The Trinity - 1 Yet 3 - Makes Human Family-Love-Relationships Possible


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

How is a spirit a person of flesh?
How is God a person?
Jesus prayed to himself?
The Trinity is not some mystery to be solved, dummy. It is a relationship to be entered into. So until you have done that, you will continue to hide reality from yourself and play stupid games and ask stupid questions. Let's be honest you aren't asking those questions because you seriously want the answers, you are asking those questions because you think you will be able to demonstrate your cleverness and superiority.
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
Of course you can't. You'd have to believe in God in the first place.
I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
Step back into God being the most powerful. He is Creator, but rather than creating as we humans do (hands and implements) God can actually create by Word. When humans can't make it to a special event, they often offer, "I'll be with you in spirit." God's Spirit can actually be present. One God, whose make-up is totally different from our own...
I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
"Distinct versions or entities" trips people up, I think. The Bible doesn't actually say that God is three persons, or a family unto Himself. Or that He's both three and one, or whatever.

The way I read the Bible, He's one God with three fundamental purposes: creator, redeemer, and mediator.
I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
Step back into God being the most powerful. He is Creator, but rather than creating as we humans do (hands and implements) God can actually create by Word. When humans can't make it to a special event, they often offer, "I'll be with you in spirit." God's Spirit can actually be present. One God, whose make-up is totally different from our own...
I have no reason to accept that the Christian god is the most powerful or that it even exists.. I don’t mean to be harsh but I see no solid reason to accept claims to any of the gods.

I think it's important to be able to conceptually wrap one's head around the evolutionary origin of the Abrahamic faiths. I think it's important to be able to draw the necessary conceptual conclusion that what is Christianity evolved from Judaism, and Judaism evolved from earlier Canaanite polytheism. But the pagan pantheon of Ugarit was neither Jewish nor Christian. And Judaism was not Christianity.

There are, in the evolution of the Abrahamic faiths, theological thresholds that were crossed allowing the later religions to establish themselves as unique. For Judaism (which began as simply a national sect within Canaanite polytheism) it was elevation of their national god, Yahweh, to the unique status of only god, rather than merely one among others. For Christianity (which began as simply an esthetic sect within traditional messianic Judaism) it was adoption of the Pauline theology of the divinity of Jesus and his substitutionary atonement for sin.

Each of these thresholds is certainly part of a continuum in which the earlier religions are relevant to the later, but they are also departures from the old and creation of the new. Judaism did not exist prior to the 6th century BC. Christianity did not exist prior to the 1st Century AD.
I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
"Distinct versions or entities" trips people up, I think. The Bible doesn't actually say that God is three persons, or a family unto Himself. Or that He's both three and one, or whatever.

The way I read the Bible, He's one God with three fundamental purposes: creator, redeemer, and mediator.
That may be. I suspect others will read the Bible differently. I suspect there are as many ways to interpret the Bible as there are interpreters. That leaves me to question the ultimate wisdom of any gods who would leave such matters as the question of their existence and one's ultimate disposition ("Heaven of Hell"), to such carelessness as not making things clear.
I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
"Distinct versions or entities" trips people up, I think. The Bible doesn't actually say that God is three persons, or a family unto Himself. Or that He's both three and one, or whatever.

The way I read the Bible, He's one God with three fundamental purposes: creator, redeemer, and mediator.
That may be. I suspect others will read the Bible differently. I suspect there are as many ways to interpret the Bible as there are interpreters. That leaves me to question the ultimate wisdom of any gods who would leave such matters as the question of their existence and one's ultimate disposition ("Heaven of Hell"), to such carelessness as not making things clear.
People can read the Bible any way they wish, and sadly they do. The fact is, it doesn't say that God is three persons in one. That is clear.

It does, however, say that God is creator, Redeemer, and mediator - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I can’t see the notion of the trinity as anything but an unresolvable contradiction. Three distinct versions or entities of gods is default polytheism. That contradicts the teaching of the religion.
"Distinct versions or entities" trips people up, I think. The Bible doesn't actually say that God is three persons, or a family unto Himself. Or that He's both three and one, or whatever.

The way I read the Bible, He's one God with three fundamental purposes: creator, redeemer, and mediator.
That may be. I suspect others will read the Bible differently. I suspect there are as many ways to interpret the Bible as there are interpreters. That leaves me to question the ultimate wisdom of any gods who would leave such matters as the question of their existence and one's ultimate disposition ("Heaven of Hell"), to such carelessness as not making things clear.
People can read the Bible any way they wish, and sadly they do. The fact is, it doesn't say that God is three persons in one. That is clear.

