Why I Rejected 'Identity Politics' and 'White Nationalism'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Not long ago I came to the realization that Identity Politics runs the political discourse and machinery of Western Civilization, if one can say it still exists in a Post-modern intellectual environment and exemplified by the Kate Steinle murder. So it would seem that white people should organize and represent themselves as have Hispanics, blacks, homosexuals, radicalized women, etc, or else we would be left with no place at the political table, not represented.

Seems to be a rational choice given the tribalism that runs our culture, but only if you are an 'oppressed minority', and that oppression might be at any time and any place. The primary consideration for tolerance of a group organizing is how well such a group fits into a Post-Modern, pseudo-Marxist agenda and narrative.

I have never been overly concerned with being viewed as a misfit or social reject as our society is run by people who are trying to destroy us as a culture and civilization by remaking it all into some monstrosity of Consumer driven Hedonism guided only by Narcissism. But I wanted to understand White Nationalism more deeply before I formally tossed my hat into that ring of ideological madness.

1) The first thing I learned is that White Nationalism stems from an adoption of Identity Politics as a world view, that ones group identity determines ones character and potential, which I cannot accept. Racialism of the WEB Du Bois sort is misleading in that there are other categorizations of the human species such as phenotype and somatotype that more accurately describe the health and mentality of an individual than racialism does, though Somatotype theory is rightly dismissed as an over-generalization of the human being even so.

Categorizing people by race makes as much sense as buying a new car based solely on the color of the paint job which is irrational to say the least.

2) But that Identity Politics and its attendant racialism is irrational should surprise no one since it is part of the broader Post-Modern movement which rejects rationality altogether.

While encompassing a wide variety of approaches, postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, often calling into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality.[5] Consequently, common targets of postmodern critique include universalist notions of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, language, and social progress.[5] Postmodern thinkers frequently call attention to the contingent or socially-conditioned nature of knowledge claims and value systems, situating them as products of particular political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies.[5] Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, subjectivism, and irreverence. - Postmodernism - Wikipedia

The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society is a 1991 book written by American historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., a former advisor to the Kennedy and other US administrations and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

Schlesinger states that a new attitude, one that celebrates difference and abandons assimilation, may replace the classic image of the melting pot in which differences are submerged in democracy. He argues that ethnic awareness has had many positive consequences to unite a nation with a "history of prejudice." However, the "cult of ethnicity," if pushed too far, may endanger the unity of society.

According to Schlesinger, multiculturalists are "very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes." Their "mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures."[1] - The Disuniting of America - Wikipedia

Linguist Noam Chomsky has argued that postmodernism is meaningless because it adds nothing to analytical or empirical knowledge. He asks why postmodernist intellectuals won't respond like people in other fields when asked:

Seriously, what are the principles of their theories, on what evidence are they based, what do they explain that wasn't already obvious, etc? These are fair requests for anyone to make. If they can't be met, then I'd suggest recourse to Hume's advice in similar circumstances: to the flames.[1]
Christopher Hitchens in his book, Why Orwell Matters, writes, in advocating for simple, clear and direct expression of ideas, "The Postmodernists' tyranny wears people down by boredom and semi-literate prose."[2] Hitchens also criticized a postmodernist volume, "The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism":[3] "The French, as it happens, once evolved an expression for this sort of prose: la langue de bois, the wooden tongue, in which nothing useful or enlightening can be said, but in which various excuses for the arbitrary and the dishonest can be offered. (This book) is a pointer to the abysmal state of mind that prevails in so many of our universities."

In a similar vein, Richard Dawkins writes in a favorable review of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont's Intellectual Impostures:[4]

Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.​
Dawkins then uses a quotation from Félix Guattari as an example of this "lack of content". - Criticism of postmodernism - Wikipedia

This rejection of objectivity, morality, truth, reason and social progress is what is killing our civilization which makes anything associated with Post-modern thought a form of cultural suicide for any culture. So, in essence, an acceptance of White Nationalism is an indirect adoption of moral relativism, subjectivism, and irrationality as well as the fraud of racial thinking in general.

