POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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I for one am not flexible on:

1. Open border. There is a border and we have laws about it. Either fix the border or change the laws. Do your damned job.

We passed a sensible border act. Your side rejected it because the Orange Shitgibbon wanted an issue for November.

2. Mutilating the genitals of children
Which no one is doing.

3. Forcing gender theory on kids. Kids should not be made to think they are either a victim or a victimizer because of the color of their skin. That does not bode well for the mental health of either child.
I think you were trying to say "Race theory" here. Pretendng America's racial history of genocide and slavery doesn't exist isn't teaching history.

4. Unlimited spending that causes unlimited inflation.

Then tax the rich to pay for it. Problem solved.

5. Abortion on demand. The Federal government needs to make a determination on the personhood of the unborn before making policy on them. When does a human become human with natural rights?

When the woman inside decides it does.
No, I just read most of your comments and they appear to be pretty left wing. You are one of those who probably claims to be a Republican, yet every post you make seems to be left aligned.

Am I wrong?
I'm just an Independent. Nothing special. I'm not ideological.

You're invited to read a couple of posts starting at #527 here: Can we heal the divide?

Or you can read the posts beginning at #85 on this thread.

Or you can read this link in my sig: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
We passed a sensible border act. Your side rejected it because the Orange Shitgibbon wanted an issue for November.

Which no one is doing.

I think you were trying to say "Race theory" here. Pretendng America's racial history of genocide and slavery doesn't exist isn't teaching history.

Then tax the rich to pay for it. Problem solved.

When the woman inside decides it does.

Your idea of sensible is not quite right.

Of course, you believe Chicago to be paradise, so -
Some people say our divisions are not that big a deal, that we've seen them before. Personally I don't think that's true. One thing that concerns me the most is the amount of people who don't seem to WANT our divisions healed. It seems they'd rather have some kind of final, winner-take-all war, thinking the other side can somehow be eliminated.

Do you want to see our divisions healed? It would certainly require communication with people who disagree with you, and you would have to bend somewhat, regardless of where you stand politically.

Your very first option with the statement 'for the good of the country' is a misnomer and deceitful. Obviously, conservatives don't agree with you on what is 'good for the country', that's the reason for the divide to begin with. We'll most likely never agree with you, and when you use your corrupted power to get what you want and steamroll over everyone, coming together will never happen.
Your very first option with the statement 'for the good of the country' is a misnomer and deceitful. Obviously, conservatives don't agree with you on what is 'good for the country', that's the reason for the divide to begin with. We'll most likely never agree with you, and when you use your corrupted power to get what you want and steamroll over everyone, coming together will never happen.
And again...

You obviously don't know where I stand on the actual issues.
I’m just going to leave your previous comment here..for context.

A few posts up you said:

This was post #33, for reference.

Nope, he's the problem, and too many otherwise sensible people go along with him because they'd rather chew off their arm than vote for a sensible Democrat.
There are no sensible democrats. GIVE ME A BREAK. Other than Joe Manchin - who is retiring - there are none who ever buck the party line.
I guess what concerns me most, in this binary environment, is that either (a) they'll succeed and we'll end up with a true authoritarian state, or (b) they'll fuck this up so badly that the resulting pushback will send us careening to the Left. I don't want that either.

That was one of the first comments I made back in 2016 after the election, and it holds true today.

The 'left' has already 'won', for the time being. They're serving their purpose and once their purpose is fulfilled they'll be thrown on the ash heap and there won't be a damn thing they'll be able to do about it. I'm actually looking forward to watching it.
We passed a sensible border act. Your side rejected it because the Orange Shitgibbon wanted an issue for November.

Which no one is doing.

I think you were trying to say "Race theory" here. Pretendng America's racial history of genocide and slavery doesn't exist isn't teaching history.

Then tax the rich to pay for it. Problem solved.

When the woman inside decides it does.
It wasn't a sensible border act. It was an admit more invaders act. Any sensible border act better include mass deportations.
It's an asymmetrical situation. They're at war, the rest of us from across the political spectrum are not.

Speaking of "evil", it was a post that used that word this morning that got me thinking about this. They're operating under a "Good vs. Evil" mentality, and yeah, I don't know how to effectively address that.
That’s the least of the problems; the childlike “good v. evil” bromides.

As you have done, you show them a quote from Trump’s campaign manager saying he wants to destroy the institution of government and it has zero effect on them. Why? I guess some don’t believe it which is bad. But I think most of them simply don’t care. They grew up watching TV and professional wrestling and think that somehow, this is all a show and next Saturday night, everything will be reset. If there is a government that backs their money today great. If that government is gone tomorrow...they think that is great too because...somehow in their mind; none of this matters. You see it every few months in specific relief on the debt ceiling which passed without a mention from 2017 to 2020...now it’s a sign that the apocalypse is upon us if it is increased.

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