Why I can't wait for Obama to be out of office

2007: $6 trillion debt
2015: $18 trillion debt

Kind of like going to a ridiculously expensive restaurant, choosing the most expensive items on the menu......and then bitching when the tab is handed to you, don't you think?

Unpaid for wars, taking care of veterans (as we should), Medicare [dis]Advantage, Haliburton, etc. were all charged on a credit card (called "deficit spending").....and now, when the bill comes in.....you bitch.???
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Red states are the biggest welfare states, Flush.

Because of Democrat controlled ghetto cities like Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans Miami etc.

The poorest county in Kentucky is almost 94% white, Republican. Most of them are on assistance of some sort.

...and there are over a half million Blacks in the Atlanta area on some kind of welfare. Blacks vote 97% for the filthy Democrat Party.

Since you are critical of people in rural Kentucky that probably don't vote Democrat getting welfare and I am critical of the welfare queens in Houston that most certainly vote Democrat then why don't we join together to oppose all welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements?

2007: $6 trillion debt
2015: $18+ trillion debt. (3 times as high)

Lets not forget that Obama and the filthy ass 2006 elected Democrat Congress voted for Bush's debt in both FY 2007 and 2008.

That is what led this clown to spout this hypocrisy. Probably the most hypocritical statement ever made by an American politician.

2007: $6 trillion debt
2015: $18+ trillion debt. (3 times as high)

I bet you are one of those fucking idiots who think everything Bush did was paid for. Am I right?
The wars, the tax cuts, the prescription drug program. The economic collapse had NO cost to it.

Bush paid for all of that. Right?
Or did he leave it for Obama to deal with? Why yes he did.

In your fucking pea brain, what did Obama spend all that money ON? If it wasn't to pay for Bush's expenditures?
And failures.
This thread seems to have been somewhat "therapeutic" for some right wingers to vent their Obama-hatred....

The thread points out for me what priorities and values seem to be for right wing republicans.....Criticism of Bush (well, Cheney, actually) centered on the bloody and costly wars and the hatred toward us spawned by such thinly veiled reasons we went to war.....One should always ask themselves that very few Americans have come back in body bags when compared to the 8 years of Bush...and THAT should be, by all sane accounts a good thing.

Conversely, criticism of Obama (and there should have been many for legitimate reasons) centered more on very, very vague reasons......You may have read on here from r-w'ers that they hate Obama for his policies and for violating the Constitution......

Well, like good avid viewers of FOX or listeners of hate-talk radio, they seldom offer specifics.......most of the criticism of Obama's policies boil down to the ACA and the Constitution's violations seem to boil down to executive orders including immigration reforms......

Since the criticisms are always very, very vague, any reasonable conclusions to why the hatred is so rabid has to be generated from some other "infraction" by Obama.

There is nothing vague about Obama's miserable record of incompetency and corruption.

Everything from his scandals to his enormous debt, his increase in taxation, refusal to seal the border, his real unemployment, his dismal economy, his growth in welfare and the decrease in family income not to mention a catastrophic weak foreign policy.

He is absolutely the worse President this country ever had.

However, it is always funny to listen to the hypocrisy of the Moon Bats complain about Bush and the Iraq war when they voted voted for a guy that continued the war for three years, declared it a success and is now reintroducing bombing and ground troops, Obama also bombed Libya that had had nothing to do with the security of the US and he escalated the War in Afghanistan and is still fighting it seven years later. Any Neocon would be proud of Obama's record.

The sad thing is these dumbass Moon Bats that made the enormous mistake of voting for Obama will make just as dumb a mistake in 2016 by voting for another idiot Democrat with the same ridiculous Libtard ideas as Obama. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same stupid thing over and over but expecting a different outcome? Do the Liberals really think that communism will work if we just give it one more chance?
bet you are one of those fucking idiots who think everything Bush did was paid for. Am I right?
The wars, the tax cuts, the prescription drug program. The economic collapse had NO cost to it.

Bush paid for all of that. Right?
Or did he leave it for Obama to deal with? Why yes he did.

In your fucking pea brain, what did Obama spend all that money ON? If it wasn't to pay for Bush's expenditures?
And failures.

If I may, let me also add the Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (TARP)
There is nothing vague about Obama's miserable record of incompetency and corruption.

Everything from his scandals to his enormous debt, his increase in taxation, refusal to seal the border, his real unemployment, his dismal economy, his growth in welfare and the decrease in family income not to mention a catastrophic weak foreign policy.

