The Question of Obama’s Allegiances


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Yes, I read the entire piece before posting it. Not only that, but I clicked on and read the numerous links. After that, I can only agree with the author that the American president has an agenda that should be clear to anyone – support of Muslim regimes over democratic ones. How else can you explain his appointees and agenda?

Read the story and judge for yourself @ The Question of Obama s Allegiances FrontPage Magazine and ignore all the Obamabot who will rant and rave over the source!
Yawn...Guess next he is gonna institute Sharia Law and forcing women to wear head to toe coverings eh?

Did you even bother the READ the piece before posting?

When you use dog shit as a source for your link, it doesn't count.

Ah yes. Typical liberal response - attack the messenger and ignore the message!

When the messenger is a little dog, the message is likely to be dog shit.
That article was some of the most embarrassing, xenophobic nonsense I've ever seen. What a baby the author is to whine like that. Apparently everyone in the government is in the Muslim
Brotherhood everyone! Thank GOODNESS we have David Meir-Levi to expose what lengthy background checks by our top security agencies could not! Give me a fucking break!

What other explanation can there be but that he actually wants Iran to achieve nuclear capacity, to surround Sunni Islam in the Fertile Crescent, to reign as a supreme regional hegemon, armed with atomic weapons, controlling the Straits of Hormuz, and equipped to fulfill the jihadist dream of obliterating Israel and annihilating another 6,000,000 Jews?

What other explanation can there be but that he does not merely sympathize with Islamic fascism, but that he is at one with the ideologically driven psychotic murderers who seek to destroy all of western civilization and replace it with the 7th century barbarism that they call “true Islam”?

^ What a fucking joke! longknife you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this nonsense. Now go sit in the corner.
That article was some of the most embarrassing, xenophobic nonsense I've ever seen. What a baby the author is to whine like that. Apparently everyone in the government is in the Muslim
Brotherhood everyone! Thank GOODNESS we have David Meir-Levi to expose what lengthy background checks by our top security agencies could not! Give me a fucking break!

What other explanation can there be but that he actually wants Iran to achieve nuclear capacity, to surround Sunni Islam in the Fertile Crescent, to reign as a supreme regional hegemon, armed with atomic weapons, controlling the Straits of Hormuz, and equipped to fulfill the jihadist dream of obliterating Israel and annihilating another 6,000,000 Jews?

What other explanation can there be but that he does not merely sympathize with Islamic fascism, but that he is at one with the ideologically driven psychotic murderers who seek to destroy all of western civilization and replace it with the 7th century barbarism that they call “true Islam”?

^ What a fucking joke! longknife you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this nonsense. Now go sit in the corner.

I have no shame whatsoever for posting THE TRUTH! Time after time, Obumbler has shown his lack of allegiance to the Constitution he swore to uphold and the welfare of this nation. He has abrogated his biggest obligation - to defend this country by opening our borders and welcoming illegal immigration.

The article provided link after link to support the claims - every single one of which I read.

Did you?

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