Biden the Weak: Too many dots to count


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden the Weak:

Too many dots to count

9 Oct 2023 ~~ By Peter Olsson

When all Biden’s policies and decisions of weakness are added up, the violent Iran-backed Hamas attack of Israel is easy to explain.

Let’s connect the dots:
  • Biden ignores follow-up on the magnificent Nobel-deserving Trump Abraham Accords as a basis for Arab-Israeli peace. Iran starts fomenting a slow undermining against the Abraham Accords.
  • Biden curtails American oil and gas exploitation just as Trump’s policies were leading to American energy independence.
  • Biden tries to appease Putin by supporting the Nordstream pipeline to weaken Europe and NATO
  • Biden botches his abrupt poorly-planned weak departure from Afghanistan against NATO allies’ opinion and that of his own generals.
  • Biden dithers about an obvious coming attack by Putin against Ukraine -- then gives too little too late for an outright defeat of Putin.
  • In a desperate attempt to reactivate the bogus and always flawed Iran nuclear deal, Biden gives Iran, the sponsor of anti-Israel terror, $6 billion along with other look-the-other-way appeasement.
Surprise! Hamas attacks Israel as other Iran sponsored forces like Hezb’allah gather for action in the region.

Fraudulent elections have consequences and one of them is absolutely no accountability for the fraud corruption and incompetence they create or do not do.
Biden’s intelligence agencies. DoJ/FBI Stasi and their counterparts, commonly referred to as 'Five Eyes, are reoriented/reprioritized inwards in search of mystical Ultra MAGA domestic terrorists and what do you know, they experience one of the single greatest intelligence failures in US history.
Sleeping with one eye open has become a necessity to wary Americans since 2021.

See also:
"We can’t say we weren’t warned. Joe Biden’s abject incompetence at foreign policy is legendary.​
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up,” former President Barack Obama reportedly warned a fellow Democrat during the 2020 primary. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in 2014 that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”​
Biden’s record somehow has only gotten worse since he became president."​
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Biden is toast.....With every explosion and recovered body in Israel/Gaza voters will be reminded of him playing patty-cake with Iran, his complete disregard of the lives of Americans lost, and the total ineptitude of his administration in every facet of the lead-up to this debacle.....And likely afterwards given their body of work thus far.

Sure, the MSM will try to spin it but to no avail.
When you're talking about something that shits its pants in public and stutters like 3-year old, it's a low bar.

But somehow this child molesting shut-in never quite achieves the level of D-. It's always a fucking F with him.

biden holy fuck 9.gif

Biden's appeasement has encouraged Iran's terrorist agenda​

10 Oct 2023 ~~

As Israel begins its necessary war against Hamas, the U.S. must do all it can diplomatically and with military and intelligence support to ensure it succeeds.
Unfortunately, although President Joe Biden has offered clear rhetorical support for Israel since the weekend and condemned Hamas's multipronged atrocities, his record dealing with the world's worst terrorist regime, Iran, has been weak, dishonest, and shameful. Iran is Hamas's sponsor in weapons, financing, and other support. Hamas is essentially a terrorist arm of the Tehran regime more than it is a representative of the Palestinian people. If Biden is as serious about supporting Israel as he claims to be, he must abandon his policy of appeasing the religious tyranny in Tehran.
A sensible and decisive president would have ordered limited military action against Iran to deter it from such plots. Instead, Biden allowed Iran to keep its assassination agenda with impunity. This was encapsulated three weeks ago when Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi used his U.N. address to vilify Israelis, saying, "the ropes of the guilty will bring them to justice." When asked if Iran remained committed to assassinating Americans, Raisi affirmed that that remains the case, saying, "This cannot be forgotten or forgiven. ... The perpetrators ... they must meet the punishment for the crime committed."
Biden responded by doing and saying nothing.
The administration is culpably obsessed with restoring a fatally flawed nuclear accord. Even if you set aside the fact that Iran has broken the commitments it made in 2015, set aside its covert nuclear weapons research in underground bunkers, set aside the mullahs' intention to execute a second Holocaust against the Jews, Biden's policy has been lamentably weak and ineffective. It has demonstrated to Tehran that the U.S. administration lacks resolve and wisdom. This encourages Iranian aggression. Biden made it more, not less, likely that Tehran would press the start button of Hamas's slaughter of Israelis at the weekend. His policy toward Iran has been unforgivably naive and disingenuous.
The horrors inflicted on Israel should wake the president from his daydreams. He must acknowledge what Iran really is — a terrorist sponsor determined to murder Americans and Israelis. There should be no appeasement of the terrorist state or its network of terror organizations. Biden must reverse course and deal with the world as it really is rather than as, in his somnolent fantasies, he has till now believed it to be.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden has not been a unifier either in America or in foreign Policy. Joe has proven to to a weak kneed appeaser.
Appeasement never works!
It’s only seen as weakness, and as a wise man once said, “weakness is provocative!”
The purpose of The Democrat Socialists of America Party Organized a Crime Syndicate to use whatever means necessary to put money into their Socialist Commie pockets.
Meanwhile, rather than telling the people the truth, every Quisling Media outlet has brave Joe “standing strong with Israel”. Nauseating but expected.

Biden the Weak:

Too many dots to count

9 Oct 2023 ~~ By Peter Olsson

When all Biden’s policies and decisions of weakness are added up, the violent Iran-backed Hamas attack of Israel is easy to explain.

