Name Something More Important Than Diversity

You went into the woods without a plan to feed yourself?

That was the point for me. I even brought BBQ sauce.

Stay out for long time, eat all the time.
We went out on missions and carried our food with us.

But when you're only getting an hour of sleep in a patrol base and rucking all night, you get hungry.
That's a bit different.
Yep. I never just go out in the woods and look for food unless I don't have any choice. Carry your own food and water. I usually carried 2 gallons and enough food for a week.

They didn't really spend a lot of time teaching us about living off the land. Foraging and looking for herbs. I learned most of that on my own.
I learned that hiking thru the back country you'd better know the area or carry a military grid map, protractor and a compass. You can find your way anywhere in the dark using those three things. I walked thru heavy brush at night for miles and never got lost using the land navigation tactics the Army taught me, even if it's so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face.
This is a real poser.

We all know how important diversity is, but can anyone think of something that is even more important?

Well just off the top of my head, I think all of the following and more are far more important than diversity:

1. Competence
2. Effectiveness
3. Integrity
4. Honesty
5. Courtesy
6. Liberty
7. Personal responsibility and accountability
8. Results/consequences
9. Common sense
10. Social equity meaning everybody gets treated the same depending on their behavior, attitude, demeanor, ability, competence, experience regardless of skin color, etc.
This is a real poser.

We all know how important diversity is, but can anyone think of something that is even more important?

When people board an airplane, or have a surgical procedure, or need computer assistance, or need the help of a police officer, or vote for a public official (such as a district attorney), they hope that person is COMPETENT.

Here in Los Angeles way back in the 20th Century (!!!), a new hospital was opened and named in honor of a super famous Civil Rights leader. The hospital had all the latest medical machines, and almost all of the staff were of a certain race. Well, it turned out that some staff members just checked in each day and then left. Some staff members with fancy titles did not know how to operate the medical machines. And officers of the Los Angeles Police Department told their colleagues: If I ever need emergency care, NEVER take me to that alleged hospital!!!

It became so notorious for lazy and incompetent staff that the Los Angeles Times (which was not yet so woke) demanded the closure of the hospital!!! (It has since reopened but now offers limited services. In fact, it recently told a violence victim that he would have to wait 2 hours for assistance, so his loved ones were able to get him into another hospital.)
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I like the diversity of birds that visit my feeders. Human diversity is ok if not overdone.

Oh, sure everything is fine and on an even keel at the feeder till the blacks move in. They will clean it out in a day.....It's like they are entitled to all the seed. ;)

OH now I get it…when you think diversity, you think of men and women coexisting and food varieties?
You’re not thinking of combinations of people of various religions, ethnicities and those speaking different languages coexisting?

I think of all of that. The Netherlands is very diverse in its religious make up. While the US is 3/4 Christian, The Netherlands is less than 1/4 with a whole host of other religions and "none" filling up the rest.

In the Netherlands just under 1/4 of the population are immigrants and their children, a higher percent than here in the US.

While Dutch is the official language of the country, there are at least 7 other languages that are official languages of different sections of the country.

The Netherlands is considered one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world, couple that with a more than 1/4 of respondents in the Netherlands saying that they are attracted to the same or both sexes.

Trust me, you would fucking hate it there.

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