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I totally get it.
Of all the people on USMB who are Conservative, I get it. I understand the disappointment and feeling of hopelessness in having to accept Donald Trump as the GOP nominee over a more conservative candidate. I have grappled with this for weeks now, flipping it over and over in my mind like a horrible shit pancake. There's no good option here for Conservatives.
I listen to the stalwart and usually reliable and reasoned voices of Conservatism... they're all over the board. Glenn Beck absolutely despises Trump... Mark Levin has lambasted him... Cruz refuses to endorse him... Jeff Sessions loves him... Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio can't support him... Laura Ingraham and Herman Cain are in the tank FOR Trump... Micheal Savage wants to have his baby... Fox News appeared to be against him at first, now they're all for him... Breitbart is his biggest cheerleader... National Review hates him... Rush, the most outspoken Conservative in the country, remains somewhat tacit in his support but clearly opposed to Hillary. So what the hell do WE do, as Conservatives?
The first thing to note is, if we were Liberals, this would be a nightmare... we don't have any clear "marching orders" here! Our pundits and usual sources are all over the board. Meanwhile, the disgusting Liberals nudge us to abandon any thought of supporting Trump... and worst of all, Trump's core supporters seem to want to constantly kick Conservatives in the nuts when they get a chance. So it's VERY confusing to us TRUE Conservatives.... should we vote for this guy or not? CAN we vote for this guy?
Here is how I have chosen to look at this. Trump is not my choice... I disagree with many of the things he has said. I don't believe he is a Conservative nor do I believe he will do anything to advance the Conservative agenda. That said, he is also not an ideologue. He is not owned by special interests or lobbyists. He is NOT "establishment" ...He has no allegiance to party or platform. That can be good and bad.
Now... Glenn Beck's main argument is, we cannot abandon our principles to support any candidate. I agree with his point BUT... the fact remains, come November, either Trump or Clinton will be elected president. That's just a reality and fact of life. Short of something fatal happening to one of them, there is no possibility it can be anyone else. So we, as conservatives, have to come to terms with this. Trump may not represent what we believe but he is not Hillary Clinton. Yes, I know... tired cliche that you're sick of hearing, but true, nonetheless.
Lucky for myself, I live in a state that will overwhelmingly support Trump in the general. So I don't actually even have to vote. But what if I lived in a swing state? What if my state was a toss-up and could go either way? If ever there was a "hold your nose and vote" moment, this would be the epitome. I don't like him, wish it wasn't him, but the alternative is too unthinkable to consider anything other than voting for him.
If Hillary wins, the Conservative movement is dead and buried for the next 50 years at least. There is no coming back in 2020.... or 2024. Everything that you know and love as a Conservative is over and we are on our way to becoming a full-blown Marxist State. With 4-5 SCOTUS picks, Hillary will fundamentally change the course of our nation for many years to come and there will not be anything we can do to stop that.
So.... Let us try to set aside our Conservative ideals for a moment and consider some positives about Trump. Already mentioned, he is not an ideologue. He doesn't have an ideological agenda. He may not support the policies we want but he isn't likely to be radical and dangerous in his policies... certainly not to the degree of Hillary Clinton. He has shown the ability to handle the shit-throwing left with moxie and chutzpah. He is not afraid to go after the liberal left and Hillary in particular. The speech he gave this week was a total evisceration of her and it clearly rattled her and her supporters as evidenced by her rambling and incoherent rebuttal along with the emotive bleats here on USMB following his comments.
Trump is like the Dirty Harry of politics... sometimes you don't need the nice cop who plays by the rules because the enemy is so sleazy and underhanded. Sometimes, it takes a caustic jackhole to deal with caustic jackholes. Look at the last couple of elections and even the last several years of Bush's presidency... they were timid and afraid to take them on... to get down in the mud with them... to lower themselves to that standard... Trump's not afraid one little bit. I can't imagine McCain, Romney, Bush or even Ted Cruz taking the buzz saw to Hillary the way Trump did this week. They all want to tiptoe around and look "presidential" while Trump cuts to the chase and says what needs to be said. Maybe Trump is exactly what we need to bury these miscreants?
Oh, I know... he can be embarrassing and cringe-worthy. His personality is hard to take at times. But, so what? We're not electing a best friend or someone we would even necessarily like as a person. We're electing the better of two options that are not optimal. I don't need to endorse everything he says or stands for. My supporting him doesn't imply I totally agree with him. There is plenty of time, after he is elected, to criticize him and take him to task on things we disagree on. Right now, we have to support him because the alternative is unthinkable.