3) When I consider what is best for our culture, our nation and our progeny, things that are evolutionally valid considerations, I cannot accept the notion that we cannot improve our society and culture. I cannot accept the insanity of a subjective world view that creates only intellectual/moral chaos and mistrust. I cannot accept a world view that inevitably leads to cultural extinction and moral decay.

White Nationalism is just one more form of the Decadence that is the only true existential threat to our nation, our civilization and Humanity itself.

4) White Nationalism, as a part of the Identity Politics rubric of ideas, weakens the organized impact of the working class as a whole.

Historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. discussed identity politics extensively in his 1991 book The Disuniting of America. Schlesinger, a strong supporter of liberal conceptions of civil rights, argues that a liberal democracy requires a common basis for culture and society to function. In his view, basing politics on group marginalization fractures the civil polity, and therefore works against creating real opportunities for ending marginalization. Schlesinger believes that "movements for civil rights should aim toward full acceptance and integration of marginalized groups into the mainstream culture, rather than...perpetuating that marginalization through affirmations of difference".[17]

Brendan O'Neill has contrasted the politics of gay liberation and identity politics by saying "... [Peter] Tatchell also had, back in the day, ... a commitment to the politics of liberation, which encouraged gays to come out and live and engage. Now, we have the politics of identity, which invites people to stay in, to look inward, to obsess over the body and the self, to surround themselves with a moral forcefield to protect their worldview—which has nothing to do with the world—from any questioning."[18]

Author Owen Jones argues that identity politics often marginalize the working class, saying that:

In the 1950s and 1960s, left-wing intellectuals who were both inspired and informed by a powerful labour movement wrote hundreds of books and articles on working-class issues. Such work would help shape the views of politicians at the very top of the Labour Party. Today, progressive intellectuals are far more interested in issues of identity. ... Of course, the struggles for the emancipation of women, gays, and ethnic minorities are exceptionally important causes. New Labour has co-opted them, passing genuinely progressive legislation on gay equality and women's rights, for example. But it is an agenda that has happily co-existed with the sidelining of the working class in politics, allowing New Labour to protect its radical flank while pressing ahead with Thatcherite policies.

— Owen Jones, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class[19]

There is no redeeming feature to White Nationalism and it represents a step backwards for working class people of all races, genders and faiths.

I urge fellow patriots and civic Americans to fight Identity Politics in all its forms as much as they would fight Marxism or fascism.

This threat is very real and poses an existential threat far worse than any other of our time to include terrorism and environmental change. We can handle those problems if we remain rational and objective, but Identity Politics, White Nationalism, and Post-Modernism reject these tools to survive and would doom us all to eventual extinction.
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Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
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Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
Democrats use identity politics because we've discovered that they are terrible at running the country.
So if you are lousy leader, scream racism and maybe someone will believe you.
It helps that the media is bought and paid for as well.

But we all know this.......

Democrat policies are ridiculous. High taxes, low wages, massive debt, rampant crime, going soft on criminals, punishing people who don't vote for you, forcing people to think the way you want them to. Reward people when they lie and cheat for you.

No free society that has it's shit together would want to follow this, but the retards on the left seem to be able to find enough manufactured votes in rental trucks to win elections. Just drive them to a corrupt election supervisor's district and you can win any election.
Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
Democrats use identity politics because we've discovered that they are terrible at running the country.
So if you are lousy leader, scream racism and maybe someone will believe you.
It helps that the media is bought and paid for as well.

But we all know this.......

Democrat policies are ridiculous. High taxes, low wages, massive debt, rampant crime, going soft on criminals, punishing people who don't vote for you, forcing people to think the way you want them to. Reward people when they lie and cheat for you.

