Thomas Paine


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.

Out of context the phrase "an asylum for all mankind" is, as you posted, ambiguous. If we can summarize Paine's thoughts, taken from his writing in "Common Sense" two things standout:
  1. Seeking independence from England;
  2. The creation of a democratic republic
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.

Out of context the phrase "an asylum for all mankind" is, as you posted, ambiguous. If we can summarize Paine's thoughts, taken from his writing in "Common Sense" two things standout:
  1. Seeking independence from England;
  2. The creation of a democratic republic

The framers rejected the democratic part and opted for a Republican form of Government (sic.)
Paine was a hired propagandist, not a Founder; he was never elected to any office and was merely an employee. He was promptly forgotten after the war, and had to be supported by charity from his friends. A lot of stuff written during the war was never implemented, since they were never serious about doing most of it, they just wanted to get enough proles to volunteer fro military service.

After the war was over, they promptly forgot all the promises, and even concocted scams to cheat the soldiers out of their pay, quite successfully so, it turned out, and also stuffed their pockets when they concocted a scheme to have the Fed pay states' war debts, in gold and in full, plus back interest, after a few of the New York financiers and other insiders had bought up most of it for pennies on the dollar.
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.
Of course back then when the Monarch enforced a 3% tax on tea, the patriots got real angry. Today with so many low IQ people in this country, at 57% tax, not even a peep.
Paine was a hired propagandist, not a Founder; he was never elected to any office and was merely an employee. He was promptly forgotten after the war, and had to be supported by charity from his friends. A lot of stuff written during the war was never implemented, since they were never serious about doing most of it, they just wanted to get enough proles to volunteer fro military service.

After the war was over, they promptly forgot all the promises, and even concocted scams to cheat the soldiers out of their pay, quite successfully so, it turned out, and also stuffed their pockets when they concocted a scheme to have the Fed pay states' war debts, in gold and in full, plus back interest, after a few of the New York financiers and other insiders had bought up most of it for pennies on the dollar.
Just a reminder of this poster..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Now I noticed your claim but not one shred of evidence. Now what we do know, is that these soldiers were landowners now not, serfs of the king, who allowed them the usage of the land. Free men now could make of that land what ever they wanted and with FREE TRADE(true capitalism) make of themselves what God(not government) wanted them to be, FREE..
Paine was a hired propagandist, not a Founder; he was never elected to any office and was merely an employee. He was promptly forgotten after the war, and had to be supported by charity from his friends. A lot of stuff written during the war was never implemented, since they were never serious about doing most of it, they just wanted to get enough proles to volunteer fro military service.

After the war was over, they promptly forgot all the promises, and even concocted scams to cheat the soldiers out of their pay, quite successfully so, it turned out, and also stuffed their pockets when they concocted a scheme to have the Fed pay states' war debts, in gold and in full, plus back interest, after a few of the New York financiers and other insiders had bought up most of it for pennies on the dollar.
Just a reminder of this poster..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Now I noticed your claim but not one shred of evidence. Now what we do know, is that these soldiers were landowners now not, serfs of the king, who allowed them the usage of the land. Free men now could make of that land what ever they wanted and with FREE TRADE(true capitalism) make of themselves what God(not government) wanted them to be, FREE..

All kinds of evidence; your ignorance and stupidity doesn't count as a rebuttal. And no, they weren't given land, they were given script in lieu of pay, Continental dollars, etc., and the government didn't redeem them right away, and speculators bought them up. They were essentially worthless for many years after the war, when William Deur and his buddy Hamilton dreamed up the swindles over both the script and the war debts of the states. It's well documented, and in fact Thomas Jefferson traded allowing the swindle to go on in exchange for moving the Federal capital to Washington, D.C., and getting a free hand in designing and building the city. Many of the southern states' bonds went for as little as 10 cents on the dollar to the cartel of speculators, who rounded up all they could before the deal leaked out.

But, it's always entertaining when ignorant lunatics try and pretend they know anything at all about history, and especially funny when they try and throw out psycho-babble in the mix of stupid claims as well.
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.
Of course back then when the Monarch enforced a 3% tax on tea, the patriots got real angry. Today with so many low IQ people in this country, at 57% tax, not even a peep.

The smugglers were the ones who got angry; the King in fact lowered the tea taxes, low enough to make smuggling unprofitable and taking their profits away. Again you know squat about the facts.
Paine was a hired propagandist, not a Founder; he was never elected to any office and was merely an employee. He was promptly forgotten after the war, and had to be supported by charity from his friends. A lot of stuff written during the war was never implemented, since they were never serious about doing most of it, they just wanted to get enough proles to volunteer fro military service.

