Under pressure, DeJoy vows to suspend mail delay-causing policies


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
The Trump donor delaying mail delivery has just vowed to end the practices, The Washington Post reports.
His policies have been seen as an attempt by him and Trump to make mail voting difficult.
The Trump donor delaying mail delivery has just vowed to end the practices, The Washington Post reports.
His policies have been seen as an attempt by him and Trump to make mail voting difficult.


You Morons... The change date was January 1 anyway as there are logistical problems that must be fixed first... Too Funny... Just when you think you won one.. Splat
Trump got lazy. He is so accustomed to getting away with devastating blows to democracy he thought he could get away with this too.

This should be a lesson to all of us. When our voices get loud enough we can bend the government to our will.
You Morons... The change date was January 1 anyway as there are logistical problems that must be fixed first... Too Funny... Just when you think you won one.. Splat
Gosh, you're such a tool.

"The U.S. Postal Service will halt its controversial cost-cutting initiatives until after the election — canceling service reductions, reinstating overtime hours and ceasing the removal of mail-sorting machines and public collection boxes, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced in a statement Tuesday."
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has announced he will suspend the controversial changes he instituted to the U.S. Postal Service until after the November election.

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement.

He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed.


Shine a light on these fraudsters and see how they scurry away.
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I am sure he didn't like protestors showing up at his house. We the people have lousy representation in this nation and positions are being filled that run these agencies by rich people with a personal motive. No person should ever be appointed to a position when they have a vested interest in the demise of an agency because of private enterprises desiring to take over the functions and operation of that govt. agency.
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We were just talking about that. (The Post Office)
They should have all kinds of money. Although when they more than doubled the prices it probably slowed down their business volume a lot.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has announced he will suspend the controversial changes he instituted to the U.S. Postal Service until after the November election.

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement.

He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed.


Shine a light on these fraudsters and see how they scurry away.
As I posted in the other thread.. Change date was January 1 and logistical changes needed to be made first before massive changes can be made to a failed system. This really changes nothing in the overall scheme of things...

Just when you thought you won one.... Splat....
Trump got lazy. He is so accustomed to getting away with devastating blows to democracy he thought he could get away with this too.


Remember that time Trump illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, an opposing party's Presidential candidate, and that newly elected President and his team..?
-- Oh wait...that was Obama.

Oh...do you remember that time Trump weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election...?
-- Oh wait, that was Obama.

Oh, there was that time Trump attempted to hack the election processes / systems of several states, attempting to make the case that since they could be hacked HE and his administration should control all states' elections...except he proved instead they could not be hacked....?
-- Uh, nope - that was Barry again.

Aha...there was tat time Trump sent US AG Barr to get those KKK members out of jail for election intimidation by showing up at election sites brandishing clubs...
-- Never mind. That was Obama and US AG holder coming to the rescue of the Black Panthers...

But there was that time when Trump sent Barr to get a white pro-Trump poll worker out of jail after she bragged on national TV to voting multiple times to help him win...
-- Dang...nope, that was Obama sending Holder to walk a black female poll manager out f jail after bragging to the country how she had voted for Barry multiple times...

Well, what about the latest news of thousands of ballots being mailed to dead people / pets, hundreds of ballots being sent to one house, and ballots showing up with only Republican names on them....
- Nope...that was Democrat names only....

Democrats have been FORCED to abandon their once standard claim that voter fraud does not exist to having to argue NOT ENOUGH voter fraud exists to change an election.

That wasn't enough for Barry and the Democrats in 2016, which is why Obama attempted his failed coup.

n 2016, Democrats / Hillary could not even win a rigged election, and Barry could no pull off a political coup despite owning the DOJ, CIA, NSA, FBI, and the fake news media.

In 2020, their next ploy is 'mail-in balloting', an acknowledged corrupt system that the modern world / our European allies have outlawed / abandoned.

If they don't succeed in stealing an election this time God only knows what they will do....

The Trump donor delaying mail delivery has just vowed to end the practices, The Washington Post reports.
His policies have been seen as an attempt by him and Trump to make mail voting difficult.


You Morons... The change date was January 1 anyway as there are logistical problems that must be fixed first... Too Funny... Just when you think you won one.. Splat View attachment 376527

Then who is the moron the people announcing what the postmaster said or the postmaster?
"The most glaring evidence (of voter fraud) is that out of 67 Florida counties it's the same two counties where this happens every election and run by the same people. Strange as it is that the boxes of ballots that pop up like weeds on your lawn always seem to be "Democrat" ballots lost and found by "Democrat" supporters.

Finally, what happened to the mail in and absentee ballots? We don't know? Come on people. The whole thing stinks worse than a red tide morning on Sanibel.

Of course there's fraud, deceit and shenanigans going on but for some reason it's allowed here in Florida. It's like watching a baseball game and at the end of the game the umpires decide to add five more innings because they don't believe the called strikes we correctly called.

Shear insanity and the Democrats are destroying our right to vote all over our country simply because they refuse to accept the results whenever they lose. Wake up, enforce the laws and protect our votes. "

-- The News Press, part of USA Today

Attempting to claim that voter fraud doesn't exist is like declaring Obamacare would pay for itself, would not cost a dime, would lower the cost of premiums, and would allow you to keep your doctor and your existing policies.

Anyone else who tells you differently is a liar, a Democrat (which is 'both'), or an indoctrinated snowflake.

One less bullshit excuse for losing the Dimwingers can use.

Back to RUSSIA................RUSSIA.................RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to read TT's reply/response to my last 2 posts.... The facts / truth seems to really have triggered him.

Maybe someone informed Trump that the USPS gets an approval rating of 91% from Americans and effing with them is political suicide.
I don't think so. He knows his only chance is to keep votes from being counted. Repubs in general are coming to realize cheating is their best hope of electoral victory.
Then who is the moron the people announcing what the postmaster said or the postmaster?
Ummm...you might want to add some key words and connect those thoughts, if indeed they are thoughts
and not just leftist memes. What you've got is a stew of gobbledygook in search of a meaning.

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