He is absolutely the worse President this country ever had.

However, it is always funny to listen to the hypocrisy of the Moon Bats complain about Bush and the Iraq war when they voted voted for a guy that continued the war for three years, declared it a success and is now reintroducing bombing and ground troops, Obama also bombed Libya that had had nothing to do with the security of the US and he escalated the War in Afghanistan and is still fighting it seven years later. Any Neocon would be proud of Obama's record.

The sad thing is these dumbass Moon Bats that made the enormous mistake of voting for Obama will make just as dumb a mistake in 2016 by voting for another idiot Democrat with the same ridiculous Libtard ideas as Obama. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same stupid thing over and over but expecting a different outcome? Do the Liberals really think that communism will work if we just give it one more chance?

Flash, you're too far gone to reason with....just wallow in your stupidity and hate and, of course, don't forget to have a nice day.
There is nothing vague about Obama's miserable record of incompetency and corruption.

And there is nothing honest about your participation on this board,

You want to claim what a big spender Obama is. But you don't have enough fucking common sense to answer the questions of 1 Did Bush pay for everything he did during his Presidency? 2. What did Obama spend all this money ON? (besides paying for the Bush fuck ups and disasters)

Disingenuous right wing hack is what you are.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

Get yourself a hobby and quit watching the news and he'll be out before ya know it.
There is nothing vague about Obama's miserable record of incompetency and corruption.

Everything from his scandals to his enormous debt, his increase in taxation, refusal to seal the border, his real unemployment, his dismal economy, his growth in welfare and the decrease in family income not to mention a catastrophic weak foreign policy.

He is absolutely the worse President this country ever had.

However, it is always funny to listen to the hypocrisy of the Moon Bats complain about Bush and the Iraq war when they voted voted for a guy that continued the war for three years, declared it a success and is now reintroducing bombing and ground troops, Obama also bombed Libya that had had nothing to do with the security of the US and he escalated the War in Afghanistan and is still fighting it seven years later. Any Neocon would be proud of Obama's record.

The sad thing is these dumbass Moon Bats that made the enormous mistake of voting for Obama will make just as dumb a mistake in 2016 by voting for another idiot Democrat with the same ridiculous Libtard ideas as Obama. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same stupid thing over and over but expecting a different outcome? Do the Liberals really think that communism will work if we just give it one more chance?

Flash, you're too far gone to reason with....just wallow in your stupidity and hate and, of course, don't forget to have a nice day.

How can you reason with anybody that thinks Obama has been doing a good job given his record of incompetency and corruption? That is somebody you that you can't reason with. That is also somebody that thinks either Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other Democrat clowns that may run will somehow do a wonderful job leading America into socialism to follow in Obama's footsteps.
How can you reason with anybody that thinks Obama has been doing a good job given his record of incompetency and corruption? That is somebody you that you can't reason with. That is also somebody that thinks either Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other Democrat clowns that may run will somehow do a wonderful job leading America into socialism to follow in Obama's footsteps.

You've got nothing to offer but Obama Derangement Syndrome. Seek help now that you have medical insurance.
Does Obamacare cover mental illness flashy? You should hope so.
There is nothing vague about Obama's miserable record of incompetency and corruption.

And there is nothing honest about your participation on this board,

You want to claim what a big spender Obama is. But you don't have enough fucking common sense to answer the questions of 1 Did Bush pay for everything he did during his Presidency? 2. What did Obama spend all this money ON? (besides paying for the Bush fuck ups and disasters)

Disingenuous right wing hack is what you are.

I stop being a Republican over a decade ago when I realized the Republicans were just as bad as the Democrats when it came to big government so your hate against the GOP is wasted on me.

When Obama took office in 2008 he had a Democrat Congress and could have done anything he wanted including reverse anything that Bush did. However, he didn't because himself and the Democrats went along with Bush's programs in 2007 and 2008. In fact they funded them. The Democrats were just as much at fault in 2007 and 2008 as Bush. Just like the Republican Congress nowadays is mostly going along with Obama's programs.

You do remember that Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and most of the Democrats supported the Iraq War, don't you?

How can you bitch about Bush's debt and turn a blind eye to Obama's even more enormous debt? That is just outright stupid ass partisan hypocrisy.
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How can you reason with anybody that thinks Obama has been doing a good job given his record of incompetency and corruption? That is somebody you that you can't reason with. That is also somebody that thinks either Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other Democrat clowns that may run will somehow do a wonderful job leading America into socialism to follow in Obama's footsteps.

