Iran relieved biden was elected


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Now they know they can start pushing Ameica around again.

Not even to mention slo joe biden with bring back the outrageous nuclear deal that obama instituted at the direction of the radical muslims.

Net result ....Iran with nuclear weapons and more terrorism which had been dealt a severe blow by President Trump.

When has Iran ever pushed the US around?

Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage Crisis - White House Historical Association (

Wasnt' a democrat in in the Oval Office during those 444 days?
Sure, yet what does forty years ago do with today? Oh yeah, Reagan bowed his head and gave the Iranians what they wanted in terms of illegal arms and aircraft parts shipments. So I guess the US will bow to Iran they always have before.
When has Iran ever pushed the US around?

Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage Crisis - White House Historical Association (

Wasnt' a democrat in in the Oval Office during those 444 days?

And Carter put the Ayatollah in power.

Khomeini and his allies in Iran actually reached out to the Americans, to whom he promised a) to hold the country together, calming the unrest, b) to keep the communists out, and c) to keep the oil flowing. That’s all Carter had to hear! Carter then intercedes with the Iranian military on behalf of Khomeini and in opposition to Bakhtiar, and that the US would not support any coup in favor of the Shah. In 1991, Bakhtiar was assassinated.

a. Carter believed that Khomeini would support democracy, contrary to all that he had written while in exile. In over 110 interviews he gave in Paris in the three months prior to re-entering Iran, he never mentioned the rule of the ‘juriscouncil,’ the clerical guardianship, i.e., the regime in control currently. He promised that he would retire to a life of study, and “…leave all powers to the people.”

b. The first constitution that was written was democratic! Khomeini flew to Iran in February, ’79. Within weeks he began to marginalize democracy forces. Soon a new constitution was written with the rule of the guardians at its center. November 4, of ’79 was the attack on the US embassy and taking of the hostages for 444 days.

Dr. Abbas Milani is he Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah,” is based on ten years studying the archives of the United States and of Britain. The following is from his recent lecture on that subject.

<em>The Shah</em>
Now they know they can start pushing Ameica around again.

Not even to mention slo joe biden with bring back the outrageous nuclear deal that obama instituted at the direction of the radical muslims.

Net result ....Iran with nuclear weapons and more terrorism which had been dealt a severe blow by President Trump.

The Mullahs told Biden a month ago to go to Hell.
Now they know they can start pushing Ameica around again.

Not even to mention slo joe biden with bring back the outrageous nuclear deal that obama instituted at the direction of the radical muslims.

Net result ....Iran with nuclear weapons and more terrorism which had been dealt a severe blow by President Trump.

The Mullahs told Biden a month ago to go to Hell.

can you expand on that assertion?
All the foreign asshole countries in the world are tickled pink that China Joe was able to steal the election; China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Ukraine, North Korea, Mexico you name it.

China is absolutely ecstatic. No more of that Trump meanie trying to get good trade deals and keeping technology from them. They can return to the good old days of the Obama/Biden administration where they got everything they wanted.
Anyone else find it odd that Obama was helpless to stop the Caliphate, and Trump pops it like a pimple? What in the heck were democrats doing with that?
MCGA. Prices at Walmart drop 30% after the new regime is in place. Murrikants are ecstatic...more money for ecstasy and belt buckles.3 -3 -3 tape measures for one$ AWESOME dude !
Only problem is that Biden's Iran policy is exactly the same as Trump's Iran policy, only difference is that Biden's comes with a rainbow flag.
Now they know they can start pushing Ameica around again.

Not even to mention slo joe biden with bring back the outrageous nuclear deal that obama instituted at the direction of the radical muslims.

Net result ....Iran with nuclear weapons and more terrorism which had been dealt a severe blow by President Trump.

What does "pushing America around again" look like? How did they push America around before, how was it different under, presumably, Trump?

That seems like the most brazen thing Iran has done against America in a long time, and it happened under Trump. It was obviously in response to his assassinating the Iranian general, but they hit us back and he didn't do anything else. Could that not be construed as them "pushing America around?" Maybe I'm missing something.
All the shitheads in the world, including the Useful idiots in the US, are tickled pink that China Joe was able to get away with stealing the election and getting Trump out of office.

Making America Great Again is something the assholes never wanted to see.

Domestic Useful Idiots (Democrats, Libtard, Moon Bats, etc) want America to be a Socialist shithole.

Foreign assholes want America to be their welfare provider.

China is tickled pink that their man is in the White House and Obama's Mullah buddies in Iran are ecstatic with joy.

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