Three Polls Have Biden Under 50

Dont Taz Me Bro

Diamond Member
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Gold Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
As I said earlier this year when Biden sycophants were touting his approval ratings, give it six months and the honeymoon will be over. It appears to be ending. Three polls now have him below 50% approval.

The Brit Who is Shit and Skinflap being chief among those pushing legacy media polls as proof
that America just loves China's best pal, Geriatric Joe Biden!

Even after turning Chinese spies loose, seeding the nation by flying illegals into America's heart, multi trillion dollar spending bills and giving thumbs up to males competing against females supposedly the people just can't get enough of the guy who is kicking America in the nuts over and over again.
Scratch Rasmussen always - They are typically 3-6 points off from everyone else.
There was a sigh of relief but never a honeymoon. And his RCPA is pretty much strong as ever.

RCP Average7/6 - 7/29--51.344.9+6.4

Not to mention his policies :)

As I said earlier this year when Biden sycophants were touting his approval ratings, give it six months and the honeymoon will be over. It appears to be ending. Three polls now have him below 50% approval.

It's no surprise. The attacks on President Biden and VP Harris are never ending. If the USMB is an example, the threads and posts of character assassination of both have been on going since before the election of Nov 3rd.

Propaganda, even on the elementary level of these threads are built on a foundation of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories of all Democrats, and no matter how ludicrous, they have an impact on the current administration.

I keep in mind that the same character assassins echo each other without any probative facts, and cherry pick "stutters" of President Biden are inflated into his mental acuity, and VP Harris is attacked as a whore. Not only do I find such posts vile and vulgar, I wonder how moderation protects misogyny, racism and out right lies that dominate on the pages daily.
Last week FOX news reported him at 43% over all...32% on crime...33% on the border...32% on the economy.....Joe had a vaccine handed to him with a distribution plan and he is still blowing it.....
We know, you tried to float this turd yesterday and couldn't come up with a link. Your turd sank - So stuff it. ;)
We know, you tried to float this turd yesterday and couldn't come up with a link. Your turd sank - So stuff it. ;)
I know what I are so uninformed that its not a wonder that you missed it.....your senile Joe is blowing it big time and I think you know it.....

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