$6 Billion in Student Loan Debt - Gone!

I see what Biden is trying to do. Give the little people tax breaks. Give them free healthcare. Student loan forgiveness. He's trying to fix the widening gap between rich and poor.

Student loan forgiveness benefits the middle class and the rich much more than the poor.
This is great news for all those people out there who had the benefit of receiving loans so they could receive a college education that they used to gain better work opportunities. All of the people who never had the chance to obtain a loan, and as a result never went to college, can suck it.

The overly generous federal loans are a major cause for the massive increase in cost of education and the low payment return on them.
Really? I graduated in the mid 90's and college was about $5000 a year. My first job out of college I was making $85K a year. And many others at my company were making a lot more than me. Thanks Bill Clinton.
Yes really and you completely disregarded the facts in my comments
You are talking about the 90s, I was referencing the early and middle 70’s. I was referencing my start of college and not my income after graduation.
I'm not going to agree that we created woke nonsense degrees. I have a Major in Communications and I make $100K. I would NOT agreeeebe making what I make now if I didn't get my degree. It opened doors.

If you can't find a decent job with a college degree, you suck.
I make 6 figures as well and had no college to do it. When you google this subject, many of the worthless degrees are in areas where you would think would be good majors. But, the fact is, there just aren't a lot of jobs in the areas like communications. Kind of like an arts degree. You can always find someone making a lot of money but that's not the criteria of whether a major study in college is worth having in college. One can learn to communicate in other ways and be more successful than yourself. The point is, there are lots of majors where students should have to agree to paying back their loans if they are not able to make any money in them. Not have the government just pay for it and pass the losses on to inflation to everyone especially the poor and the needy. But, that's what inflation does. And, all democrats want to do is print more money, drive up inflation more, and hurt more poor people, unlike yourself.
High interest? That's the borrowers fault then for agreeing to the contract.

You can't be tricked into student loan debt, you have to agree to it and if you agree to debt without knowing the details that's your fault.

And what does trump have to do with this?

Why did you vote for Joe Biden when he said during the campaign he would cancel student debt?

This is your fault.
The overwhelming majority of 18 year old students CANT arrange for 50k loans. Parents are almost always the co-responsible party
Incorrect but it is your tool to play the misguided victim Once Again.

Wrong. The Federal government student loan program will literally lend hundreds of thousands of dollars, with no co-signer, to 18 year olds to attempt a useless, in many cases, degree.

I'm not a victim, I paid off my student loans. I think everyone should pay off their student loans.
I also think the government should not be in the business of lending or guaranteeing college loans.
The Federal government student loan program will literally lend hundreds of thousands of dollars, with no co-signer, to 18 year olds to attempt a useless, in many cases, degree.
Some corrections to your post:

1) undergraduates can only borrow a maximum of $57,500, and a max of $12,500 per year. And unless they are Bill Murray from Groundhog Day, they are not borrowing all of that while they are 18.

2) No degree is useless. Millions of jobs require having a bachelor's degree. Any bachelor's degree.

What causes so many huge debt loads to build up is that our wages have not kept pace with the cost of living.

So borrowers use forbearance and income driven repayment to get by. Next thing you know,it's 15 years later, and the balance is over twice what is was at inception, despite the borrowers having paid the equivalent of half or more of the balance.

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