Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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The “Black Brute” trope ignores the complex factors behind crime rates and blames it on race. That is racist.

That is the most pathetic and homophobic claim I’ve heard yet. You provide zero data showing the number of mass murders overall or composition of the offendes sexual orientation. This exactly how tropes develop.
Ya blacks are criminals because of whites. That is a tired old canard that simply is NOT true.
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
This goes back to the “Black Brute” canard and it’s modern adaptations.
Ya blacks are criminals because of whites. That is a tired old canard that simply is NOT true.
Which wasn’t I said. The causes behind crime rates are complex and often regional, which is why there has never been an easy or one size fits all solution. Ignoring that and blaming it on racial characteristics is what is racist.
Actually there is snce whites commit more crime and especially violent crime. That's what the stats actually show.
The statistics also show that whites have lower crime rates than Negroes, and that Orientals have lower crime rates than whites.
Ya blacks are criminals because of whites. That is a tired old canard that simply is NOT true.
She basically is saying that a white person is not allowed to tell of a crime (assault is the threat of battery) if blacks are the perps because that’s how “racist tropes” start.

I wonder if I should report it if a black raped me. I wouldn’t want to be racist.
Which wasn’t I said. The causes behind crime rates are complex and often regional, which is why there has never been an easy or one size fits all solution. Ignoring that and blaming it on racial characteristics is what is racist.
I blame the higher black crime rate on characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa.

In a tribal environment all men fight in the wars. The best warriors have more than one wife, and consequently more sons who inherit their violent inclinations and aptitudes.

Also, in a tribal environment men are expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends. Women usually refuse to become involved with men who fail to do this.

Until recently, in civilizations most criminals were killed at the scene of the crime, they died in custody, or they were executed. The few children some had rarely lived to adulthood.

For thousands of years characteristics selected for in tribal environments were selected against in civilizations.
The “Black Brute” trope ignores the complex factors behind crime rates and blames it on race. That is racist.

That is the most pathetic and homophobic claim I’ve heard yet. You provide zero data showing the number of mass murders overall or composition of the offendes sexual orientation. This exactly how tropes develop.

No matter what anyone writes or says that refutes Leftist craziness, you Leftists find countless excuses, change the subject, or simply call everything you don't like "lies." No source ever suits you UNLESS it agrees with your socialist/homosexual/lesbian/transgender/race-baiting/welfare state dogma.

"If you don't vote Democrat, you ain't black." - Joe Incompetent, Traitor, Pedophile, Racist Biden

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this. - Typical Racist Democrat, Joe Biden

And YOU defend him totally. Insane.

During 2017 to 2020—
  • The rate of violent victimization of lesbian or gay persons (43.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 16 or older) was more than two times the rate for straight persons (19.0 per 1,000).
  • The rate of violent victimization against transgender persons (51.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 16 or older) was 2.5 times the rate among cisgender persons (20.5 per 1,000).
  • About 58% of violent victimizations of lesbian or gay persons were reported to police.
  • Domestic violence was eight times as high among bisexual persons (32.3 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 16 or older) and more than twice as high among lesbian or gay persons (10.3 per 1,000) as it was among straight persons (4.2 per 1,000).

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On white nationalist websites I encounter assertions about Jews and Orientals that are easy to refute.

The most bizarre is that Jews started the NAACP because they wanted to use the civil rights movement to destroy the United States.

I point out that Jews have been more successful in the United States than in any other country, and that the United States has been more protective toward Israel than any other country. Jews have every reason to love the United States. The vast majority of them do.

I point out that Jews and Orientals usually were poor when they came to the United States. After one or two generations most are more prosperous than most white Gentiles whose ancestors have been in the United States for generations.

I am a white Gentile, by the way. Some of my ancestors came to this country in the eighteenth century. All were here by the nineteenth century.

Jews and Orientals faced bigotry and discrimination when they came here. They succeeded against the odds. Needless to say, I admire both demographics. That earns me many enemies on white nationalist websites.
This is an old argument Hector, so I won’t rehash it.

Jews and Asians (and other groups) faced discrimination and bigotry, some quite ugly (Chinese inclusion laws). But they did not face a system embedded in a culture and system of laws that kept them subjugated for generations (centuries). That had to have forced that community to create a unique culture simply to survive in such a hostile environment where freedom was not a viable option.

One of the ways of keeping a people subjugated was to develop and deliberately perpetrate some of these racial tropes Such as Blacks are brutes (or today, thugs).

It is rather interesting because I also participate in discussions in IP with another member (who actually discusses issues and forces me to think more deeply) and she pointed something out. I’m paraphrasing from memory here. Essentially, it is difficult to be critical of certain aspects of Israel or it’s policies because the types of arguments (often antisemitic canards) leveled at Israel too often force her to defend Jews or being Jewish first.