Let’s connect the dots:
  • Biden ignores follow-up on the magnificent Nobel-deserving Trump Abraham Accords as a basis for Arab-Israeli peace. Iran starts fomenting a slow undermining against the Abraham Accords.
  • Biden curtails American oil and gas exploitation just as Trump’s policies were leading to American energy independence.
  • Biden tries to appease Putin by supporting the Nordstream pipeline to weaken Europe and NATO
  • Biden botches his abrupt poorly-planned weak departure from Afghanistan against NATO allies’ opinion and that of his own generals.
  • Biden dithers about an obvious coming attack by Putin against Ukraine -- then gives too little too late for an outright defeat of Putin.
  • In a desperate attempt to reactivate the bogus and always flawed Iran nuclear deal, Biden gives Iran, the sponsor of anti-Israel terror, $6 billion along with other look-the-other-way appeasement.
Surprise! Hamas attacks Israel as other Iran sponsored forces like Hezb’allah gather for action in the region.

Fraudulent elections have consequences and one of them is absolutely no accountability for the fraud corruption and incompetence they create or do not do.
Biden’s intelligence agencies. DoJ/FBI Stasi and their counterparts, commonly referred to as 'Five Eyes, are reoriented/reprioritized inwards in search of mystical Ultra MAGA domestic terrorists and what do you know, they experience one of the single greatest intelligence failures in US history.
Sleeping with one eye open has become a necessity to wary Americans since 2021.

See also:
"We can’t say we weren’t warned. Joe Biden’s abject incompetence at foreign policy is legendary.​
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up,” former President Barack Obama reportedly warned a fellow Democrat during the 2020 primary. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in 2014 that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”​
Biden’s record somehow has only gotten worse since he became president."​
Wingnut propaganda.

Biden the Weak:

Too many dots to count

9 Oct 2023 ~~ By Peter Olsson

When all Biden’s policies and decisions of weakness are added up, the violent Iran-backed Hamas attack of Israel is easy to explain.

Let’s connect the dots:
  • Biden ignores follow-up on the magnificent Nobel-deserving Trump Abraham Accords as a basis for Arab-Israeli peace. Iran starts fomenting a slow undermining against the Abraham Accords.
  • Biden curtails American oil and gas exploitation just as Trump’s policies were leading to American energy independence.
  • Biden tries to appease Putin by supporting the Nordstream pipeline to weaken Europe and NATO
  • Biden botches his abrupt poorly-planned weak departure from Afghanistan against NATO allies’ opinion and that of his own generals.
  • Biden dithers about an obvious coming attack by Putin against Ukraine -- then gives too little too late for an outright defeat of Putin.
  • In a desperate attempt to reactivate the bogus and always flawed Iran nuclear deal, Biden gives Iran, the sponsor of anti-Israel terror, $6 billion along with other look-the-other-way appeasement.
Surprise! Hamas attacks Israel as other Iran sponsored forces like Hezb’allah gather for action in the region.

Fraudulent elections have consequences and one of them is absolutely no accountability for the fraud corruption and incompetence they create or do not do.
Biden’s intelligence agencies. DoJ/FBI Stasi and their counterparts, commonly referred to as 'Five Eyes, are reoriented/reprioritized inwards in search of mystical Ultra MAGA domestic terrorists and what do you know, they experience one of the single greatest intelligence failures in US history.
Sleeping with one eye open has become a necessity to wary Americans since 2021.

See also:
"We can’t say we weren’t warned. Joe Biden’s abject incompetence at foreign policy is legendary.​
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up,” former President Barack Obama reportedly warned a fellow Democrat during the 2020 primary. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in 2014 that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”​
Biden’s record somehow has only gotten worse since he became president."​
Can you count to 306? The voters could. LOL....
Biden is toast.....With every explosion and recovered body in Israel/Gaza voters will be reminded of him playing patty-cake with Iran, his complete disregard of the lives of Americans lost, and the total ineptitude of his administration in every facet of the lead-up to this debacle.....And likely afterwards given their body of work thus far.

Sure, the MSM will try to spin it but to no avail.
Unfortunately the Democrats control most of government, the media/social media, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, big business, even a lot of religious organization etc. and therefore can control much of the message most people see.

Most people won't see Biden all in the same day say Israel has a right to defend itself to deploring attacks on Gaza to Israel should stand down.

I am pretty darn sure if Trump was President now:
-- there would be no Russian/Ukraine war
-- China, North Korea, Iran would not be saber rattling
--the Taliban would not have control of Afghanistan laughing in our faces at the futility of all the blood and treasure expended in that war
--there would be peace in the middle east because Iran and others bad actors supporting Islamic terrorism would know repercussions for any aggression would be swift and terrible or at least extremely expensive

And we would still be enjoying the closest thing to world peace that any of us had ever known.

What we have now is 100% at the feet of Joe Biden or whoever is manipulating his puppet strings. You cannot be PC, woke, wishy washy, appeasing to bad actors, and demonstrate weakness in word, conviction and action and expect those bad actors not to take huge advantage of that.
Jesse Waters had great coverage of weak Biden and his weak admin last night....

He compares the words of FDR, Reagan, Trump against our enemies to those of our current president, who said Israel should delay ground operations, cease fire, then not cease fire, but wait until hostages are released and then we can negotiate.

Absolutely clueless. They have no idea what they are doing.

Biden admin doesn't know how many American hostages there are.

Biden admin (Defense Secretary Austin, Sec of State Blinken) admit they are terrified of additional escalation.

Kirby says we are concerned about running out of ammo.

Joe's weakness, ineptitude and appeasement of Iran have set this in motion.

Jesse didn't even mention that Biden drained our Strategic Petroleum reserve, just in time for conflict at the Straight of Hormuz or Suez canal.

[Link to 6 minute Jesse Waters segment]

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