The Miserable End of Darwinian Evolution


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
The Miserable End of Darwinian Evolution

“There can be no going downhill - species can’t get worse as a prelude to getting better.” – Page 91, Climbing Mount Improbable, by Richard Dawkins

“It cannot be said often enough that Darwinian theory does not allow for getting temporarily worse in quest of a long-term goal.” – Ibid, Page 132

“To say it again, going down the slopes of Mount Improbable is not allowed by Natural Selection.” – Ibid, Page 134

“The fact of heredity sees to it that the accidental improvements found in each generation are accumulated over many generations. At the end of many generations of cumulative finding, a designoid object is produced which may make us gasp with admiration at the perfection of its apparent design.” – Ibid, Page 28

We shall now “gasp with admiration at the perfection” of the apparent design of Darwinian “selection” today.


Slums are the fastest growing, i.e. most Darwinian, human habit on earth today. Worldwide, over one billion humans live in them, 24% of all humanity.

“Going down the slopes of Mount Improbable is not allowed by natural selection.” The billion plus humans living in slums are not going up any slopes other than trash.

Making copies of ourselves “is every living object’s sole reason for living.” – Richard Dawkins

Then Dawkins and his atheist accomplices are all losing the evolutionary battle, and for them, what else is there, really?

While religiously unaffiliated people currently make up 16% of the global population, only an estimated 10% of the world’s newborns between 2010 and 2015 were born to religiously unaffiliated mothers..

By 2055 to 2060, just 9% of all babies will be born to religiously unaffiliated women, while more than seven-in-ten will be born to either Muslims (36%) or Christians (35%). –

We could call this “The Tragedy of the Brights,” as they like to call themselves in smug, pretend superiority.

The least educated of the world are the most Darwinian:


This is in stark contrast to some of the racist and anti-prophetic words of Charles Darwin, whose first book was titled, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world.” – Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, Chapter 3

The ten most fertile countries in the world are all populated by what Darwin referred to as “savages” or “dark races”.

Niger: 7.27 children per woman.
Angola: 6.57 children per woman.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 6.54 children per woman.
Mali: 6.49 children per woman.
Benin: 6.48 children per woman.
Chad: 6.47 children per woman.
Uganda: 6.45 children per woman.
Somalia: 6.43 children per woman.
South Sudan: 6.42 children per woman.
Burundi: 6.41 children per woman (

The least educated also happen to be the least developed:


And the poorest:


In conclusion, Darwinism and its atheist advocates in particular, such as Richard Dawkins, married three times and only one child, are evolutionary failures.


Science Books Challenging Darwinism

Intelligent Design – The Bridge Between Science and Theology, William A. Dembski

Signature in the Cell- DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer

The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities, by William A. Dembski

Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language, by Dembski et al

Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution, by Michael J. Behe

Intelligent Design: Message From the Designers, by Rael

Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer

Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language by William A. Dembski

Undeniable, by Douglas Axe

Brilliant Creations – The Wonder of Nature and Life, by John Phillip Jaeger



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The Miserable End of Darwinian Evolution

“There can be no going downhill - species can’t get worse as a prelude to getting better.” – Page 91, Climbing Mount Improbable, by Richard Dawkins

“It cannot be said often enough that Darwinian theory does not allow for getting temporarily worse in quest of a long-term goal.” – Ibid, Page 132

“To say it again, going down the slopes of Mount Improbable is not allowed by Natural Selection.” – Ibid, Page 134

“The fact of heredity sees to it that the accidental improvements found in each generation are accumulated over many generations. At the end of many generations of cumulative finding, a designoid object is produced which may make us gasp with admiration at the perfection of its apparent design.” – Ibid, Page 28

We shall now “gasp with admiration at the perfection” of the apparent design of Darwinian “selection” today.

View attachment 915384

Slums are the fastest growing, i.e. most Darwinian, human habit on earth today. Worldwide, over one billion humans live in them, 24% of all humanity.

“Going down the slopes of Mount Improbable is not allowed by natural selection.” The billion plus humans living in slums are not going up any slopes other than trash.

Making copies of ourselves “is every living object’s sole reason for living.” – Richard Dawkins

Then Dawkins and his atheist accomplices are all losing the evolutionary battle, and for them, what else is there, really?