I’m going to put out that the same thing probably probably applies to the Black community where it is difficult to be critical of your community when you are constantly having to first defend being Black and part of the African American community against racist canards and stereotypes attacking it and your identity.
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No matter what anyone writes or says that refutes Leftist craziness, you Leftists find countless excuses, change the subject, or simply call everything you don't like "lies." No source ever suits you UNLESS it agrees with your socialist/homosexual/lesbian/transgender/race-baiting/welfare state dogma.

During 2017 to 2020—
  • The rate of violent victimization of lesbian or gay persons (43.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 16 or older) was more than two times the rate for straight persons (19.0 per 1,000).
  • The rate of violent victimization against transgender persons (51.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 16 or older) was 2.5 times the rate among cisgender persons (20.5 per 1,000).
  • About 58% of violent victimizations of lesbian or gay persons were reported to police.
  • Domestic violence was eight times as high among bisexual persons (32.3 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 16 or older) and more than twice as high among lesbian or gay persons (10.3 per 1,000) as it was among straight persons (4.2 per 1,000).
So…essentially you are saying non-hetero people are much likely to be victims of violence then hetero people.

I don’t see anything supporting your mass murder claim.

That is a particularly ugly canard aimed at a particularly vulnerable minority. Kind of like the “Black Brute” canard.
You are the one trying to make out that white are unique in their wars. I just refuted your point.
Low IQ. If that's the case, you can't complain about black crime because everyone does crime. Whites had a crime rate higher than contemporary Honduras-talk about a white s Hole country.
One of the ways of keeping a people subjugated was to develop and deliberately perpetrate some of these racial tropes Such as Blacks are brutes (or today, thugs).

It is rather interesting because I also participate in discussions in IP with another member (who actually discusses issues and forces me to think more deeply) and she pointed something out. I’m paraphrasing from memory here. Essentially, it is difficult to be critical of certain aspects of Israel or it’s policies because the types of arguments (often antisemitic canards) leveled at Israel too often force her to defend Jews or being Jewish first.

I’m going to put out that the same thing probably probably applies to the Black community where it is difficult to be critical of your community when you are constantly having to first defend being Black and part of the African American community against racist canards and stereotypes attacking it and your identity.
Jews have nothing to apologize for. Zionists have nothing to apologize for.

Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population. Israel is the most advanced country in the Near East.

On an individual level blacks could contribute to racial harmony by not blaming whites for black problems, and by acknowledging the problems.
Location matters. There are many areas where it is dangerous regardless of race. Typically rough urban neighborhoods, but not always. Where I am, they are more likely to White, and drug infested. There are other high crime areas where the main ethnic group is Hispanic or Native American. They factors in common that are more complex than race but exploring that means breaking open stereotypes (Black thugs, White trash, lazy shiftless Native Americans) and won’t fit neatly on a bumper sticker.
But….remember….overall, as a group, blacks are the most likely to commit violent crime. Ignoring that is not realistic. It’s just stats.

OK. Let me ask you this, in relation to the terrifying experience I had with the five thugs:

The reason I ended up waiting for a bus in the middle of a poor, urban area, alone, at night was because….I thought the bus stop was right outside where I was, and I‘d have to call and wait for a taxi. I was right adjacent to a very busy place with lots of security. But the stop wasn’t there. I figured it must just be on the next block. Nope. The next. My mistake was that I should have just gone back to where I came from and call a cab. But I saw I had wandered into a bad area and was afraid to make the walk back.

Now, what would you have said, if I told you that I decided to walk six blocks to the bus stop, because even though I am white and I am in a poor, black area, and I’m alone, and it’s late at night, I want to show that I am not RACIST, so I trudged on and the worst happened? Would you congratulate me for not being racist?

I made a BIG mistake walking alone at night through the most crime-ridden city, and in a poor black area, knowing I was a defenseless white woman. And I credit Gd with sending the cop at the moment to save me, or I would have been damaged for life.
1) What racist canard did I use by describing that I was in a poor neighborhood in Democrat city, famous for its high crime, when I was approached, circled in on, and threatened by five black youths? It’s what happened.
I highlighted the portion that was a racist canard and have several times stated which one it is.

Let me give you another example. Another member here made these comments in another thread.

It was Jewish Socialists who instigated the rebellions against the German and Austrian monarchies. All the misery that followed could be laid on them. That in turn caused a rise in Fascism across Europe. Fascism was a reaction to Socialism and Communism.

it's a historical fact that Jewish radicals were behind the waves of revolutions that came at the end of WWI. From Leon Trotsky in Russia to Rosa Luxemborg in Germany.

Is this playing into an antisemitic canard?

If yes (and imo it is), then how is it any different than the racist Black brute canard you played into?

