is how many US citizens have swung gay since, last three generations progressively more, assuming the stats are accurate. Personally I think many only check so, in order to remain hip, validating their beliefs, I mean, who wants to suck a dick when....... Today's liberals have progressively more hang ups in the bedroom as well.
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?

No heterosexual marriages are hurt by faggotry…Society is hurt by faggotry as it chips away at the moral order that once pillared this once great nation.
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