No free society that has it's shit together would want to follow this, but the retards on the left seem to be able to find enough manufactured votes in rental trucks to win elections. Just drive them to a corrupt election supervisor's district and you can win any election.
XXXXX on the right are doing this as well, and it is something we should guard against.

there is a fine line between Enlightened Nationalistic self interest vrs subjective narcissistic bombast and Jargoneering.
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Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
We will eradicate it because else it will destroy us all.

There are many strategies to reverse this bullshit, and we have only just started to do so.

Do not, please, do not give up on the inherent divine Spark that resides in us all, Mac. It is our only salvation along with the Grace of God.
Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
Democrats use identity politics because we've discovered that they are terrible at running the country.
So if you are lousy leader, scream racism and maybe someone will believe you.
It helps that the media is bought and paid for as well.

But we all know this.......

Democrat policies are ridiculous. High taxes, low wages, massive debt, rampant crime, going soft on criminals, punishing people who don't vote for you, forcing people to think the way you want them to. Reward people when they lie and cheat for you.

No free society that has it's shit together would want to follow this, but the retards on the left seem to be able to find enough manufactured votes in rental trucks to win elections. Just drive them to a corrupt election supervisor's district and you can win any election.
Retards on the right are doing this as well, and it is something we should guard against.

there is a fine line between Enlightened Nationalistic self interest vrs subjective narcissistic bombast and Jargoneering.
The Right's simplistic, sloppy and ham-handed response has certainly made things worse.

My guess is that what we're seeing today is most likely a clumsy last gasp. They blew it.
Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
We will eradicate it because else it will destroy us all.

There are many strategies to reverse this bullshit, and we have only just started to do so.

Do not, please, do not give up on the inherent divine Spark that resides in us all, Mac. It is our only salvation along with the Grace of God.
Hey, I'm open to anything!

Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
Democrats use identity politics because we've discovered that they are terrible at running the country.
So if you are lousy leader, scream racism and maybe someone will believe you.
It helps that the media is bought and paid for as well.

But we all know this.......

Democrat policies are ridiculous. High taxes, low wages, massive debt, rampant crime, going soft on criminals, punishing people who don't vote for you, forcing people to think the way you want them to. Reward people when they lie and cheat for you.

No free society that has it's shit together would want to follow this, but the retards on the left seem to be able to find enough manufactured votes in rental trucks to win elections. Just drive them to a corrupt election supervisor's district and you can win any election.
Retards on the right are doing this as well, and it is something we should guard against.

there is a fine line between Enlightened Nationalistic self interest vrs subjective narcissistic bombast and Jargoneering.
That's horse shit.
Democrats have control over the media....so any Republican that does is either has to do it for the Democrats or they get exposed as fakes.
Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.

It can be eradicated, but it takes a form of revolution to occur, or some cataclysm to make people forget about petty grievances and come together.
Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now. Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate. We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
It can be eradicated, but it takes a form of revolution to occur, or some cataclysm to make people forget about petty grievances and come together.
I used to think that, but I'm not so sure. We may not have the capacity at this point, regardless of the cataclysm.
Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
Democrats use identity politics because we've discovered that they are terrible at running the country.
So if you are lousy leader, scream racism and maybe someone will believe you.
It helps that the media is bought and paid for as well.

But we all know this.......

Democrat policies are ridiculous. High taxes, low wages, massive debt, rampant crime, going soft on criminals, punishing people who don't vote for you, forcing people to think the way you want them to. Reward people when they lie and cheat for you.

No free society that has it's shit together would want to follow this, but the retards on the left seem to be able to find enough manufactured votes in rental trucks to win elections. Just drive them to a corrupt election supervisor's district and you can win any election.
Retards on the right are doing this as well, and it is something we should guard against.

there is a fine line between Enlightened Nationalistic self interest vrs subjective narcissistic bombast and Jargoneering.
The Right's simplistic, sloppy and ham-handed response has certainly made things worse.