2) If I were in Fairmont, WV, alone at night, and five whites approached me, I would be quite concerned - but nowhere near as concerned. Why? Because the crime rate in Fairmont, WV is not as high as in the Democrat city where my encounter occurred.
The crime rate is quite high, it’s one of the worst in WV. You should be very concerned. You are making assumptions based on multiple stereotypes here.

Out of curiosity, after you asked your question, I compared the stats: the crime rate in the city where the five blacks encircled me but I was rescued by the cop, was rated, on a scale of 0 (being the worst) and 100 (being the safest) was….0. Fairmont was rated 23.
It depends on where in Fairmont, which applies to any city where extremely high crime rates occur in just a few neighborhoods, that represent extremely small sections of the city but skew the overal crime rate. What particular neighborhood were you in?

Fairmont is mostly White and has a lot of poverty and drug problems.

(On an aside, my ending up in a crime-ridden Democrat city, late at night, alone, was the result of a bad lapse in judgment. I should have known better.)
So…essentially you are saying non-hetero people are much likely to be victims of violence then hetero people.

I don’t see anything supporting your mass murder claim.

That is a particularly ugly canard aimed at a particularly vulnerable minority. Kind of like the “Black Brute” canard.
I didn't say it. Statistics say it. But you Leftists ALWAYS kill the messenger while ignoring the messages that try to educate you, make you think FOR A CHANGE. It's futile. You should move to North Korea or Cuba or even Gaza where your friends will cuddle and welcome you.
I highlighted the portion that was a racist canard and have several times stated which one it is.

Let me give you another example. Another member here made these comments in another thread.

It was Jewish Socialists who instigated the rebellions against the German and Austrian monarchies. All the misery that followed could be laid on them. That in turn caused a rise in Fascism across Europe. Fascism was a reaction to Socialism and Communism.

it's a historical fact that Jewish radicals were behind the waves of revolutions that came at the end of WWI. From Leon Trotsky in Russia to Rosa Luxemborg in Germany.

Is this playing into an antisemitic canard?

The only part that is antisemitic is that the Jews’ misery should be laid on them. But as far as Jewish radicals being Marxists, yes….that’s true. Extreme leftist radicals are disproptionately Jewish.

In the story I recounted, in which the blacks surrounded me, did I say that their misery should be laid on them? No.
If yes (and imo it is), then how is it any different than the racist Black brute canard you played into?

The crime rate is quite high, it’s one of the worst in WV. You should be very concerned. You are making assumptions based on multiple stereotypes here.

And if you read what I said, instead of looking for a way to “catch me,” you’ll see that I said I WOULD have been very concerned.
It depends on where in Fairmont, which applies to any city where extremely high crime rates occur in just a few neighborhoods, that represent extremely small sections of the city but skew the overal crime rate. What particular neighborhood were you in?

I wasn’t in Fairmont. You came up with that. And how would I tell you the particular neighborhood I was in when I never mentioned which high crime-rate city I was in. Suffice it to say that it was in a poor, black neighborhood in a poor city overall,.
Fairmont is mostly White and has a lot of poverty and drug problems.
Not sure what that has to do with anything. Where I was was black, and with a higher crime rate. Lots of drugs, too, I‘m sure. And there were prostitutes milling about as well. How I ended up there was just a stupid fluke.
And P.S. I didn’t play into a racist black carnard. I recounted a story of what happened to me. They WERE black, and they DID encircle me, ready to do Gd knows what.

What would have been racist is if I said I saw a black man walking toward me, and since most of them are thugs, I was sure he was going to attack me. THAT would be racist.

The way you want it is if a white woman is the victim of assault by five black youths, she shouldn’t tell the story because they were black. Now if they were white, you’d LOVE for someone to tell that story, but it wouldn’t be me. I’ve never been assaulted by whites, thank Gd.
But….remember….overall, as a group, blacks are the most likely to commit violent crime. Ignoring that is not realistic. It’s just stats.
Statistics also indicate several other things including misinformation.

Statistics show most violent crime occurs in small areas of a neighborhood.

Statistics also show that the claim that Blacks are more likely to commit a crime is not overall because it is not evenly distributed across classes and regions. There urban/rural differences and class/income differences.

Statistics also show that most violent crime is intraracial meaning as a White woman you are much more likely to be violated by a White man than a Black man and vice versa, yet that canard persists.

That racist canard is further perpetrated by the dissemination on social media of claims like this: Fact check: Rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black crime are similar
I didn't say it. Statistics say it. But you Leftists ALWAYS kill the messenger while ignoring the messages that try to educate you, make you think FOR A CHANGE. It's futile. You should move to North Korea or Cuba or even Gaza where your friends will cuddle and welcome you.
You have provided no statistics to show homosexuals commit a higher percentage of mass murders. So what is your point? Obuscation?
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