Roman Catholicism: The One True Church?


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
By Stephen Meehan

If grace is unmerited favor and is freely given by God, how can one then co-operate or work alongside with it to receive it? Co-operating with grace would nullify grace; it wouldn’t be freely received.

Their works for attaining salvation include: Going to weekly Mass; partaking of the sacraments; paying a penalty or penance for one’s sins (which denies the sufficiency of Christ’s death on the cross to cover all sins); and then finally spending time in a fictitious place called Purgatory, to purge away any leftover sins that Christ’s blood couldn’t cover, or not enough penance was performed.

Purgatory is just another means of denying the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement for our sins; it is the ultimate declaration that His agonizing crucifixion on a wooden cross—the plan of salvation that was established before the foundation of the world was laid, was not enough to pay the cost of all of our sins.

In other words, when Christ uttered those final words, “It is finished” signifying that He had satisfied the wrath of God against us for the sins we have committed and that all our sins were “paid in full.” Rome declares that no, it is not finished and the paying of penances and time spent in Purgatory is required. It is a rejection of what Christ accomplished.

great article.. please read the full one.
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.

No RC are anti birth control, but most RC use them.
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.

No RC are anti birth control, but most RC use them.
Then why are Catholic churches throwing such a fit that they have to provide birth control? Obama has even gone so far to have the insurance companies pay for the ACA so the church organizations hospitals whatever don't have to actually pay for birth control. Why are they being this way then? Why are they fighting the fact that they have to provide birth control?
obviously not

Judaism wasn't near the first religion therefore it's false and since christians sprang from it, it's false.

you're perfect god can't go from "an eye for an eye...." to "turn the other cheek"

It fails the common sense check

It's got some good rules to live by though, just like any other religion.
obviously not

Judaism wasn't near the first religion therefore it's false and since christians sprang from it, it's false.

you're perfect god can't go from "an eye for an eye...." to "turn the other cheek"

It fails the common sense check

It's got some good rules to live by though, just like any other religion.
I like The Mormons spin on Christianity. Jesus really did happen 2000 years ago but since then the religion has gone corrupt and has lost its way. How do they know this? Because God told Joseph Smith in 1800 to start a new
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.

Would you please watch this video, Sealybobo and tell me what you think? I'd like to hear your thoughts on what this man has to say about Catholicism. Thank you.

obviously not

Judaism wasn't near the first religion therefore it's false and since christians sprang from it, it's false.

you're perfect god can't go from "an eye for an eye...." to "turn the other cheek"

It fails the common sense check

It's got some good rules to live by though, just like any other religion.
I like The Mormons spin on Christianity. Jesus really did happen 2000 years ago but since then the religion has gone corrupt and has lost its way. How do they know this? Because God told Joseph Smith in 1800 to start a new
as nutty as they are, you can't argue their success.

but really, I saw the translator rock

don't know how they can take their own religion seriously.
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.

Would you please watch this video, Sealybobo and tell me what you think? I'd like to hear your thoughts on what this man has to say about Catholicism. Thank you.

Every church has its hook. Islams message appeals to Arabs and blacks. The Catholic church is the first so they say all others are posers. The Mormons agree with you all the old Christian churches including yours doesn't have the authority from god. You lost it and God started a new with the LDS.

Born again get saved as adults. You steal members from other denominations with your hook.

Explain to me what makes born again different?
obviously not

Judaism wasn't near the first religion therefore it's false and since christians sprang from it, it's false.

you're perfect god can't go from "an eye for an eye...." to "turn the other cheek"

It fails the common sense check

It's got some good rules to live by though, just like any other religion.

Actually, if you go by the old Hebrew interpretation, it makes perfect sense, because it was metaphorical (many rabbis taught with parables like Jesus did), and what it actually means is if you injure someone who makes a living with their eyes, then as compensation, you must pay them the amount of wages they have lost because of their injury, calculated by the amount of work the person would lose. In other words, an eye for an eye, meaning you have to properly compensate them for their injury. I was confused on that one for a while as well, until I started to listen to programs with Jewish scholars giving me straight translations of what the Old Testament says (remember, it's their book).