My guess is that what we're seeing today is most likely a clumsy last gasp. They blew it.
I think Paul Ryan was bought.
I didn't see him out there once trying to help Republicans keep the House.
Also, any Republican that can't keep it in his pants retired by now.
Democrats can get away with murder, but a Republican can be a total boy scout and they'll still accuse him of sexual assault when he was in Kindergarden.
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Alas, Jim, I suspect it's too late. Those who seek to divide this country into narcissistic competing pieces have been at this for decades, and it's part of our culture now.

Once a cancer like this has metastasized into the culture, it's damn near impossible to eradicate.

We're becoming a very different country, and some seem to be very pleased about that.
Democrats use identity politics because we've discovered that they are terrible at running the country.
So if you are lousy leader, scream racism and maybe someone will believe you.
It helps that the media is bought and paid for as well.

But we all know this.......

Democrat policies are ridiculous. High taxes, low wages, massive debt, rampant crime, going soft on criminals, punishing people who don't vote for you, forcing people to think the way you want them to. Reward people when they lie and cheat for you.

No free society that has it's shit together would want to follow this, but the retards on the left seem to be able to find enough manufactured votes in rental trucks to win elections. Just drive them to a corrupt election supervisor's district and you can win any election.
Retards on the right are doing this as well, and it is something we should guard against.

there is a fine line between Enlightened Nationalistic self interest vrs subjective narcissistic bombast and Jargoneering.
The Right's simplistic, sloppy and ham-handed response has certainly made things worse.

My guess is that what we're seeing today is most likely a clumsy last gasp. They blew it.
What we're seeing is the decline of decency in a society. The left has given up on decency in the party. Winning at all costs has replaced having a better message. The message was bullshit to begin with, but it used to be Democrats had something to offer. Now all they can offer is chaos and fraud. Not one of them has the knowledge and experience it takes to run a government efficiently. Now all they do is paint the opposition as racists. An example is Bernie Sanders saying when Trump dumped DACA it was the most horrific event he's ever witnessed. He forgets about Pearl Harbor, the rape of Nanking, the Bataan Death March, the Holocaust, the Communist Revolution in Russia, the Killing Fields in Cambodia, and 911. It's this kind of fraudulent rhetoric that passes as normal in Washington.
Democrats have control over the media....so any Republican that does is either has to do it for the Democrats or they get exposed as fakes.
On the right, Identity Politics takes the form of White Nationalism., lol.
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That's horse shit.
Democrats have control over the media....so any Republican that does is either has to do it for the Democrats or they get exposed as fakes.
On the right, Identity Politics takes the form of White Nationalism, and yes, it is horse shit, lol.
Being patriotic is racist.
Love of country is racist.
America is racist.
Let’s become Russia.
While looking for something on Nationalism found this from ALBERT EINSTEIN
NATIONALISM is an infantile disease it is the measles of mankind.
While looking for something on Nationalism found this from ALBERT EINSTEIN
NATIONALISM is an infantile disease it is the measles of mankind.
Einstein was wrong about a lot of things in physics, like his rejection of Quantum Mechanics theory.

Outside of physics, which was his specialty, he is just another dead liberal spouting off.

Not long ago I came to the realization that Identity Politics runs the political discourse and machinery of Western Civilization, if one can say it still exists in a Post-modern intellectual environment and exemplified by the Kate Steinle murder. So it would seem that white people should organize and represent themselves as have Hispanics, blacks, homosexuals, radicalized women, etc, or else we would be left with no place at the political table, not represented.

Seems to be a rational choice given the tribalism that runs our culture, but only if you are an 'oppressed minority', and that oppression might be at any time and any place. The primary consideration for tolerance of a group organizing is how well such a group fits into a Post-Modern, pseudo-Marxist agenda and narrative.

