Republicans know we are a Democracy. They just admitted it.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

The WA GOP has gone full retard. Never go full retard. :rolleyes:
“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

Making voting a one day affair. How is that bad?
“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

some day you will have to tell us why youre so afraid of our constitutional republic,,,
“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

So you advocate for a permanent far Left one party country? Fuck that, fuck you, and fuck the DemocRAT party.
some day you will have to tell us why youre so afraid of our constitutional republic,,,

Former President Donald Trump’s January 6 speech​

We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.


Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy.


Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear.


They want to indoctrinate your children. It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no.
MAGA tards are afraid of words.

The greatest political science book of all time:

We are a representative democracy. I have no idea why this recently became an issue for the retards. It's fucking weird.

Here are Alexander Hamilton's notes on the ratification of the Constitution:

I. A republic a word used in various senses.
Has been applied to aristocracies and monarchies.
1. To Rome under the Kings.
2. To Sparta though a Senate for life.
3. To Carthage though the same.
4. To United Netherlands, though Stadholder, Hereditary nobles:
5. To Poland though aristocracy and monarchy
6. To Great Britain though Monarchy &c
II. Again great confusion about the words. Democracy, Aristocracy, Monarch.
I. Democracy defined by some Rousseau &c
A government exercised by the collective body of the People
2 Delegation of their power has been made the criterion of Aristocracy
II. Aristocracy has been used to designate governments.
1. Where an independent few possessed sovereignty.
2. Where the representatives of the people possessed it.
III. Monarchy, where sovereignty in the hands of a single man
General idea—Independent in his situation. in any other sense would apply to State of New York
III. Democracy in my sense, where the whole power of the government in the people
I. Whether exercised by themselves, or
2. By their representatives chosen by them either mediately or immediately and legally accountable to them.

.Aristocracy where whole sovereignty is permanently in the hands of a few for life or hereditary
V.Monarchy where the whole sovereignty is in the hands of one man for life or hereditary.
VI.Mixed government when these three principles unite.
B.Consequence, the proposed government a representative democracy.

As you can plainly see, Hamilton outlined the different kinds of Republics. Monarchical, Aristocratic, and Democratic.

The US was choosing the Representative Democratic model.
the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”
Principles of the Democratic Party: defend democracy and the rule of law; defend the rights and protected liberties of all the people; oppose illiberal authoritarianism and government excess and overreach – principles Republican oppose.
The MAGA: tards have a love of autocratic regimes. That's what this is about.

They want Trump as their dictator for life. They want Trump to be gifted with the divine right of kings.

It's all plain to see.

Thus their newfound fear and loathing of the word "democracy".
This poster ^^^ is about to say yeah but Dems haven't done it.
The MAGA: tards have a love of autocratic regimes. That's what this is about.

They want Trump as their dictator for life. They want Trump to be gifted with the divine right of kings.

It's all plain to see.

Thus their newfound fear and loathing of the word "democracy".
You have reached 100% Dem PROJECTION, impressive.
“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

Republicans need to let the glorious 1,000 year democrat Reich arrest Trump, continue to let the Intel Agencies spy on Americans and allow 15MM Illegals to vote to prevent America from falling into despotism

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