While religiously unaffiliated people currently make up 16% of the global population, only an estimated 10% of the world’s newborns between 2010 and 2015 were born to religiously unaffiliated mothers..

By 2055 to 2060, just 9% of all babies will be born to religiously unaffiliated women, while more than seven-in-ten will be born to either Muslims (36%) or Christians (35%). –

We could call this “The Tragedy of the Brights,” as they like to call themselves in smug, pretend superiority.

The least educated of the world are the most Darwinian:

View attachment 915385

This is in stark contrast to some of the racist and anti-prophetic words of Charles Darwin, whose first book was titled, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world.” – Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, Chapter 3

The ten most fertile countries in the world are all populated by what Darwin referred to as “savages” or “dark races”.

Niger: 7.27 children per woman.
Angola: 6.57 children per woman.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 6.54 children per woman.
Mali: 6.49 children per woman.
Benin: 6.48 children per woman.
Chad: 6.47 children per woman.
Uganda: 6.45 children per woman.
Somalia: 6.43 children per woman.
South Sudan: 6.42 children per woman.
Burundi: 6.41 children per woman (

The least educated also happen to be the least developed:

View attachment 915386

And the poorest:

View attachment 915387

In conclusion, Darwinism and its atheist advocates in particular, such as Richard Dawkins, married three times and only one child, are evolutionary failures.

View attachment 915388

Science Books Challenging Darwinism

Intelligent Design – The Bridge Between Science and Theology, William A. Dembski

Signature in the Cell- DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer

The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities, by William A. Dembski

Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language, by Dembski et al

Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution, by Michael J. Behe

Intelligent Design: Message From the Designers, by Rael

Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer

Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language by William A. Dembski

Undeniable, by Douglas Axe

Brilliant Creations – The Wonder of Nature and Life, by John Phillip Jaeger


Sorry to have to break it to you but evolution is accepted as fact by the vast majority of scientists of every specialty. My personal opinion is that man's biological evolution has taken a back seat to his cultural and technological evolution. Hunter-gatherers are almost extinct, not because they are physically inferior but their culture and technology certainly are.
Sorry to have to break it to you but evolution is accepted as fact by the vast majority of scientists of every specialty. My personal opinion is that man's biological evolution has taken a back seat to his cultural and technological evolution. Hunter-gatherers are almost extinct, not because they are physically inferior but their culture and technology certainly are.
Technology is the new god for science.

They will use their superior scientific intellect to decrease population levels that they see are destroying the world.

For those in science, the destruction of the species that is not progressing will be seen as a good thing.

Nothing but the master race will do.

That is why today goverenments around the world are telling farmers they can't grow food since fertilizer emits carbon.

Meanwhile, the UN says about a billion people will starve to death next year.
AI is seen as the catalyst to "evolve".

They will create a god-like entity that is capable of having more knowledge than the tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden ever had. From what I hear, they will also try to implant AI into the human brain.

Adam and Eve would be envious to say the least.

No worries, I'm sure it will all work out for them in the end, just like it worked for Adam and Eve.

No wisdom required, just pure knowledge to give man more and more and more power.

What could possibly go wrong?
Untrue. Let sea water, with its chaotic collection of free ions, evaporate and you're left with orderly crystals. Order from chaos and just natural processes to thank.
Yeah thats it the beginning was the goop...where it came from no one knows it just was acording to the fairytale and then the goop exploded and life sprang from nothing......great story....for idiots
The Miserable End of Darwinian Evolution

“There can be no going downhill - species can’t get worse as a prelude to getting better.” – Page 91, Climbing Mount Improbable, by Richard Dawkins

“It cannot be said often enough that Darwinian theory does not allow for getting temporarily worse in quest of a long-term goal.” – Ibid, Page 132

“To say it again, going down the slopes of Mount Improbable is not allowed by Natural Selection.” – Ibid, Page 134

“The fact of heredity sees to it that the accidental improvements found in each generation are accumulated over many generations. At the end of many generations of cumulative finding, a designoid object is produced which may make us gasp with admiration at the perfection of its apparent design.” – Ibid, Page 28

We shall now “gasp with admiration at the perfection” of the apparent design of Darwinian “selection” today.

