Zone1 Trinity and Prayer


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
Whether we pray one on one in Jesus’ name to God the Father; whether we pray with others here on earth, or whether we ask those who have passed on to join us in prayer, do we recognize the part of the Holy Spirit? Where Jesus and the Father are, by definition, so is the Holy Spirit because the three are one. Our prayers, in Jesus’ name, rise to the Father through the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit we are united in the Body of Christ, in Jesus, who is One with the Father.

Today I was thinking I need to be more cognizant of the Holy Spirit and his part in our prayers. I began wondering if he is the most ignored Person in the Trinity.
I think that makes sense, as much as our limited understanding will allow.

God the Father isn't prayed to as much as Jesus is either, since Jesus was our main contact.

The Holy Spirit seems to be the magic conduit between our dimension (with time) and God's dimension (without "time").

When we die, what happens? Does God the Father pass judgment, and Jesus and the Holy Ghost make our hereafter happen?
God the Father isn't prayed to as much as Jesus is either, since Jesus was our main contact.

The Holy Spirit seems to be the magic conduit between our dimension (with time) and God's dimension (without "time").

When we die, what happens? Does God the Father pass judgment, and Jesus and the Holy Ghost make our hereafter happen?
Catholics believe it is Jesus who judges both the living and the dead. However, a deeper belief than that is where one of the Trinity is, and what one of the Trinity is doing, all three are a part of it. I admit to being puzzled by Jesus saying to us instead of storing up treasures on earth, to store up treasures in heaven. What treasures--and for that matter--what rewards do we need in heaven? What are these treasures, what are these rewards? What use are they?
Catholics believe it is Jesus who judges both the living and the dead. However, a deeper belief than that is where one of the Trinity is, and what one of the Trinity is doing, all three are a part of it. I admit to being puzzled by Jesus saying to us instead of storing up treasures on earth, to store up treasures in heaven. What treasures--and for that matter--what rewards do we need in heaven? What are these treasures, what are these rewards? What use are they?
What treasures can we store in heaven? Probably "good works". Taking care of the "least of His brethren". I think Mother Teresa will have the top spot in heaven.

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 25:40
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
Whether we pray one on one in Jesus’ name to God the Father; whether we pray with others here on earth, or whether we ask those who have passed on to join us in prayer, do we recognize the part of the Holy Spirit? Where Jesus and the Father are, by definition, so is the Holy Spirit because the three are one. Our prayers, in Jesus’ name, rise to the Father through the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit we are united in the Body of Christ, in Jesus, who is One with the Father.

Today I was thinking I need to be more cognizant of the Holy Spirit and his part in our prayers. I began wondering if he is the most ignored Person in the Trinity.
So, does this mean we are "one" with the father too? If so, "one" refers to purpose, not the same personage. Thus, when Jesus says he is one with the Father, that doesn't mean Jesus is Father in Heaven. The trinity thinking that there are 3 in one is silly and priestcraft like.
Now, to your question, why would true believers with faith in Christ think the Holy Ghost isn't important and ignored? He is the "AT&T" connection to the Godhead. He communicates back to us the answers to our question whether yes or no. If given to us with proper authority, the HG lives with us consistently 24 hours a day.
What treasures can we store in heaven? Probably "good works". Taking care of the "least of His brethren". I think Mother Teresa will have the top spot in heaven.

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 25:40
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
But in heaven...what will these treasures and rewards actually be? Is the treasure being closer to God? A bigger mansion (In my Father's house there are many mansions). In other words, it won't be a large bank what it?
So, does this mean we are "one" with the father too? If so, "one" refers to purpose, not the same personage. Thus, when Jesus says he is one with the Father, that doesn't mean Jesus is Father in Heaven. The trinity thinking that there are 3 in one is silly and priestcraft like.
I understand the LDS faith teaches something like one committee made up of three Gods, and that members of the LDS faith will also become Gods.

As far as I know, every other Christian One God more on the order of God's make-up. Humans are made up of body, mind, and soul, yet each of us is a single person. On a larger scale, God is made up of Creator (Father); Word (Son); and Holy Spirit, but a single God.

We are many people made up of one body in Christ. This can be compared to school. Many individual students make up one class.

Now, to your question, why would true believers with faith in Christ think the Holy Ghost isn't important and ignored? He is the "AT&T" connection to the Godhead. He communicates back to us the answers to our question whether yes or no. If given to us with proper authority, the HG lives with us consistently 24 hours a day.
The Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son. Where the Spirit is, there is the Father and the Son. The Spirit is not a messenger.

The etymology of Angel is messenger. Or does the LDS church teach angels are Gods as well? (Serious question).
But in heaven...what will these treasures and rewards actually be? Is the treasure being closer to God? A bigger mansion (In my Father's house there are many mansions). In other words, it won't be a large bank what it?
You'll see when you get there. <g> What would Mother Teresa like as treasure?
I understand the LDS faith teaches something like one committee made up of three Gods, and that members of the LDS faith will also become Gods.

