Who are the Israelis?

Temple Mount Update | Here we are all Nachshon Ben- Áminadav - Shavuá Tov from the Temple Mount!


Temple Mount Update | Secondary Passover at the Temple Mount

Gaza's Jewish History - Hebrew Love Poetry

Ydidi Ro'i Mekimi is a poem composed by Rabbi Yisrael Nagarah (1555 Safed - 1628 Gaza). The piyyut expresses the longing of the Jewish people in exile to their G-d as a flock that yearns for the guiding and supportive hand of the shepherd and for redemption.

Rabbi Yisrael Nagara was the rabbi of Gaza, buried there in an ancient Jewish cemetery, considered one of the greatest Hebrew poets of all times.

My beloved shepherd who raises me up
From being run over people of vanity

Tell me now, to whom have You abandoned a few of the herd
Return to gather Your remote, for they are seed of Your beloved

And see the peace of Your brothers and the peace of the flock

Graze me in the beautiful grass, give pasture over all the blessings
By Your hand, gather the lamb, and carry the young of the herd

Say please my redeemer my rescue, till when is my injustice
Govern me, graze me, the Shepherd of my vanity
And Abel (vanity) was a shepherd

Gather thousands, cover them and rescue them
From the hand of the hater, hasten the redeemer

Also the herd shall pass, and build the Temple and the Hall
And send the messenger of Israel, to say "redeemer came to Zion"
Rachel (ewe) comes with the flock

Gaza's Jewish History in 90 seconds!
Here we go: Biblical period – Land of Gerar.
Our ancestors Abraham and Isaac-the quarrel about the wells

145 BC The Hasmonean period.
Yonatan HaMaccabi conquered Gaza, his brother Shimon settled Jews there.

• The Mishnah period

• The Talmudic period – Roman Byzantine. Testimony of a Jewish synagogue in Gaza.

• The Crusader period – Eliezer ben Yitzchak, from Kfar Darom.
• 569 BC – Deportation of Gaza Jews
• Mamluk period – Evidence of Jewish presence in Gaza
• The period of the Rama – Jews in Gaza during the 1st Muslim occupation. 60 homeowners in the Jewish neighborhood, wine industry.
• 1492 some deportees from Spain arrive in Gaza. Rabbi Yisrael Najara- Rabbi of Gaza. Shabbtai Zvi period

• 1870 The period of the first aliyah. Return of Jews to Gaza. It is known of about 30 religious families in Gaza

• 1908 Hacham Elkayam (Elkayam the sage) . Establishment of the first Hebrew school in Gaza/ Establishment of a bank in Gaza.

• 1915 World War 1. Deportation of Gaza Jews.

• 1919 – Establishment of the British Mandate and renewal of Jewish settlement in Gaza. Renewal of school.

• 1929 – Following the Arab riots, Jews are forced out of Gaza.

• 1946 – Establishment of Kfar Darom as part of the Operation 11 Points in the Negev

1948 – Evacuation of Kfar Darom during the War of Independence.

• 1967 – Occupation of Gaza during the Six Day War.

• 1970 – The Golda Meir government decides to establish Netzarim and Kfar Darom.

• 1975 – Kfar Darom was nationalized by the Rabin government and served as a transit camp for the first settlers of Gush Katif.

• 1977 – Establishment of Netzer Hazani ,the first settlement in Gush Katif.

• 1977- 2005 Establishment of 21 settlements in the Gaza Strip

• 2005 – Uprooting of the Gush Katif residents as part of the disengagement plan devised by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

October 7th 2023 - Israel is taking back Gaza. #GazaIsrael Peace out!

Following hostage video release

PM Netanyahu - 'The brutality of Hamas terrorists only strengthens my determination to fight with all my might until Hamas is eliminated, to ensure that what we saw tonight will never happen again.'

Temple Mount Update | Secondary Passover at the Temple Mount

A menorah from the Talmud period was found in Hebron

Menorah from the Talmud period according to the Rambam method of diagonal reeds*
During an arrest operation in the village of Sayir near Hebron, fighters arrived at the Kasbah of the village, which 2000 years ago was a Jewish village at the time of the Talmud.

'During an arrest activity in the village of Sayir near Hebron, we arrived at the Kasbah of the village, which 2000 years ago was a Jewish village at the time of the Talmud. On the door frame of the house - a drawing with a lamp, number of Sa'el Ma'oz Schwartz, Majd 7007.

He wants to thank the person who accompanied him to the arrest - the historian Zabo Ehrlich. 'Thank you to Major Zebo, one of the elite historians and commander of our 7007th battalion for 10 years, between the years 79 and 89.'

Zavo expands on the history of the village and in particular the menorah: 'In a house inside the heart of the kasbah in Kfar Sayir two menorahs from the Talmud period were found next to us, next to them a floral decoration, a semicircle and a star, you know such things from other places.'


Hamas Mahmoud Al-Zahr "Palestine is like a toothpick for us"

For Arab imperialists land is pillage.

To me the land of Israel is mother, sister and wife.

I want to eat her, grow along her, be the grain of her earth and rise from it again.

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Anti-Islamic imperialism
"History didn't start on 7 Oct"

Dems Enraged (a Little Panicked too) as Netanyahu’s Invite to Address Congress Becomes Reality

Undeterred by the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s plan to seek an arrest warrant for alleged war crimes against the Israeli PM, House Speaker Mike Johnson (D-La) stated on Tuesday that he intends to proceed with inviting Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver an address to Congress. Johnson revealed that a formal invitation has not yet been extended as he is awaiting confirmation from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) regarding co-sponsoring the invitation.