As far as any one religion being the "one True Religion"? I'm guessing none of them are, because if God is as large as many claim, then He is too big to be contained by just one dogma or doctrine.

As far as what is and isn't "sin"? I go by what the 7 Noahide Commandments and what the 10 Commandments say is a sin. Anything else that people consider bad is just a vice, which, if followed long enough, might eventually lead to breaking one of the Commandments, but not necessarily.
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.

Would you please watch this video, Sealybobo and tell me what you think? I'd like to hear your thoughts on what this man has to say about Catholicism. Thank you.

Every church has its hook. Islams message appeals to Arabs and blacks. The Catholic church is the first so they say all others are posers. The Mormons agree with you all the old Christian churches including yours doesn't have the authority from god. You lost it and God started a new with the LDS.

Born again get saved as adults. You steal members from other denominations with your hook.

Explain to me what makes born again different?

You know, Sealybobo, there may be some churches that actually do steal members from one another -I've heard of that before. But that has nothing to do with the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are young children who receive Jesus as their Savior too, you know. I've led many children to the LORD. They joyfully received Him as their Lord and Savior.

as for the born again difference?

Religion is man reaching for God. Christianity is God reaching for man. Being born again is doing it God's way. Religion is doing it man's way and there is no salvation in doing it in man's way. When the LORD is desiring for you to come to Him you sense the Holy Spirit is dealing with your heart, softening your heart, making you more interested in the things of God and desiring to hear more about Him and how He speaks to you through His Word, through others, and even to your heart.

Sealy, when a person receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit will lead the person to a church to fellowship with other Christians. I do not believe the denomination matters so long as they are a Bible believing church that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Ummm....................hate to tell you Jeremiah, but Christianity IS a religion.

I'm not following a religion. I'm following Jesus Christ. I attend a church, I pray for my Pastor, my church, family, people on USMB, people I meet along the way, but my faith is in Jesus Christ. Not a denomination, not religion. Understood?
obviously not

Judaism wasn't near the first religion therefore it's false and since christians sprang from it, it's false.

you're perfect god can't go from "an eye for an eye...." to "turn the other cheek"

It fails the common sense check

It's got some good rules to live by though, just like any other religion.

Actually, if you go by the old Hebrew interpretation, it makes perfect sense, because it was metaphorical (many rabbis taught with parables like Jesus did), and what it actually means is if you injure someone who makes a living with their eyes, then as compensation, you must pay them the amount of wages they have lost because of their injury, calculated by the amount of work the person would lose. In other words, an eye for an eye, meaning you have to properly compensate them for their injury. I was confused on that one for a while as well, until I started to listen to programs with Jewish scholars giving me straight translations of what the Old Testament says (remember, it's their book).

As far as any one religion being the "one True Religion"? I'm guessing none of them are, because if God is as large as many claim, then He is too big to be contained by just one dogma or doctrine.

As far as what is and isn't "sin"? I go by what the 7 Noahide Commandments and what the 10 Commandments say is a sin. Anything else that people consider bad is just a vice, which, if followed long enough, might eventually lead to breaking one of the Commandments, but not necessarily.
Ummm....................hate to tell you Jeremiah, but Christianity IS a religion.

I'm not following a religion. I'm following Jesus Christ. I attend a church, I pray for my Pastor, my church, family, people on USMB, people I meet along the way, but my faith is in Jesus Christ. Not a denomination, not religion. Understood?

No, you're following a religion. If you were truly a spiritual person, you wouldn't have such a limited view of God.

I've studied several different belief systems, and many of them say pretty much the same thing. What Taoist beliefs teach is pretty much what Jewish beliefs are, and what Buddha taught is pretty much the same thing as what Jesus taught.

God is going to speak to people in a way they understand, and if they are open minded enough, they can see Him in just about every religion.

Me? I choose not to be limited by one dogma, I choose to find out where the beliefs are the same, rather than looking to hide behind the differences.
Ummm....................hate to tell you Jeremiah, but Christianity IS a religion.

