Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

They think Trump has all the answers, and they're not told that he spent like a drunken sailor and lived off trillions in free money from the Fed (and asked for more).

Their world is so separate and insulated now that there's really no way to know. You can't convince a cultist of anything that is not of their world. Period.
Hilarious, fiscal responsibility is only important to lefty loons when Trump was being irresponsible any other time and it's spend baby spend.

By the way you loons have the same behavior patterns as Trump supporters Biden was/is your savior from the orange man and you will not believe anything negative about him. Same coin different sides.

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

Its puzzling but perhaps it proves the powerr of right wing misinformation.It also illustrates
the stupidity of many American voters. Perhaps if they paid more attention to the economy and less to banning books and stringing up trannys they might have more informed opinions.

Anyway it looks like many of them are about to make an act of nationa lself harm.
All that economy shit is a figment of your imagination. The government said so and you’re dumb if you don’t believe them.

Excellent sales pitch for 2024.

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

Its puzzling but perhaps it proves the powerr of right wing misinformation.It also illustrates
the stupidity of many American voters. Perhaps if they paid more attention to the economy and less to banning books and stringing up trannys they might have more informed opinions.

Anyway it looks like many of them are about to make an act of nationa lself harm.
And all the gullible and eager fools who believe it would be the first people to squeal that propaganda has no effect on them.

These people are why propaganda exists.
It is the goebbels effect..

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”
They are doubling down on this and the Right Wing bubble is pushing this hard... They are saying if you don't believe the economy is tanking you are unAmerican despite the reality...

This is their only play... They got nothing else... The Economy is going well after trump's mishandling of it... Biden's team has taken a rocky situation and did well.. Trump cut oil and increased borrowing to pay for massive tax cut (which didn't spur the economy), this caused inflation when Biden fixed the other parts of the economy...
Big thing is that wages have been increasing faster than inflation since Feb 2023...

I think Biden should lead with the Economy and call out the liars, the anti Americans who tried to break the economy before he got it... Sorry lads, Biden is just too good for you...
You just can’t trust those bank statements you get every month. Those lying fucks. You have plenty of money! Bidumb says so.
Get a real job, old timer. People contributing are doing fine, they're not bitching about their COLA.
First of all I'm not that old second I'm retired and single and I and play golf everyday.... so calling me old timer is a complement... it means you are sure I'm not a young dumbass skull full of mush like you....
First of all I'm not that old second I'm retired and single and I and play golf everyday.... so calling me old timer is a complement... it means you are sure I'm not a young dumbass skull full of mush like you....

Your COLA isn't a fucking "raise," it keeps your government benefits in line with inflation. If you want a raise like the rest of us, contribute.
the 10th says unless specifally delegated to the feds it falls to the state or people,,

so again where in the constitution does it say the feds can take from one and give to another??

and the last sentence in the 5th says you cant from me at all unless I get due compensation,,
Neither the 10th or the 5th apply. Feds can take tax money and improve the general welfare of the people.
The part about confiscating property has more to do with eminent domain. Feds have the power to tax, collect taxes, and use those funds to better the welfare of the people. Every single penny spent doesnt necessarily directly improve your welfare. That should be obvious.

Listen I'm not going to sit here and repeat everything from a college level Constitutional Law text book. If you were truly interested in how to apply the Constitution, you'd purchase and read a Constitutional Law text book. But instead, you'll watch rando Know Nothings on youtube to get your "knowledge". I'd feel sorry for you if I gave a single fuck about you Red Hats.
Neither the 10th or the 5th apply. Feds can take tax money and improve the general welfare of the people.
The part about confiscating property has more to do with eminent domain. Feds have the power to tax, collect taxes, and use those funds to better the welfare of the people. Every single penny spent doesnt necessarily directly improve your welfare. That should be obvious.

Listen I'm not going to sit here and repeat everything from a college level Constitutional Law text book. If you were truly interested in how to apply the Constitution, you'd purchase and read a Constitutional Law text book. But instead, you'll watch rando Know Nothings on youtube to get your "knowledge". I'd feel sorry for you if I gave a single fuck about you Red Hats.
of course they apply,,
of course they apply,,
Now you're just trolling. If, however, you legit think that, nobody can help you. You can always sue the government if you really believe that to be the case. Of course there would be zero lawyers that would take your case because you're wrong.

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