Roman Catholicism: The One True Church?

You know less than nothing very loud.
What happens to the pagan who never heard of Jesus but does good works all his life?

he has no excuse. Don't you trust God to be fair?

If someone reads what's written there in the bible than everybody is only able to understand: No one has an excuse, because no one needs an excuse. Why do you speak about a subject where you don't have any light idea about? What's your real problem?

no idea about? Buddy ive got decades and hours of study, born again Christian since 1997 and the HOLY SPIRIT is my teacher. How about you?

You know, I was told a long time ago by a very good Bible scholar that if I think God said something, I should check with another person who also is a spiritual person to make sure I heard what I thought I did.

The Holy Spirit isn't my teacher, but the Spirit is a pretty good guide to lead you to the teachers you need.

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