I'm not following a religion. I'm following Jesus Christ. I attend a church, I pray for my Pastor, my church, family, people on USMB, people I meet along the way, but my faith is in Jesus Christ. Not a denomination, not religion. Understood?

No, you're following a religion. If you were truly a spiritual person, you wouldn't have such a limited view of God.

I've studied several different belief systems, and many of them say pretty much the same thing. What Taoist beliefs teach is pretty much what Jewish beliefs are, and what Buddha taught is pretty much the same thing as what Jesus taught.

God is going to speak to people in a way they understand, and if they are open minded enough, they can see Him in just about every religion.

Me? I choose not to be limited by one dogma, I choose to find out where the beliefs are the same, rather than looking to hide behind the differences.

I do not have a limited view of God. I have the King James Bible and if it is in there? I believe it. And if it isn't? I don't. For the record, Taoist and Buddhist beliefs have nothing to do with Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. God is not found in the occult religions. You are mistaken.
Ummm....................hate to tell you Jeremiah, but Christianity IS a religion.

I'm not following a religion. I'm following Jesus Christ. I attend a church, I pray for my Pastor, my church, family, people on USMB, people I meet along the way, but my faith is in Jesus Christ. Not a denomination, not religion. Understood?

No, you're following a religion. If you were truly a spiritual person, you wouldn't have such a limited view of God.

I've studied several different belief systems, and many of them say pretty much the same thing. What Taoist beliefs teach is pretty much what Jewish beliefs are, and what Buddha taught is pretty much the same thing as what Jesus taught.

God is going to speak to people in a way they understand, and if they are open minded enough, they can see Him in just about every religion.

Me? I choose not to be limited by one dogma, I choose to find out where the beliefs are the same, rather than looking to hide behind the differences.

I do not have a limited view of God. I have the King James Bible and if it is in there? I believe it. And if it isn't? I don't. For the record, Taoist and Buddhist beliefs have nothing to do with Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. God is not found in the occult religions. You are mistaken.

Actually, you do if all you use is the KJV, because that is a highly edited book, and it was done so that the churches would have power over the people. you actually know what Taoist and Buddhist beliefs are? I do, because not only did I study Buddhism (which I had a hard time with some of their tenants), but I also now study Tao and have an excellent copy of the Tao Te Ching with the original Mangwari texts in it. If you were to see what the tenants of Buddhism are and what Jesus taught, you would see that it's the same thing, and who's to say that Buddha wasn't as much of a prophet as Jesus, only in different places and times.

As far as Judaism being an "occult religion"? Better check yourself before you wreck yourself, because not only was Jesus Jewish, and followed the Jewish religion, but there were debates among the disciples as to whether or not they were going to have people convert to Judaism while they were spreading the message of Jesus.

Matter of fact, about 1/2 of your Bible is Jewish texts, because the first 5 books of the Bible (Genesis, etc), are actually translations of the Torah, and the rest of the OT is a history of the Jewish people, with some quotes and songs thrown in, in the form of Psalms (songs), and Proverbs (quotes).

It might help a bit if you actually knew how your religion was started.

As far as the real "occult" religion? Christianity would fall into that category, because many of the rites in the celebrations of Easter and Christmas are tied up in pagan origins.
A Catholic here told me it isn't true that Catholics are anti birth control. Is that true? Because I just heard Catholic hospitals are not happy they have to provide birth control under the aca. Citing their religion as their reason.

I love it when 1 Catholic says they know the truth and Catholics like the ones running those hospitals got it wrong.

No RC are anti birth control, but most RC use them.
Then why are Catholic churches throwing such a fit that they have to provide birth control? Obama has even gone so far to have the insurance companies pay for the ACA so the church organizations hospitals whatever don't have to actually pay for birth control. Why are they being this way then? Why are they fighting the fact that they have to provide birth control?

They believe having sexual relations in marriage need to be open to procreation, but still allow the rhythm method, but times are changing and everyone uses the pill and they know that.
King James ordered the interpreters to alter Biblical passages so that it would be more in line with Protestant doctrine.

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