Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Nah man. That's probably why Europeans slaughtered each other for centuries. All vying over who was the most supreme white supremacist. When Japan pulled themselves up by the bootstraps, the first thing we did was try and smack them back down, imposing tariffs, etc. Look at Germany: The jews dominated industry, so the low IQ Germans had to come up with some excuse to get rid of them, and secure the market, again. With limited time and resources, it is a zero sum game. Someone has to lose and someone has to win. Capitalism collapses if you don't have a bottom tier to hold it up. As human beings, a white gu would much rather his race be on the top than on the bottom. Negroes are no different, which is why I often roll my eyes at excessive victimhood. No sooner did the Germans leave france, did the French start colonizing Africa and Asia. No sooner did the French leave Africa, and negroes started stealing, killing, and enslaving their own people.
There is no excessive victimhood.
Maybe you would be wise to listen to her, you might learn something.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”-Horace Seldon

No, I don't. I've done qute fine in 63 years without her. How about whites shut up because the things you lecture us about are not why you have what you do. Whites have recieved at least 8 handouts and at least 40 percent of whites today are benefitting from the Homestead Act. According to the study, “Black Reparations for Twentieth Century Federal Housing Discrimination: the Construction of White Wealth and the Effects of Denied Black homeownership” written by Jane Kim, Federal housing policies that excluded blacks from funding provided the equivalent of 1.239 quintillion dollars to create white wealth in the 20th century.

Maybe you need to read the study instead of posting stuff from black idiots on Youtube.

This is why whites have what they do today. Not emphasizing education, or having babies when you can afford them. And it's certainly not because of a superior work ethic or talent. Because affording babies out of wedlock was not a white concern due to the fact that:


Mothers' pensions
, also referred to as mothers' aid or widows' aid, were cash payments distributed to impoverished single mothers in the United States during the first three decades of the 20th century. Introduced during the Progressive Era, they were among the earliest components of the modern American welfare state and were the first public cash assistance programs targeted to single mothers.

Mother's pensions were aimed at family preservation, intending to provide the means for poor single mothers to care for their children in their own homes. While primarily targeted at widows, they were also sometimes authorized for women whose husbands had deserted them, were confined to mental hospitals or prisons, or were physically or mentally incapacitated. They were financed and administered by state and local governments, and served as a precursor to the federal Aid to Dependent Children program created by the Social Security Act of 1935

Social Security Act Title V gave money to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare. Financoal assistance for single moms with children and no father in the home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. The goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the time of the Mothers Pension until 1965, no one said ---- about it. There was none of this judgemental trash about the irresponsible white father. The program was not seen as a creator of government dependence. It was seen as needed help for women without husbands who had children. Only when the law required that others besides whites be included did the story change and the ignorant lectures we see now start to begin.

So it's time for the whites who do so, to stop with the lectures.
Yes, I've heard that story. About a million times.

Did you also hear the story Jesse Jackson told about being a waiter and spitting in the food of white customers he served? Pretty cool story, right?

How about the "Knockout Game"?

Black hoods sneak up on a "whitey" and sucker punch him in the face, hard as they can. That's getting even for the "systemic racism" blacks and Leftists howl about constantly.
No, I don't. I've done qute fine in 63 years without her. How about whites shut up because the things you lecture us about are not why you have what you do.
I'm not lecturing you about anything, only directing you to a video by an inteliigent young black woman.
Statistically, young black men are 5x as likely to commit violent crime aa young white men. It’s statistics. It’s not as if “stories” are told and that makes it seem that blacks commit more crime. It seems that way because it’s true.
I don’t know about Lisa, but any group in a bad area late at night is worth suspecting of potential violence. That’s why curfew laws exist. I would be just as wary of a group of whites behaving that way. I know because I grew up in that kind of neighborhood, young men hanging out in groups late at night are almost always looking for trouble in one form or another.
I would have been nervous if a group of five white youths were approaching me at night in a bad area, as well. But from a statistical point of view, I am more likely to be a victim if they are black.

That’s not racist, nor a sterotype. It’s just math.
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?


Just statistics...nothing personal.
If I'm alone at night and it is in a sketchy area and I see 5 young black males loitering around at night I don't give a shit what anyone calls it, I call it safeguarding my personal safety by moving away from them. If I see any group of young males, at night, in an unsafe location, I would feel safer if we are of the same race, but certainly not perfectly safe, it depends on a lot of things. But any group qualifies as one I'm better staying away from in these circumstances.

But you know what? My radar is better at picking up hints of danger on people I'm more familar with, and that is people who look and act like I do.

Like someone said in some prison movie I watched years ago, when telling a new inmate, "that brotherly love shit stops at the front entrance", you are in charge of your own safety.
If I'm alone at night and it is in a sketchy area and I see 5 young black males loitering around at night I don't give a shit what anyone calls it, I call it safeguarding my personal safety by moving away from them. If I see any group of young males, at night, in an unsafe location, I would feel safer if we are of the same race, but certainly not perfectly safe, it depends on a lot of things. But any group qualifies as one I'm better staying away from in these circumstances.

But you know what? My radar is better at picking up hints of danger on people I'm more familar with, and that is people who look and act like I do.

