President Biden Weighing Executive Actions On The Border With Immigration Powers


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?
Too funny. Biden threw the border open for three yeas, lately he's been whining (having seen the polling on the horde of illegals and demanding some new laws) and now, magically discovers he already has the power to stop the insanity he started.
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?

Yeah, I heard he was exploring some kind of grand gesture to gaslight low information voters into thinking he actually give a shit about the border. xiden's only problem is, anything he does now, he could have done 3 years ago, like stopping his own violations of at least 6 immigration laws. The republican campaign ads are writing themselves. LMAO

The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?
do you mean the powers he had during his entire disastrous presidency ? does he think that Americans memory spans are only a few months long ? does the vile left think Americans will forget his over 3 yrs of open border policy .. remember the lying left has been claiming there is no border crisis !
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?

Ah, wazzamatter? Things looking bad for the election?
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?
Have to.give Biden credit, when he sees a problem that threatens Americas national security he acts swiftly.
The GQP left itself open for something like this when it blatantly bent over for the Orange High Hard One™. Again. Somebody in the Oval Office figured out they could take the initiative and go proactive. If they do this right, it could work to Biden's advantage.

The (potential) problem is that one set of actions may not overcome the baked-in and well-deserved reputation the Dems have for being soft at the border. A pretty big swath of the country barely pays attention to any of this shit and just votes on vague images.

I still hold out a morsel of hope that we'll fix this fucked up system of ours so that the parties will grow up and work together in the best interests of the country, but it's a pretty small freakin' morsel. It's still all about playing tactical games for partisan advantage.

The GQP left itself open for something like this when it blatantly bent over for the Orange High Hard One™. Again. Somebody in the Oval Office figured out they could take the initiative and go proactive. If they do this right, it could work to Biden's advantage.

The (potential) problem is that one set of actions may not overcome the baked-in and well-deserved reputation the Dems have for being soft at the border. A pretty big swath of the country barely pays attention to any of this shit and just votes on vague images.

I still hold out a morsel of hope that we'll fix this fucked up system of ours so that the parties will grow up and work together in the best interests of the country, but it's a pretty small freakin' morsel. It's still all about playing tactical games for partisan advantage.

You fucking hack…Biden is scrambling over his failures…
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?
What is this nonsense
According to muh x spurts thier is absolutely no crises at the border're just a racist xenophobe

Shut up bigots
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?
/----/ Biden never needed a stupid bill to secure the border. As we have said all along.
Yeah, I hear he wants to "do something" about the border to gaslight the public before the SoTU address.

It won't matter a fig if it's extralegal or not because it takes three years for most everything to reach SCOTUS and he knows it.....Not that he pays SCOTUS any mind when they do get around to ruling given the vote buying scheme of college loan forgiveness he just pulled that is clearly extralegal.
The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering using provisions of federal immigration law repeatedly tapped by former President Donald Trump to unilaterally enact a sweeping crackdown at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations.

The administration, stymied by Republican lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that President Joe Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval, multiple officials and others familiar with the talks said. But the plans are nowhere near finalized and it’s unclear how the administration would draft any such executive actions in a way that would survive the inevitable legal challenges. The officials and those familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to comment on private ongoing White House discussions.

The exploration of such avenues by Biden’s team underscores the pressure the president faces this election year on immigration and the border, which have been among his biggest political liabilities since he took office. For now, the White House has been hammering congressional Republicans for refusing to act on border legislation that the GOP demanded, but the administration is also aware of the political perils that high numbers of migrants could pose for the president and is scrambling to figure out how Biden could ease the problem on his own.

White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández stressed that “no executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected.”

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It appears that President Biden doesn't have much choice since House Republicans refused to pass border legislation. What do you think?
He made the problem, tried to make it worse by passing a bill that would allow at least 5,000 illegals in a day. Put the bottle down.
Our border crisis is what happens when idiots like Biden, Harris and Mayorkas are put in charge. They caused the disaster and it will be impossible for those buffoons to fix it, short of reinstating all Trump's policies. MAGA
And suddenly Biden discovers he could have done something all along! TOO FUNNY!! I guess trying to shift the blame from where it belongs, on to Republicans, is not polling so well!

He's the one who invited this mess, so he should not only be the one to take the blame, but he should be the one fixing it!!!!
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