What Will the Jury Instructions be in the False Business Records Case?

Highly doubtful from what I've observed here. You're pretty much a one trick pony...everyone is racist and I'm owed reparations because everyone is racist! :)
This post shows how stupid you are. You can't post one thing from me where I have said everyone was racist, or that blacks are owed reparations because everyone is racist.
This post shows how stupid you are. You can't post one thing from me where I have said everyone was racist, or that blacks are owed reparations because everyone is racist.
Oh, I'm sorry...everyone who's WHITE is racist and everyone who's WHITE owes you reparations because everyone who's WHITE is racist? Is that better?
I believe the laugh track will really get cranking when the “judge” tries to advise the jury about the “other” crime element means (much less what the People have to “prove” about “it” — whatever “it” might be).
I believe the laugh track will really get cranking when the “judge” tries to advise the jury about the “other” crime element means (much less what the People have to “prove” about “it” — whatever “it” might be).
And nobody better roll their eyes when he's doing it because he won't put up with anything like that in HIS courtroom!!!
Check out what the crime really is, not what Trump tells you it is, then go look at the records of the state of New York.
I don't KNOW what the crime is IM2!!! Nobody seems to know what it is! It's some vague fleeting notion that nobody can pin down. It might be this...it might be that...it might be something else!
Oh, I'm sorry...everyone who's WHITE is racist and everyone who's WHITE owes you reparations because everyone who's WHITE is racist? Is that better?
How did this get to your racism. This is about Trump being found guilty.

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I leave it to the board...
What does IM2 CONSTANTLY post about?
He posts about how grateful he is to have been born in America, rather than Africa, and that he appreciates the special opportunities given blacks through Affirmative Action admission policies.
Oh, I'm sorry...everyone who's WHITE is racist and everyone who's WHITE owes you reparations because everyone who's WHITE is racist? Is that better?
You will find no post from me saying those things.
The indictment made it very plain what the crimes were.
Oh yes….the mysterious “underlying crime” that has never been identified.

What a kangaroo court. It’s driving voters TO Trump, and away from the Party of Lawfare.
You really need to stop watching Fox News.
You need to start watching something that gives you the facts in this case! Claiming that Bragg named the underlying crime in the indictments shows me that you don't know a THING about this case other than what you may have heard from watching The View!

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