Like someone said in some prison movie I watched years ago, when telling a new inmate, "that brotherly love shit stops at the front entrance", you are in charge of your own safety.
I feel that same way if I see 5 young white men late night in the suburbs. Because they can beat me down, there no police around and get away with it. I've been in the hood late at night. I've had fewer problems there.
Not so much fear as distrust. Distrust in the system, and the gang mentality that passes for society in a lot of places. Terrible and unpunished behavior is being dismissed as social engagement now, and victim blaming is the norm now. One person acting on his own may never think about doing something that a group of people with nothing to do considers a good deed.
I feel that same way if I see 5 young white men late night in the suburbs. Because they can beat me down, there no police around and get away with it. I've been in the hood late at night. I've had fewer problems there.
That's because your're black. You are less likely to be a target of crime in the hood than I am.
Homicide rate by race.jpg

Crime rates black, hispanic.jpg
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No, it did not.
I’m still wondering what IM2 considers a “white supremacist idea.”

- Is it pointing out that the 72% OOW birthrate among blacks correlates with higher poverty rates, and in turn, crime?

- Or is it pointing out that lowering admissions requirements for blacks is unfair both to whites and Asians? (They just had a news story about how the lowered standards at UCLA med school for minorities is leading to high failure rates.) Admissions should not have different GPA and SAT cut-off depending on race.
I feel that same way if I see 5 young white men late night in the suburbs. Because they can beat me down, there no police around and get away with it. I've been in the hood late at night. I've had fewer problems there.
If you have been safe in black neighborhoods late at night, don't trust your luck. I would not want to lose you.

A young black man walking in a white neighborhood after dark will have his feelings hurt. As he walks down the sidewalk people will cross the street to avoid his approach. People will lock the doors of their cars and roll up the windows of their cars. Children will be told to stop playing in the front yard, and to come inside.

Nevertheless, that young black man will not be physically hurt. He will be safer than he would be walking in a black neighborhood after dark. Don't argue with me about that. Argue with Jesse Jackson.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.
Stereotypes are annoying but not generally malign, canards go beyond stereotypes and are used to deliberately harm or malign. They tend to be sensationalized reports, fabrications or misrepresentations that are applied to an entire ethnic/racial/etc group. Where there could have been a kernal of truth, it was long ago subsumed when applied to an entire group of people for the purpose of inflicting harm, marginalizing or subjugating them.

Some examples common stereotypes and canards:

White Americans: White men are often stereotyped as ambitious, arrogant, racist, and uncoordinated. White women are often stereotyped as unintelligent, overly focused on appearance, and sexually available.

Asians: The Covid spreader/starter - a modern adaptation of the “yellow peril” which goes to show how enduring these can be. Duplicitous and untrustworthy. They eat dogs and cats.

Jews: World domination - there are number of variations, they control world banking, they control the media etc. through nefarious means. Jews were responsible for the propagation of communism. Jews are greedy, untrustworthy, and profiteering. Jews have big noses.

Blacks: the Black brute - (hideous, terrifying black male predators who target helpless victims, especially white women.[34] In the post-Reconstruction United States, 'black buck' was a racial slur used to describe black men who refused to bend to the law of white authority and were seen as irredeemably violent, rude, and lecherous.). The welfare queen, Angry Black Woman, Blacks as subhuman (subnormal intelligence compared to other races)

Many racist canards sprang out of slavery and post-Civil War attempts to keep Black people either subjugated or incarcerated (by inventing new crmes such loitering and vagrancy that applied predominantly to Blacks).

There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with several illegitimate children by several different men.
There are other equally ugly stereotypes directed at Asians. There are many Whites, on welfare, with illegitimate children from multiple fathers particularly in the rural south and Appalachia.

Those who dislike Jews and Chinese resent them because of their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. Both groups have succeeded against the odds.
If you look at the history behind those stereotypes and canards it has little to do with resentment of intelligence and success. That seems to be a modern veneer.
YOU ARE a pathetic Leftist.

trope - a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression.

There is nothing figurative or metaphorical about crime rates and violence among black youth. Facts are facts. Stop playing the race card, like Leftists do incessantly, playing blacks as victims when in fact they are more often brutal aggressors as shown by statistics.

The “Black Brute” trope ignores the complex factors behind crime rates and blames it on race. That is racist.

The same is true of homosexuals, who commit a disproportionately high percentage of mass murders. John Wayne Gacey, Randy Kraft, Juan Corona, William Bonin, Jeffrey Dahmer, Bruce Davis, and many others.
That is the most pathetic and homophobic claim I’ve heard yet. You provide zero data showing the number of mass murders overall or composition of the offendes sexual orientation. This exactly how tropes develop.
I feel that same way if I see 5 young white men late night in the suburbs. Because they can beat me down, there no police around and get away with it. I've been in the hood late at night. I've had fewer problems there.
Location matters. There are many areas where it is dangerous regardless of race. Typically rough urban neighborhoods, but not always. Where I am, they are more likely to White, and drug infested. There are other high crime areas where the main ethnic group is Hispanic or Native American. They factors in common that are more complex than race but exploring that means breaking open stereotypes (Black thugs, White trash, lazy shiftless Native Americans) and won’t fit neatly on a bumper sticker.
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