How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.

I would agree. It will be funny to see the left shooting off their toes trying to get their guns out of the belts of the size 50 waist jeans. You'll shoot more of each other than anyone else. The other side will need elephant guns to bring down the women in your group.

How many million of us are the suckers and losers that you MAGAts refer to? I am a 20+ military retiree and you are betting your life if faced with my kind that your are better than we are. But we are professionals and won't bet. Betting is for amateurs that are going to lose bigly. How do I know that I am better? I am alive. My adversaries can't all say the same thing. But you just telling yourself that you are good enough and you may find that just good enough isn't good enough.
How many million of us are the suckers and losers that you MAGAts refer to? I am a 20+ military retiree and you are betting your life if faced with my kind that your are better than we are. But we are professionals and won't bet. Betting is for amateurs that are going to lose bigly. How do I know that I am better? I am alive. My adversaries can't all say the same thing. But you just telling yourself that you are good enough and you may find that just good enough isn't good enough.
I call bullshit… No legitimate Veteran is a leftist. NONE!!
How many million of us are the suckers and losers that you MAGAts refer to? I am a 20+ military retiree and you are betting your life if faced with my kind that your are better than we are. But we are professionals and won't bet. Betting is for amateurs that are going to lose bigly. How do I know that I am better? I am alive. My adversaries can't all say the same thing. But you just telling yourself that you are good enough and you may find that just good enough isn't good enough.

When the time comes, we'll see who is better.

Until then, just keep flapping your gums.
And the commie fear porn rolls on, along with a conspiracy to deny constitutional rights. And at leas one of you commies think this is a good thing.


Can't share a nation with these people. There are too many of them now; the nation is over.
Can't share a nation with these people. There are too many of them now; the nation is over.

Well the sane side of Oregon is trying to split away from the place where everyone is allowed to take a dump on the sidewalk.

Friends of mine won't go downtown anymore because of the fecal matter and needles.

Hope the split works. It will put more electoral votes into the red.

It will also inspire Washington to do the same and some of Kalinfornia,
Well the sane side of Oregon is trying to split away from the place where everyone is allowed to take a dump on the sidewalk.

Friends of mine won't go downtown anymore because of the fecal matter and needles.

Hope the split works. It will put more electoral votes into the red.

It will also inspire Washington to do the same and some of Kalinfornia,

Yes, this. It's already in motion for so many of us who have lost all faith in the institutions.
Here is an opinion piece that would be very legal if any state were to enact it.

How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.

America faces unhinged autocracy if Donald Trump wins. But it could face consequences as bad or worse if he loses.
Can we make that retroactive to the deniers who claimed Russian collusion in the 2016 election made Trump win illegally.
BTW, we've had unhinged autocracy already via Obama, Biden, and the DemocRAT thugs.
Here is an opinion piece that would be very legal if any state were to enact it.

How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.

America faces unhinged autocracy if Donald Trump wins. But it could face consequences as bad or worse if he loses.
Anybody has the right to claim an election was stolen. It falls under the 1st Amendment's "Freedom of Speech."
Democrats claimed the election was stolen when Both Bush and Trump won, yet Democrats like to conveniently ignore that.
There's an old saying: "All's fair in love, war and politics." So, both sides do their best to make their side appear to be what's best for the people. The Democrats just use more "Marxist" methods.
Anybody has the right to claim an election was stolen. It falls under the 1st Amendment's "Freedom of Speech."
Democrats claimed the election was stolen when Both Bush and Trump won, yet Democrats like to conveniently ignore that.
There's an old saying: "All's fair in love, war and politics." So, both sides do their best to make their side appear to be what's best for the people. The Democrats just use more "Marxist" methods.

When it turns into violent actions then that's beyond the 1st amendment. And that is where it led to by you MAGAts. At some point, the threats need to be dealt with on a criminal level. And let's not even talk about J6 which IS being dealt with for the criminal element that attended it.

Your "Election Stolen" crap has become criminal. And at some point you need to stop doing it or go to prison.
When the time comes, we'll see who is better.

Until then, just keep flapping your gums.

