Another illegal immigrant, another killing, this time in West Virginia

Like dregs that came here in prior immigrant waves…? You know…our ancesters?
They came in LEGALLY, and generally stayed legal/law-abiding after that. But people who arrive and enter illegally (including the asylum bullshitters) aren't likely to be any more legal in their behavior after their arrival, than when they arrived.
Not really. Only for diseases.

You don’t think “dregs” immigrated here legally? Entire countries rid themselves of their poor, their deadbeats, their “undesirables” by sending them here.
So let's stop ALL immigration then, right ? Legal and illegal.
We should make a sticky of these illegal savages killing and raping Americans....

Thank you Obiden scum Regime!
Wrong number. Irish ,Italian , German , and all other European Immigrants assimilated. And WORKED. The filth crossing our border wants welfare ,drugs ,and everything else free.
That's because Democrats (looking for VOTES) enticed them to come, with promotions of welfare goodies.
More blood on Biden's hands.

The cartels are taking over the U.S and you will need big government eventually to address it.

Big government is going to become very popular to fix the problem that both sides allowed to occur. This doesn't even address the spies and terrorists who are in hiding now.

Convenient I suppose.
Republican support LEGAL Immigration within reason and carefully controlled. Democrats encourage illegal invasion
Every single murder should be laid at the feet of the current administration and every politician that tried to make it so illegals could be here. They should be charged for it because they allowed the murders to happen.

If the illegals couldn't get in the country then they couldn't murder or comitt crimes.

If an illegal came to my door and I just let them walk right in then come home from work the next day and my stuff stolen, my house robbed, my wife raped and killed them that is 100% my fault because I willingly let them in my home. If I didn't let them knowingly come in that never would have happened.

But they all do that thousands and thousands of times a day. They are responsible for every death made by an illegal.

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