Of all the people on USMB who are Conservative, I get it. I understand the disappointment and feeling of hopelessness in having to accept Donald Trump as the GOP nominee over a more conservative candidate. I have grappled with this for weeks now, flipping it over and over in my mind like a horrible shit pancake. There's no good option here for Conservatives.
I listen to the stalwart and usually reliable and reasoned voices of Conservatism... they're all over the board. Glenn Beck absolutely despises Trump... Mark Levin has lambasted him... Cruz refuses to endorse him... Jeff Sessions loves him... Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio can't support him... Laura Ingraham and Herman Cain are in the tank FOR Trump... Micheal Savage wants to have his baby... Fox News appeared to be against him at first, now they're all for him... Breitbart is his biggest cheerleader... National Review hates him... Rush, the most outspoken Conservative in the country, remains somewhat tacit in his support but clearly opposed to Hillary. So what the hell do WE do, as Conservatives?
The first thing to note is, if we were Liberals, this would be a nightmare... we don't have any clear "marching orders" here! Our pundits and usual sources are all over the board. Meanwhile, the disgusting Liberals nudge us to abandon any thought of supporting Trump... and worst of all, Trump's core supporters seem to want to constantly kick Conservatives in the nuts when they get a chance. So it's VERY confusing to us TRUE Conservatives.... should we vote for this guy or not? CAN we vote for this guy?
Here is how I have chosen to look at this. Trump is not my choice... I disagree with many of the things he has said. I don't believe he is a Conservative nor do I believe he will do anything to advance the Conservative agenda. That said, he is also not an ideologue. He is not owned by special interests or lobbyists. He is NOT "establishment" ...He has no allegiance to party or platform. That can be good and bad.
Now... Glenn Beck's main argument is, we cannot abandon our principles to support any candidate. I agree with his point BUT... the fact remains, come November, either Trump or Clinton will be elected president. That's just a reality and fact of life. Short of something fatal happening to one of them, there is no possibility it can be anyone else. So we, as conservatives, have to come to terms with this. Trump may not represent what we believe but he is not Hillary Clinton. Yes, I know... tired cliche that you're sick of hearing, but true, nonetheless.
Lucky for myself, I live in a state that will overwhelmingly support Trump in the general. So I don't actually even have to vote. But what if I lived in a swing state? What if my state was a toss-up and could go either way? If ever there was a "hold your nose and vote" moment, this would be the epitome. I don't like him, wish it wasn't him, but the alternative is too unthinkable to consider anything other than voting for him.
If Hillary wins, the Conservative movement is dead and buried for the next 50 years at least. There is no coming back in 2020.... or 2024. Everything that you know and love as a Conservative is over and we are on our way to becoming a full-blown Marxist State. With 4-5 SCOTUS picks, Hillary will fundamentally change the course of our nation for many years to come and there will not be anything we can do to stop that.
So.... Let us try to set aside our Conservative ideals for a moment and consider some positives about Trump. Already mentioned, he is not an ideologue. He doesn't have an ideological agenda. He may not support the policies we want but he isn't likely to be radical and dangerous in his policies... certainly not to the degree of Hillary Clinton. He has shown the ability to handle the shit-throwing left with moxie and chutzpah. He is not afraid to go after the liberal left and Hillary in particular. The speech he gave this week was a total evisceration of her and it clearly rattled her and her supporters as evidenced by her rambling and incoherent rebuttal along with the emotive bleats here on USMB following his comments.
Trump is like the Dirty Harry of politics... sometimes you don't need the nice cop who plays by the rules because the enemy is so sleazy and underhanded. Sometimes, it takes a caustic jackhole to deal with caustic jackholes. Look at the last couple of elections and even the last several years of Bush's presidency... they were timid and afraid to take them on... to get down in the mud with them... to lower themselves to that standard... Trump's not afraid one little bit. I can't imagine McCain, Romney, Bush or even Ted Cruz taking the buzz saw to Hillary the way Trump did this week. They all want to tiptoe around and look "presidential" while Trump cuts to the chase and says what needs to be said. Maybe Trump is exactly what we need to bury these miscreants?
Oh, I know... he can be embarrassing and cringe-worthy. His personality is hard to take at times. But, so what? We're not electing a best friend or someone we would even necessarily like as a person. We're electing the better of two options that are not optimal. I don't need to endorse everything he says or stands for. My supporting him doesn't imply I totally agree with him. There is plenty of time, after he is elected, to criticize him and take him to task on things we disagree on. Right now, we have to support him because the alternative is unthinkable.