I have never been overly concerned with being viewed as a misfit or social reject as our society is run by people who are trying to destroy us as a culture and civilization by remaking it all into some monstrosity of Consumer driven Hedonism guided only by Narcissism. But I wanted to understand White Nationalism more deeply before I formally tossed my hat into that ring of ideological madness.

1) The first thing I learned is that White Nationalism stems from an adoption of Identity Politics as a world view, that ones group identity determines ones character and potential, which I cannot accept. Racialism of the WEB Du Bois sort is misleading in that there are other categorizations of the human species such as phenotype and somatotype that more accurately describe the health and mentality of an individual than racialism does, though Somatotype theory is rightly dismissed as an over-generalization of the human being even so.

Categorizing people by race makes as much sense as buying a new car based solely on the color of the paint job which is irrational to say the least.

2) But that Identity Politics and its attendant racialism is irrational should surprise no one since it is part of the broader Post-Modern movement which rejects rationality altogether.

While encompassing a wide variety of approaches, postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, often calling into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality.[5] Consequently, common targets of postmodern critique include universalist notions of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, language, and social progress.[5] Postmodern thinkers frequently call attention to the contingent or socially-conditioned nature of knowledge claims and value systems, situating them as products of particular political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies.[5] Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, subjectivism, and irreverence. - Postmodernism - Wikipedia

The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society is a 1991 book written by American historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., a former advisor to the Kennedy and other US administrations and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

Schlesinger states that a new attitude, one that celebrates difference and abandons assimilation, may replace the classic image of the melting pot in which differences are submerged in democracy. He argues that ethnic awareness has had many positive consequences to unite a nation with a "history of prejudice." However, the "cult of ethnicity," if pushed too far, may endanger the unity of society.

According to Schlesinger, multiculturalists are "very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes." Their "mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures."[1] - The Disuniting of America - Wikipedia

Linguist Noam Chomsky has argued that postmodernism is meaningless because it adds nothing to analytical or empirical knowledge. He asks why postmodernist intellectuals won't respond like people in other fields when asked:

Seriously, what are the principles of their theories, on what evidence are they based, what do they explain that wasn't already obvious, etc? These are fair requests for anyone to make. If they can't be met, then I'd suggest recourse to Hume's advice in similar circumstances: to the flames.[1]
Christopher Hitchens in his book, Why Orwell Matters, writes, in advocating for simple, clear and direct expression of ideas, "The Postmodernists' tyranny wears people down by boredom and semi-literate prose."[2] Hitchens also criticized a postmodernist volume, "The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism":[3] "The French, as it happens, once evolved an expression for this sort of prose: la langue de bois, the wooden tongue, in which nothing useful or enlightening can be said, but in which various excuses for the arbitrary and the dishonest can be offered. (This book) is a pointer to the abysmal state of mind that prevails in so many of our universities."

In a similar vein, Richard Dawkins writes in a favorable review of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont's Intellectual Impostures:[4]

Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.​
Dawkins then uses a quotation from Félix Guattari as an example of this "lack of content". - Criticism of postmodernism - Wikipedia

This rejection of objectivity, morality, truth, reason and social progress is what is killing our civilization which makes anything associated with Post-modern thought a form of cultural suicide for any culture. So, in essence, an acceptance of White Nationalism is an indirect adoption of moral relativism, subjectivism, and irrationality as well as the fraud of racial thinking in general.

3) When I consider what is best for our culture, our nation and our progeny, things that are evolutionally valid considerations, I cannot accept the notion that we cannot improve our society and culture. I cannot accept the insanity of a subjective world view that creates only intellectual/moral chaos and mistrust. I cannot accept a world view that inevitably leads to cultural extinction and moral decay.

White Nationalism is just one more form of the Decadence that is the only true existential threat to our nation, our civilization and Humanity itself.

4) White Nationalism, as a part of the Identity Politics rubric of ideas, weakens the organized impact of the working class as a whole.

Historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. discussed identity politics extensively in his 1991 book The Disuniting of America. Schlesinger, a strong supporter of liberal conceptions of civil rights, argues that a liberal democracy requires a common basis for culture and society to function. In his view, basing politics on group marginalization fractures the civil polity, and therefore works against creating real opportunities for ending marginalization. Schlesinger believes that "movements for civil rights should aim toward full acceptance and integration of marginalized groups into the mainstream culture, rather than...perpetuating that marginalization through affirmations of difference".[17]

Brendan O'Neill has contrasted the politics of gay liberation and identity politics by saying "... [Peter] Tatchell also had, back in the day, ... a commitment to the politics of liberation, which encouraged gays to come out and live and engage. Now, we have the politics of identity, which invites people to stay in, to look inward, to obsess over the body and the self, to surround themselves with a moral forcefield to protect their worldview—which has nothing to do with the world—from any questioning."[18]

Author Owen Jones argues that identity politics often marginalize the working class, saying that:

In the 1950s and 1960s, left-wing intellectuals who were both inspired and informed by a powerful labour movement wrote hundreds of books and articles on working-class issues. Such work would help shape the views of politicians at the very top of the Labour Party. Today, progressive intellectuals are far more interested in issues of identity. ... Of course, the struggles for the emancipation of women, gays, and ethnic minorities are exceptionally important causes. New Labour has co-opted them, passing genuinely progressive legislation on gay equality and women's rights, for example. But it is an agenda that has happily co-existed with the sidelining of the working class in politics, allowing New Labour to protect its radical flank while pressing ahead with Thatcherite policies.

— Owen Jones, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class[19]

There is no redeeming feature to White Nationalism and it represents a step backwards for working class people of all races, genders and faiths.

I urge fellow patriots and civic Americans to fight Identity Politics in all its forms as much as they would fight Marxism or fascism.

This threat is very real and poses an existential threat far worse than any other of our time to include terrorism and environmental change. We can handle those problems if we remain rational and objective, but Identity Politics, White Nationalism, and Post-Modernism reject these tools to survive and would doom us all to eventual extinction.

Not long ago I came to the realization that Identity Politics runs the political discourse and machinery of Western Civilization, if one can say it still exists in a Post-modern intellectual environment and exemplified by the Kate Steinle murder. So it would seem that white people should organize and represent themselves as have Hispanics, blacks, homosexuals, radicalized women, etc, or else we would be left with no place at the political table, not represented.

Seems to be a rational choice given the tribalism that runs our culture, but only if you are an 'oppressed minority', and that oppression might be at any time and any place. The primary consideration for tolerance of a group organizing is how well such a group fits into a Post-Modern, pseudo-Marxist agenda and narrative.

I have never been overly concerned with being viewed as a misfit or social reject as our society is run by people who are trying to destroy us as a culture and civilization by remaking it all into some monstrosity of Consumer driven Hedonism guided only by Narcissism. But I wanted to understand White Nationalism more deeply before I formally tossed my hat into that ring of ideological madness.

1) The first thing I learned is that White Nationalism stems from an adoption of Identity Politics as a world view, that ones group identity determines ones character and potential, which I cannot accept. Racialism of the WEB Du Bois sort is misleading in that there are other categorizations of the human species such as phenotype and somatotype that more accurately describe the health and mentality of an individual than racialism does, though Somatotype theory is rightly dismissed as an over-generalization of the human being even so.

Categorizing people by race makes as much sense as buying a new car based solely on the color of the paint job which is irrational to say the least.

2) But that Identity Politics and its attendant racialism is irrational should surprise no one since it is part of the broader Post-Modern movement which rejects rationality altogether.