View attachment 915384

Slums are the fastest growing, i.e. most Darwinian, human habit on earth today. Worldwide, over one billion humans live in them, 24% of all humanity.

“Going down the slopes of Mount Improbable is not allowed by natural selection.” The billion plus humans living in slums are not going up any slopes other than trash.

Making copies of ourselves “is every living object’s sole reason for living.” – Richard Dawkins

Then Dawkins and his atheist accomplices are all losing the evolutionary battle, and for them, what else is there, really?

While religiously unaffiliated people currently make up 16% of the global population, only an estimated 10% of the world’s newborns between 2010 and 2015 were born to religiously unaffiliated mothers..

By 2055 to 2060, just 9% of all babies will be born to religiously unaffiliated women, while more than seven-in-ten will be born to either Muslims (36%) or Christians (35%). –

We could call this “The Tragedy of the Brights,” as they like to call themselves in smug, pretend superiority.

The least educated of the world are the most Darwinian:

View attachment 915385

This is in stark contrast to some of the racist and anti-prophetic words of Charles Darwin, whose first book was titled, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world.” – Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, Chapter 3

The ten most fertile countries in the world are all populated by what Darwin referred to as “savages” or “dark races”.

Niger: 7.27 children per woman.
Angola: 6.57 children per woman.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 6.54 children per woman.
Mali: 6.49 children per woman.
Benin: 6.48 children per woman.
Chad: 6.47 children per woman.
Uganda: 6.45 children per woman.
Somalia: 6.43 children per woman.
South Sudan: 6.42 children per woman.
Burundi: 6.41 children per woman (

The least educated also happen to be the least developed:

View attachment 915386

And the poorest:

View attachment 915387

In conclusion, Darwinism and its atheist advocates in particular, such as Richard Dawkins, married three times and only one child, are evolutionary failures.

View attachment 915388

Science Books Challenging Darwinism

Intelligent Design – The Bridge Between Science and Theology, William A. Dembski

Signature in the Cell- DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer

The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities, by William A. Dembski

Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language, by Dembski et al

Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution, by Michael J. Behe

Intelligent Design: Message From the Designers, by Rael

Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer

Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language by William A. Dembski

Undeniable, by Douglas Axe

Brilliant Creations – The Wonder of Nature and Life, by John Phillip Jaeger



Hyper-religious zealots do tend to rattle on with these long, tedious cut and paste diatribes.

Did you steal the above screed from Harun Yahya?

The fact is, we live in a world in which what we can measure, analyze, investigate, demonstrate scientifically with repeatable results. Fact and experimentation has greater authority than ancient tales and fables. For many religious people, that's just not enough. For them, it really is a question of how they can be absolutely certain, that they are of special, supernatural creation, that there is a unique, divine designer unique to their particular religion excluding all other religions and the supernatural designer gods of those religions.

Sorry, but your version of polytheistic gods are no more special than any of the others.

Common ancestry is readily apparent in the fossil record in terms of shared anatomical, embryological, and molecular similarities. The fact that species have died off as the result of environmental change suggests poor design on the part of your gods
No, you are the fool and will face G-d as your judge when He sentences you to eternal torment in the Lake of Fire unless you repent.
We talked. He said he raptured everybody he wanted. Not surprised you're still here.
Sorry to have to break it to you but evolution is accepted as fact by the vast majority of scientists of every specialty. My personal opinion is that man's biological evolution has taken a back seat to his cultural and technological evolution. Hunter-gatherers are almost extinct, not because they are physically inferior but their culture and technology certainly are.

Plogisten was also an "accepted fact." Obviously you know little about science and its propensity for error. The silly saw that it has "a self-correcting mechanism" is absurd. Every animal and plant also has "a self-correcting mechanism," called "trial and error."
Roots that do not find water die and new ones are sent in different directions, "scientifically" to mock the nonsense.

There are hundreds of scientists who have signed the Dissent From Darwinism, just as there are hundreds of others who have signed the document, "No Climate Change Emergency." Hundreds of scientists cannot manufacture reasons to dissent from hundred fifty year old tautologies and censorship and stubbornness born of pride.


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