Gaza's Jewish History - Rabbi Yisrael Najarah

Born in 1555 in Damascus, studied with his father Rabbi Mosheh Najarah, a native of Safed under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and with his grandfather Rabbi Israel de Curiel, one of the sages of Safed and one of the first four certified by Smichah. By his own choice, he moved to Damascus and was a public emissary in the community there. After a period spent between different cities in different places, among others in the Levant, he returned to Damascus for a short period. After that he returned to Safed, where he married and had a daughter.

Following a plague that killed his daughter and wife, Rabbi Israel Najarah returned to Damascus in 1576 and remarried. He had three children from this marriage.

The Chief Rabbi of Gaza

After a period in Damascus, he moved to Gaza, where he served as a judge. His son, Rabbi Mosheh Najarah, served as the Chief Rabbi of Gaza after him. While in Gaza he was a teacher of a Avtalion. He died in 1628 in Gaza, and was buried in the Jewish cemetery in the city. According to another testimony, his grave is located on the territory of the al-Boreij refugee camp in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The Love Song of Gaza

Rabbi Israel Najara became famous mainly as a poet and bard, and his work had a considerable influence in Jewish communities from the Balkan countries, most of the countries of the Muslim world and even India. In his poetry, the influence of Spanish poetry is evident, both in the strict weight and form, and in the subjects of the poetry. Among his famous poems: 'Anna Elech', 'Y'arat Dvash/Honey Comb', 'Yah Creator of Eternity', 'Yoducho Ra'ioni/ My Thought Shall Thank You', 'Ya'alah Boi L'Gani/Doe come to my garden', 'My Dove The Radiance Of Your Splendor', 'Residing on the throne of Glory', "My Beloved Shepherd Who Raises Me/Ydidi Ro'ee Mkimi', and many more.

Ya'arat Dvash - The Honeycomb

Gaza’s rich Jewish history and destiny

It is perhaps due to the Jewish people’s deep roots in Gaza that despite having been expelled from the Strip seven times over the past 2,000 years, they always sought to return.

As a result of Hamas’s brutal massacre of over 1,300 Israelis on October 7, Gaza has once again been thrust back into the international spotlight, garnering attention across the globe.

And while much has been said about this strip of land along the Mediterranean Sea, it appears that few are aware of its long and vivid history, which is inextricably linked with that of the Jewish people and contains within it some lessons relevant to our current situation.

Indeed, the Jewish connection with Gaza stretches back to the dawn of our very existence.

Read more -


A menorah from the Talmud period was found in Hebron

Menorah from the Talmud period according to the Rambam method of diagonal reeds*
During an arrest operation in the village of Sayir near Hebron, fighters arrived at the Kasbah of the village, which 2000 years ago was a Jewish village at the time of the Talmud.

'During an arrest activity in the village of Sayir near Hebron, we arrived at the Kasbah of the village, which 2000 years ago was a Jewish village at the time of the Talmud. On the door frame of the house - a drawing with a lamp, number of Sa'el Ma'oz Schwartz, Majd 7007.

He wants to thank the person who accompanied him to the arrest - the historian Zabo Ehrlich. 'Thank you to Major Zebo, one of the elite historians and commander of our 7007th battalion for 10 years, between the years 79 and 89.'

Zavo expands on the history of the village and in particular the menorah: 'In a house inside the heart of the kasbah in Kfar Sayir two menorahs from the Talmud period were found next to us, next to them a floral decoration, a semicircle and a star, you know such things from other places.'



We will not allow even a declaration of a Palestinian state, Israel's national security minister said.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Wednesday, his first trip in nearly a month to the site.

“From the holiest place for the people of Israel and which belongs only to the State of Israel, I say: Tonight we will receive another testimony as to why Hamas must be totally destroyed. The countries that recognized a Palestinian state today are giving a reward to the terrorists,” he said in a video from atop the mount.

“And I say, we will not allow even a declaration of a Palestinian state. And I say one more thing: To destroy Hamas, we have to go into Rafah to the end, do a root canal. To return our hostages, we need to stop the [supply of fuel to the Gaza Strip] fuel, establish that humanitarianism is only for humanitarianism. And control this place, the most important place.”

Ben-Gvir has made it a point throughout his tenure as national security minister to visit the Temple Mount, the site of the First and Second Temples before they were destroyed by the the Neo-Babylonian and Roman empires, respectively.

Israel liberated the Mount during the 1967 Six-Day War. It then handed its administration back to the Waqf Islamic trust under Jordanian Hashemite custodianship, while maintaining Israeli security control.

Ben-Gvir has been pushing for the voluntary emigration of Gazans and the resettlement of the part of the Strip by Israel. He mentioned this in his video message on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, he told the Kikar HaShabbat website, “Complete occupation of Gaza, everything is ours. Full Israeli control including Jewish settlement and voluntary encouragement of immigration. Not only in settlements that have been evacuated.” Ben-Gvir said he would be willing to live in Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on this later in the night, saying in a CNN interview, “If you mean resettling Gaza …, it was never in the cards, and I said so openly. And some of my constituents are not happy about it, but that’s my position.”


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