While encompassing a wide variety of approaches, postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, often calling into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality.[5] Consequently, common targets of postmodern critique include universalist notions of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, language, and social progress.[5] Postmodern thinkers frequently call attention to the contingent or socially-conditioned nature of knowledge claims and value systems, situating them as products of particular political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies.[5] Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, subjectivism, and irreverence. - Postmodernism - Wikipedia

The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society is a 1991 book written by American historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., a former advisor to the Kennedy and other US administrations and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

Schlesinger states that a new attitude, one that celebrates difference and abandons assimilation, may replace the classic image of the melting pot in which differences are submerged in democracy. He argues that ethnic awareness has had many positive consequences to unite a nation with a "history of prejudice." However, the "cult of ethnicity," if pushed too far, may endanger the unity of society.

According to Schlesinger, multiculturalists are "very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes." Their "mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures."[1] - The Disuniting of America - Wikipedia

Linguist Noam Chomsky has argued that postmodernism is meaningless because it adds nothing to analytical or empirical knowledge. He asks why postmodernist intellectuals won't respond like people in other fields when asked:

Seriously, what are the principles of their theories, on what evidence are they based, what do they explain that wasn't already obvious, etc? These are fair requests for anyone to make. If they can't be met, then I'd suggest recourse to Hume's advice in similar circumstances: to the flames.[1]
Christopher Hitchens in his book, Why Orwell Matters, writes, in advocating for simple, clear and direct expression of ideas, "The Postmodernists' tyranny wears people down by boredom and semi-literate prose."[2] Hitchens also criticized a postmodernist volume, "The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism":[3] "The French, as it happens, once evolved an expression for this sort of prose: la langue de bois, the wooden tongue, in which nothing useful or enlightening can be said, but in which various excuses for the arbitrary and the dishonest can be offered. (This book) is a pointer to the abysmal state of mind that prevails in so many of our universities."

In a similar vein, Richard Dawkins writes in a favorable review of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont's Intellectual Impostures:[4]

Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.​
Dawkins then uses a quotation from Félix Guattari as an example of this "lack of content". - Criticism of postmodernism - Wikipedia

This rejection of objectivity, morality, truth, reason and social progress is what is killing our civilization which makes anything associated with Post-modern thought a form of cultural suicide for any culture. So, in essence, an acceptance of White Nationalism is an indirect adoption of moral relativism, subjectivism, and irrationality as well as the fraud of racial thinking in general.

3) When I consider what is best for our culture, our nation and our progeny, things that are evolutionally valid considerations, I cannot accept the notion that we cannot improve our society and culture. I cannot accept the insanity of a subjective world view that creates only intellectual/moral chaos and mistrust. I cannot accept a world view that inevitably leads to cultural extinction and moral decay.

White Nationalism is just one more form of the Decadence that is the only true existential threat to our nation, our civilization and Humanity itself.

4) White Nationalism, as a part of the Identity Politics rubric of ideas, weakens the organized impact of the working class as a whole.

Historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. discussed identity politics extensively in his 1991 book The Disuniting of America. Schlesinger, a strong supporter of liberal conceptions of civil rights, argues that a liberal democracy requires a common basis for culture and society to function. In his view, basing politics on group marginalization fractures the civil polity, and therefore works against creating real opportunities for ending marginalization. Schlesinger believes that "movements for civil rights should aim toward full acceptance and integration of marginalized groups into the mainstream culture, rather than...perpetuating that marginalization through affirmations of difference".[17]

Brendan O'Neill has contrasted the politics of gay liberation and identity politics by saying "... [Peter] Tatchell also had, back in the day, ... a commitment to the politics of liberation, which encouraged gays to come out and live and engage. Now, we have the politics of identity, which invites people to stay in, to look inward, to obsess over the body and the self, to surround themselves with a moral forcefield to protect their worldview—which has nothing to do with the world—from any questioning."[18]

Author Owen Jones argues that identity politics often marginalize the working class, saying that:

In the 1950s and 1960s, left-wing intellectuals who were both inspired and informed by a powerful labour movement wrote hundreds of books and articles on working-class issues. Such work would help shape the views of politicians at the very top of the Labour Party. Today, progressive intellectuals are far more interested in issues of identity. ... Of course, the struggles for the emancipation of women, gays, and ethnic minorities are exceptionally important causes. New Labour has co-opted them, passing genuinely progressive legislation on gay equality and women's rights, for example. But it is an agenda that has happily co-existed with the sidelining of the working class in politics, allowing New Labour to protect its radical flank while pressing ahead with Thatcherite policies.

