Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Armed Agents Prepared to Confront Trump

"...the language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force."

“Yep, every FBI operations order contains a reminder of FBI deadly force policy,” he wrote. “Even for a search warrant. Deadly force is always authorized if the required threat presents itself.”

It is a Department of Justice policy that is standard to include in such documents.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

The Trumpybear the liar is getting desperate for cash.

Yeah, sure. Don't wear identifying clothing, and make sure you're well armed, and we will have an ambulance for emergency care.

Sure, totally normal when you are trying to take documents back.

You, are full of shit.
LOL, you never addressed what I posted at all just scream in response.

You haven't showed that it was illegal or dangerous to anyone.

Meanwhile I think the Search warrant was politically motivated as pointed out at this article:

Some People Surprised – The FBI Was Prepared to Use Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During Mar-a-Lago Raid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets


I am not surprised in the least. Remember, the objective of the FBI raid was to resecure the physical evidence that President Trump had showing how the DOJ and FBI action in 2016 was targeting him using the power of their law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The origination of all the DOJ/FBI/IC issues goes back to the ’15/’16 FBI exploitation of the NSA database; this is not a contested discussion issue – it’s just continually forgotten.

The FBI was using their access to the NSA metadata of all Americans, to conduct surveillance on political candidates that might be a threat to the power structures that exploited the secrets within the electronic records of all Americans. The FBI was/is conducting domestic surveillance and tracking just like the German Stasi or Soviet KGB. It’s still happening, but we are not supposed to remember or something.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago, just like the Robert Mueller investigation, was part of the long standing coverup operation. The FBI was looking for what Trump took with him as evidence of the weaponized system that targeted him. The FBI wanted that back. The FBI was willing to use deadly force to get it back if that’s what it took.


The headline and claims of a possible gun battle was absurd the entire time since the SS were informed ahead of time of their impending arrival to serve a Search Warrant this is why nothing happened, no shootings or gun battles developed and no physical resistance to the search in the residence either.

Trump was never there at the time thus his claim is absurd.

But the rest of the article make a clear position that the operation was a COVER UP which has been known for a long while now as it is well known the documents there was legal all along as he did declassify them as President who has the legal authority to do it.

No it was NOT!!! Contrary to current MAGA MAGGOT conspircies, there was zero political motovation behind the warrent. P01135809 illegally removed (stole actually) highly classified documents and took them to Shit-A-Lago.

He at no had the power to declassify them, that involved a lengthy review process. He has a history reveal classified information. His meeting at the White House with the Russian Amassador and Russian Foreign Minister is an example where shared with them highly classified material (humit....Human Intellegence) from Israel.

Trump 'Shared Classified Information WIth Russia'.

Trump Revealed Intelligence Secrets To The Russians In The Oval Office- Officials.

Report: Trump Shared Information About IS With Russians.

There was no political showmanship here. P01135809 -had stolen classified documents at Shit-A-Lago. The FBI executed a search warrant of Shit-A-Lago specifically on day when he HE WAS EVEN FUCKING THERE. Your opinion is NOT supported by the facts.
There was no plot to kill Trump. They knew that Trump was not even in Florida when they conducted the raid.

Federal law enforcement officers are always armed when they conduct any operation.

Claiming this was a possible assassination attempt is idiotic.
it does say in the headline that armed officers were prepared to confront, who? Trump
it does say in the headline that armed officers were prepared to confront, who? Trump

One more time.

The time of warrant service was timed to coinside on a day when the Orange Shit Gibbon was NOT IN RESIDENCE!!!!!!!

They had no idea who might to interfer with search and therefore were properly armed. Classified material on site, it is procedure to have a use of deadly force in such situations. The procedure was used at Mr. Biden's Delaware home, don't see you kicking up dust over that.
Any ideas about when and how they are planning the next lethal force action?
There is no written nor verbal proof of that
Wait till the audio is revealed where they are all excited about “shoot to kill”
It was an assassination attempt that did not go to plan
The same language in the Trump search warrant at MAL was in the warrant served when the FBI searched POTUS Biden's home, you asswipe. It's standard language.

Fucking retards with your head up your asses.
The same language in the Trump search warrant at MAL was in the warrant served when the FBI searched POTUS Biden's home, you asswipe.

Fucking retards with your head up your asses.
Someone makes a big deal out of a regular occurrence, twisting it a bit for enticement, the cult picks up on it and boom! Nothing.

This is an old rerun.
Yeah, sure. Don't wear identifying clothing, and make sure you're well armed, and we will have an ambulance for emergency care.

Sure, totally normal when you are trying to take documents back.

You, are full of shit.
Yes Grandma, the MAGANUTS are this stupid.


Joe tied to have me kilt. Now gimme some CASH!

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