You've got nothing to offer but Obama Derangement Syndrome. Seek help now that you have medical insurance.
Does Obamacare cover mental illness flashy? You should hope so.

It is sane to oppose Obama's massive insane debt, welfare state and bloated out of control federal government.

It is insane to think it is better for a bureaucrat, elected by special interest groups, to spend the money that you earn rather than yourself.

It is sane to hold Obama accountable for his competencies and corruption. It is insane to turn a blind out to it or deny it like you Moon Bats do.

The very fact that you don't see the insanity with the cost of combined government in this country being over 40% of the GNP and the damage it is doing to our country is the reason you are a Moon Bat. You just never will get it.
Meaning of course that ANYONE who opposes the King is a"racist".

NO, NO, NO.......if that is what you think than I am truly sorry.....I sincerely believe that most opponents of Obama do so because that darn president of ours manages to do things in the face of enormous opposition.......Obama comes off as a bit arrogant at times, professorial in his rhetoric.......and the fact that he happens to be of mixed race, .....well, for some opponents, THAT is "the last straw."

Speaking for me I just oppose his policies on principle, what agitates me is when he circumvents the Law and goes around the Constitution.
So far, opponents of Obama have claimed that his administration is ridden with:

1. Scandals
2. Corruption
3. Usurping the Constitution

I would sincerely like to have from you opponents (NOT speculations that you may have heard on Fox or by Limbaugh)....but FACTUAL. provable instances........

Second, I do hope you realize that the backing of Bush's wars and his credit card spending came at a time where it was virtually seditious to have openly opposed Cheney and his side-kick, Bush....
This is NOT an excuse for democrats to have gone along with such policies, but, one can see (or should be able to see) that when good folks like Powell convinced this nation as to the necessity of war, few people had then the gumption to oppose the decisions.
So far, opponents of Obama have claimed that his administration is ridden with:

1. Scandals
2. Corruption
3. Usurping the Constitution

I would sincerely like to have from you opponents (NOT speculations that you may have heard on Fox or by Limbaugh)....but FACTUAL. provable instances........

Second, I do hope you realize that the backing of Bush's wars and his credit card spending came at a time where it was virtually seditious to have openly opposed Cheney and his side-kick, Bush....
This is NOT an excuse for democrats to have gone along with such policies, but, one can see (or should be able to see) that when good folks like Powell convinced this nation as to the necessity of war, few people had then the gumption to oppose the decisions.

Well let's see....

How about 20 or so unanimous losses in the Supreme Court?
Well, Antares....Obama losing to THIS supreme court should NOT shock anyone given the partisanship that this court has shown.

Nonetheless (and, by the way, only Ted Cruz has stated "20 unanimous rulings...and we all know what a sweetheart Ted is ) many of those decisions are based on the energetic surveillance tactics employed by the NSA anti-terrorism efforts.....something that right wingers had previously supported.

Bottom line: Losing in the supreme court is NOT a reason to call the administration, rideen with "scandals" "corruption or usurping the Constitution......actually, it seems that our system of governmental checks-and-balances, "works."
Well, Antares....Obama losing to THIS supreme court should NOT shock anyone given the partisanship that this court has shown.

Nonetheless (and, by the way, only Ted Cruz has stated "20 unanimous rulings...and we all know what a sweetheart Ted is ) many of those decisions are based on the energetic surveillance tactics employed by the NSA anti-terrorism efforts.....something that right wingers had previously supported.

Bottom line: Losing in the supreme court is NOT a reason to call the administration, rideen with "scandals" "corruption or usurping the Constitution......actually, it seems that our system of governmental checks-and-balances, "works."

The term "unanimous" removes any partisan connotations :)
The term "unanimous" removes any partisan connotations...

If you're going to be hard-headed....then tell us how many of those SC decisions were indeed "unnanimous"?????

The SC has turned out to be, NOT a forum of law, but another partisan segment of the right wing ideology.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.
That's fine but Obama also clearly practices his own racism. I don't see how ANYONE can look at his background and conduct and conclude that this half black son of an Islamic father (and islam is clearly the dominant moral influence on him) who worshiped at the altar of Rev Wright until it would cost him votes and legitimizes Al Sharpton who refers to Jews as diamond merchants and now is looking for every excuse to turn his back in Israel is anything but an rabid anti-Semite. Clear as it could be.

And im not Jewish.

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