— Owen Jones, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class[19]

There is no redeeming feature to White Nationalism and it represents a step backwards for working class people of all races, genders and faiths.

I urge fellow patriots and civic Americans to fight Identity Politics in all its forms as much as they would fight Marxism or fascism.

This threat is very real and poses an existential threat far worse than any other of our time to include terrorism and environmental change. We can handle those problems if we remain rational and objective, but Identity Politics, White Nationalism, and Post-Modernism reject these tools to survive and would doom us all to eventual extinction.

Let me try and get you on some solid ground with the help of Dr. Johnson.

First of all............ white nationalism is a logical extension of patriotism:

The taboo against speaking in defense of white interests is a potentially fatal one that applies to no other group.

Whiteness is considered a legitimate concept if it is used to punish whites, but suddenly becomes illegitimate when whites defend themselves. European national identities cannot be separated from whiteness; the pursuit of distinct homelands is fully consistent with a celebration of whites nature as “one extended family.”

Racial solidarity is more important than national solidarity. Whites are attacked as whites, not as Germans or Frenchmen or Americans. Thus, when Europeans resist ethnic displacement, they will increasingly regard their race as their nation and their skin as their uniform. One could even argue that at the current stage of our efforts, there is already a new “nation” of racially aware Europeans who have more in common with each other than their fellow citizens.

Rising white death rates, drug overdoses, and hedonism suggest that our young people subconsciously sense they don’t have a future. The pathos that inevitably leads to extinction.

The “Old Right,” or the fascist and National Socialist movements have much to teach us, but there are vital distinctions between past and present.

White Nationalism is the animating principle of the growing populist-nationalist movements across the white world and we will inevitably move from implicit to explicit racial advocacy. What now prevents this transition is a hostile establishment “already working feverishly, at nearly 100% capacity, to suppress white identity politics. However, when our rising consciousness exceeds their declining ability to control us, then we win.

White advocates have been driven from social media, selectively persecuted and prosecuted. The rise of overt anti-white hatred has become mainstream

Yet the need to reveal the iron fist within the velvet glove of “diversity” is itself progress. Our rulers rightly fear the appeal of white nationalism.

We cannot change the minds of those who think the white race should die. We can appeal to those who value white civilization but shy away from doing what is necessary to preserve it. Too many conservatives are teetering on the edge of racial awareness.

The White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance

What is White nationalism?

'White nationalism is the idea that the nation-state should exist or be brought into existence on the basis of race, for our purposes, the White race. The White race consists of the indigenous gentile peoples of Europe and those who migrated to her settler colonies around the world. Acknowledging that identity is inherent to all in-groups, White nationalists assert that a multiracial society leads to a multitude of identity-derived problems which are best solved by separating these groups as much as possible. This is especially true when one race is faced with demographic destruction in its own country while the others stand to gain. Majority rule means the majority will rule.

White nationalism serves as an expedient method of providing security and space for White people to survive and raise families in, and the family unit is the building block of civilization. This is crucial considering that the most basic impulse of any organism is survival, and the current configuration of many White majority societies around the world is such that they will become White minority societies in our lifetimes. With that in mind, White nationalism is not an ideology of negation or hostility, but one of self-advocacy and collective interest in the face of those threats.'

Lawrence Murray, "White Nationalism FAQ" | Counter-Currents Publishing
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Nonsense.........though the liberals are correct in making everythinig about race......unfortunately they and you have come down on the wrong side of the problem.

Lincoln said:
I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.


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