It does, however, say that God is creator, Redeemer, and mediator - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Well, hold on.

Does the Bible say creator, Redeemer, and mediator or does it say Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If the Bible doesn't say that God is three persons in one, where does it say that God, his son and the Holy Spirit are one God?
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

The problem with the Trinity is that it defines GOD as intrinsically having 3 manifestations.
The Trinity is a ripoff of the 3 famous fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In fact, the Scriptures have a multitude of non-intrinsic manifestations of God depending on what is best for the given situation.

There is no intrinsic manifestation of God.
I think it's important to be able to conceptually wrap one's head around the evolutionary origin of the Abrahamic faiths. I think it's important to be able to draw the necessary conceptual conclusion that what is Christianity evolved from Judaism, and Judaism evolved from earlier Canaanite polytheism. But the pagan pantheon of Ugarit was neither Jewish nor Christian. And Judaism was not Christianity.
It is most important to seek and find God for oneself.

The Bible's great worth is in relating people's experiences with God--IF it stirs them to seek their own experience which, in turn, will be told from their own individual perspective. The evolution you see in the Bible is the perspective of people in various times who relate that experience through the lens of their culture and their history.
As I recall you self-describe as being a Catholic, what non-descriptive God are you referring to?
You can't imagine the One. That is good because God is without boundaries. No adjective does Him justice.
I think it's important to be able to conceptually wrap one's head around the evolutionary origin of the Abrahamic faiths. I think it's important to be able to draw the necessary conceptual conclusion that what is Christianity evolved from Judaism, and Judaism evolved from earlier Canaanite polytheism. But the pagan pantheon of Ugarit was neither Jewish nor Christian. And Judaism was not Christianity.
It is most important to seek and find God for oneself.

The Bible's great worth is in relating people's experiences with God--IF it stirs them to seek their own experience which, in turn, will be told from their own individual perspective. The evolution you see in the Bible is the perspective of people in various times who relate that experience through the lens of their culture and their history.
Which God is the one I should seek? People overwhelmingly don't seek out their Gods, they inherit them. I should point out the powerful human tendency to follow familial traditions, socio-political norms and leaders like sheep. The psychology of the crowd is founded on the direct contradiction of your admonition to find God for oneself. Most humans do not choose to perceive, they instead choose to accept what they are told. They do not choose to “know,” they instead choose to “believe.”

Certainty is so much easier than uncertainty that most humans will embrace it even at the peril of their neighbors. Certainty has been responsible for so many of the greatest atrocities of human history, from Alexander to Tamerlane to Torquemada to Stalin.

Uncertainty saves lives. People who doubt their conclusions do not hijack airplanes, slaughter pilots and crew, and then fly them into civilian office buildings. People who doubt their conclusions don't drink the Kool-Aid.
As I recall you self-describe as being a Catholic, what non-descriptive God are you referring to?
You can't imagine the One. That is good because God is without boundaries. No adjective does Him justice.
I'm left with a lot of decisions to make about your conception of god. There exists no empirical evidence for his existence, so immediately, I have infinitely less evidence for such a being than I have for unvarying natural law. So you begin at the disadvantage of discussing a mere hypothesis rather than an empirically observed entity.

But lets pretend arguendo that such a god exists, and that he is not under the command of anything or anyone. He may be that way because he was created that way by another being greater than himself. Or he might be that way out of pure statistical chance, or he might not actually be that way at all (since we have no evidence he is in the first place), or he might be that way because he is eternal and has always been that way.

Ignoring that we have no evidence for his existence in the first place, where is the “evidence” that allows us to discriminate between these different possible origins? Why, there is none at all.

So the circumstance is that I believe in something we all know exists, since we observe its operation with every breath. You believe in something that you (at best) suspect exists, or hope exists, but that we cannot observe, and for which we have no evidence.

And we have exactly as much evidence for a “God” as we have for a “God maker.” Exactly none.

But the reasoning that a “God exists” is no different than the reasoning that a “God maker” exists.

So you remain abandoned by the evidence.
Which God is the one I should seek? People overwhelmingly don't seek out their Gods, they inherit them. I should point out the powerful human tendency to follow familial traditions, socio-political norms and leaders like sheep. The psychology of the crowd is founded on the direct contradiction of your admonition to find God for oneself. Most humans do not choose to perceive, they instead choose to accept what they are told. They do not choose to “know,” they instead choose to “believe.”
Seek God.

Don't do you think people "overwhelmingly" do, or what you think "most" humans choose or do not choose.

Belief is a good start, just as school or being a pilot or climbing a mountain or having a backyard garden is a good start. The world is enormous, knowledge immense.

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