Again, just before the election, all NON Magats need to go out armed to the teeth because if the MAGAts don't get their way, they are going to be armed to the teeth. And there are way too many nutcases that are MAGAts to be taken lightly.
We don’t lower our standards to appease the weak minded. It’s their burden to raise themselves beyond the bullshit. If they can’t or won’t then suffer as fools do. :dunno:

That has nothing to do with what I said and it makes no sense in response to what I said.

I said we shouldn't let foreign entities that have an interest in changing money donate to political parties, we shouldn't have people pushing for allowing illegals to vote, we should have a voting system that people have faith in like requiring an ID and so on.
That has nothing to do with what I said and it makes no sense in response to what I said.

I said we shouldn't let foreign entities that have an interest in changing money donate to political parties, we shouldn't have people pushing for allowing illegals to vote, we should have a voting system that people have faith in like requiring an ID and so on.

Tell you what, name one state that is pushing allowing illegals to vote. I mean, give proof. Even the Governors of the 5 or 6 states in question have procedures in finding and prosecuting illegal voting and that includes illegal voting by legals.
Here is an opinion piece that would be very legal if any state were to enact it.

How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.

America faces unhinged autocracy if Donald Trump wins. But it could face consequences as bad or worse if he loses.

Oh, so you want to turn valid doubts about the 2020 election results into an excuse to silence your political opponents.

I'm guessing that you don't care that there are still many, many liberal Democrats who claim that Bush stole the 2004 election via voter suppression and vote-count manipulation, that Brian Kemp stole the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia from Stacey Abrams (she still refuses to concede the election), that Bush stole the 2000 election via the Supreme Court, and that Trump stole the 2016 election with the help of Russian interference, right?

And I would bet all of my IRAs and 401Ks that you have not read a single serious, scholarly presentation of the evidence of serious election fraud in the 2020 election. Am I right?
Oh, so you want to turn valid doubts about the 2020 election results into an excuse to silence your political opponents.

I'm guessing that you don't care that there are still many, many liberal Democrats who claim that Bush stole the 2004 election via voter suppression and vote-count manipulation, that Brian Kemp stole the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia from Stacey Abrams (she still refuses to concede the election), that Bush stole the 2000 election via the Supreme Court, and that Trump stole the 2016 election with the help of Russian interference, right?

And I would bet all of my IRAs and 401Ks that you have not read a single serious, scholarly presentation of the evidence of serious election fraud in the 2020 election. Am I right?

That's because there aren't any. Fruitcakes can say anything but according to the courts AND the Governors, there is such a low amount of voter fraud that it doesn't affect the election one way or another.
That has nothing to do with what I said and it makes no sense in response to what I said.

I said we shouldn't let foreign entities that have an interest in changing money donate to political parties, we shouldn't have people pushing for allowing illegals to vote, we should have a voting system that people have faith in like requiring an ID and so on.
It is what you said. You just don’t get that I’m talking about you and people who believe such crap.
Oh, so you want to turn valid doubts about the 2020 election results into an excuse to silence your political opponents.

I'm guessing that you don't care that there are still many, many liberal Democrats who claim that Bush stole the 2004 election via voter suppression and vote-count manipulation, that Brian Kemp stole the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia from Stacey Abrams (she still refuses to concede the election), that Bush stole the 2000 election via the Supreme Court, and that Trump stole the 2016 election with the help of Russian interference, right?

And I would bet all of my IRAs and 401Ks that you have not read a single serious, scholarly presentation of the evidence of serious election fraud in the 2020 election. Am I right?

Translation, you are just full of crap. The fact remains that we have the safest elections ever made anywhere. You can't justify tRump's (the t is silent) actions of attempting to hang on to an office that he lost in a fair election.
The people protesting the obvious fraud.
By rampaging thru the capital like a herd of wild animals & threatening the life of Pence as Spanky Dotard sat on his ass in the W.H. playing with himself, glued to the teeeeveee.

Your hero.
It is what you said. You just don’t get that I’m talking about you and people who believe such crap.

No, I said nothing of the sort. Or even insinuated anything close to it.

But you're obviously never going to have a conversation. All you do is throw around insults and make up narratives in order to feel right. You don't actually talk. So on the ignore list you go.

I hope the Lord helps you find what you're missing in your life so you can be a happier person.

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