After the war was over, they promptly forgot all the promises, and even concocted scams to cheat the soldiers out of their pay, quite successfully so, it turned out, and also stuffed their pockets when they concocted a scheme to have the Fed pay states' war debts, in gold and in full, plus back interest, after a few of the New York financiers and other insiders had bought up most of it for pennies on the dollar.
Just a reminder of this poster..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Now I noticed your claim but not one shred of evidence. Now what we do know, is that these soldiers were landowners now not, serfs of the king, who allowed them the usage of the land. Free men now could make of that land what ever they wanted and with FREE TRADE(true capitalism) make of themselves what God(not government) wanted them to be, FREE..

All kinds of evidence; your ignorance and stupidity doesn't count as a rebuttal. And no, they weren't given land, they were given script in lieu of pay, Continental dollars, etc., and the government didn't redeem them right away, and speculators bought them up. They were essentially worthless for many years after the war, when William Deur and his buddy Hamilton dreamed up the swindles over both the script and the war debts of the states. It's well documented, and in fact Thomas Jefferson traded allowing the swindle to go on in exchange for moving the Federal capital to Washington, D.C., and getting a free hand in designing and building the city. Many of the southern states' bonds went for as little as 10 cents on the dollar to the cartel of speculators, who rounded up all they could before the deal leaked out.

But, it's always entertaining when ignorant lunatics try and pretend they know anything at all about history, and especially funny when they try and throw out psycho-babble in the mix of stupid claims as well.
They got land, that they were able to use instead of being a serf to the king, sorta like you liberal are today to your liberal elites, just wanting that pittance of welfare to keep you voting for them. FREEDOM was everything to fight for, but not today, because morons like you just dont have a patriotic bone in your body.
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.
Of course back then when the Monarch enforced a 3% tax on tea, the patriots got real angry. Today with so many low IQ people in this country, at 57% tax, not even a peep.

The smugglers were the ones who got angry; the King in fact lowered the tea taxes, low enough to make smuggling unprofitable and taking their profits away. Again you know squat about the facts.
Are you a graduate from Public High? Who has been changing history so the Marxist way is more palatable? Where all the hero's of the day are now villains because that was what you were taught by the commies? Sure seems that way. The Boston Tea party didnt happen because the tax on tea was lowered, you are such an idiot...
Paine was a hired propagandist, not a Founder; he was never elected to any office and was merely an employee. He was promptly forgotten after the war, and had to be supported by charity from his friends. A lot of stuff written during the war was never implemented, since they were never serious about doing most of it, they just wanted to get enough proles to volunteer fro military service.

After the war was over, they promptly forgot all the promises, and even concocted scams to cheat the soldiers out of their pay, quite successfully so, it turned out, and also stuffed their pockets when they concocted a scheme to have the Fed pay states' war debts, in gold and in full, plus back interest, after a few of the New York financiers and other insiders had bought up most of it for pennies on the dollar.
Just a reminder of this poster..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Now I noticed your claim but not one shred of evidence. Now what we do know, is that these soldiers were landowners now not, serfs of the king, who allowed them the usage of the land. Free men now could make of that land what ever they wanted and with FREE TRADE(true capitalism) make of themselves what God(not government) wanted them to be, FREE..

All kinds of evidence; your ignorance and stupidity doesn't count as a rebuttal. And no, they weren't given land, they were given script in lieu of pay, Continental dollars, etc., and the government didn't redeem them right away, and speculators bought them up. They were essentially worthless for many years after the war, when William Deur and his buddy Hamilton dreamed up the swindles over both the script and the war debts of the states. It's well documented, and in fact Thomas Jefferson traded allowing the swindle to go on in exchange for moving the Federal capital to Washington, D.C., and getting a free hand in designing and building the city. Many of the southern states' bonds went for as little as 10 cents on the dollar to the cartel of speculators, who rounded up all they could before the deal leaked out.

But, it's always entertaining when ignorant lunatics try and pretend they know anything at all about history, and especially funny when they try and throw out psycho-babble in the mix of stupid claims as well.
Okay one more thing you worthless asshole, where did this fledgling government and country get its money from before it was a country? It was being taken by the king, you know the guy that today you would bow down to. After the war was over, how much money did the government have? None, so those scripts were wasted, but when the soldiers went home, to their own homes not property owned by the king, thus the wealth of a nation was born.

And now for the racist comment from a racist liberal. Because it was the Demoncraps of the South that still wanted the slaves, and George Washington married into slavery where it was legal, because it was legal under the old Kingdom....And of course these slaves were brought from Africa where the losing black tribe were killed or enslaved by other black tribes then sold to the Muslims at the Ivory Coast. Those Muslims brought those slaves to America to be sold. If not, they would of been killed at the Coast.
One of the great advocates for American independence, Paine saw the struggle to establish a republic free from monarchical control of great historical significance for the whole world. Success in this, he wrote, would establish "an asylum for all mankind."

This expression, I suppose, could be taken several different ways.

So Pain was a fool who should have been in an asylum for saying something so damn stupid.?

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