As far as I know, every other Christian One God more on the order of God's make-up. Humans are made up of body, mind, and soul, yet each of us is a single person. On a larger scale, God is made up of Creator (Father); Word (Son); and Holy Spirit, but a single God.

We are many people made up of one body in Christ. This can be compared to school. Many individual students make up one class.

The Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son. Where the Spirit is, there is the Father and the Son. The Spirit is not a messenger.

The etymology of Angel is messenger. Or does the LDS church teach angels are Gods as well? (Serious question).
I didn’t say the HG is a messenger like an Angel or prophet. He is like the telephone line and through the Holy Ghost we can know the answers to our prayers. He connects us to the Father and Son. He also can comfort us when we need it. I know this personally. He also is the testifier of truth and I know this personally too. I’ve received His comfort and testimony.

The idea that there is one God that manifests himself in 3 persons is not provable with the Bible. The “One” refers to one in purpose. With that said, we can come together one in Christ for the purpose of His common understanding of the atonement.
And, the Bible does have statements that suggest there are at least 2 personages in Genesis. And that we can become like Him and inherit all that he has as well.
Whether we pray one on one in Jesus’ name to God the Father; whether we pray with others here on earth, or whether we ask those who have passed on to join us in prayer, do we recognize the part of the Holy Spirit? Where Jesus and the Father are, by definition, so is the Holy Spirit because the three are one. Our prayers, in Jesus’ name, rise to the Father through the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit we are united in the Body of Christ, in Jesus, who is One with the Father.

Today I was thinking I need to be more cognizant of the Holy Spirit and his part in our prayers. I began wondering if he is the most ignored Person in the Trinity.
No one who has passed on can hear you or speak--Eccl 9:5--The dead know nothing at all.
You need new teachers. Get out of the darkness.
The holy spirit is not a living being. Catholicisms own encyclopedia says the majority of things mentioned of the holy spirit is not as a living being. You are being mislead to not enter Gods kingdom.
The idea that there is one God that manifests himself in 3 persons is not provable with the Bible. The “One” refers to one in purpose. With that said, we can come together one in Christ for the purpose of His common understanding of the atonement.
And, the Bible does have statements that suggest there are at least 2 personages in Genesis. And that we can become like Him and inherit all that he has as well.
1. What, in the Bible, is "provable"?
2. The Bible says God is One. Period. It says nothing about God being one purpose or having one purpose.
3. Genesis speaks of Creator, of Word, of Spirit. One God.
No one who has passed on can hear you or speak--Eccl 9:5--The dead know nothing at all.
You need new teachers. Get out of the darkness.
The holy spirit is not a living being. Catholicisms own encyclopedia says the majority of things mentioned of the holy spirit is not as a living being. You are being mislead to not enter Gods kingdom.
The dead body knows nothing at all. Continue reading Ecclesiastics. Chapter 12 notes when the body dies, the spirit returns to God.

You seem to be adamant that God has no spirit.

My belief: God is Spirit, is Father-Creator; is Word.
The dead body knows nothing at all. Continue reading Ecclesiastics. Chapter 12 notes when the body dies, the spirit returns to God.

You seem to be adamant that God has no spirit.

My belief: God is Spirit, is Father-Creator; is Word.
Thanks for pointing that out. A typical taking out of context of a JW. Of course the body can’t hear or do anything after death. Duh! As Peter teaches, our spirits go to either paradise or spirit prison. I’ve explained I like better that without the body we are prisoners of death unable to progress further until the resurrection.
So, spirit prison has two areas for our spirits, Paradise and Hell. There our spirits will continue to learn.
No one who has passed on can hear you or speak--Eccl 9:5--The dead know nothing at all.
You need new teachers. Get out of the darkness.
The holy spirit is not a living being. Catholicisms own encyclopedia says the majority of things mentioned of the holy spirit is not as a living being. You are being mislead to not enter Gods kingdom.
A typical taking out of context of a JW. Of course the body can’t hear or do anything after death. Duh! As Peter teaches, our spirits go to either paradise or spirit prison. I’ve explained I like better that without the body we are prisoners of death unable to progress further until the resurrection.
So, spirit prison has two areas for our spirits, Paradise and Hell. There our spirits will continue to Learn.
The dead body knows nothing at all. Continue reading Ecclesiastics. Chapter 12 notes when the body dies, the spirit returns to God.

You seem to be adamant that God has no spirit.

My belief: God is Spirit, is Father-Creator; is Word.
The holy spirit isn't a living being. It has 0 equality with god. Not even as much as Jesus has.
The Father isn't the word-Jesus is. The Father is Jehovah.
Spirit as in like dna( every iota of what makes that one who they are) in Gods remembrance. Not a ghost like being.
A typical taking out of context of a JW. Of course the body can’t hear or do anything after death. Duh! As Peter teaches, our spirits go to either paradise or spirit prison. I’ve explained I like better that without the body we are prisoners of death unable to progress further until the resurrection.
So, spirit prison has two areas for our spirits, Paradise and Hell. There our spirits will continue to Learn.
What an insane teaching that paradise is in Hades(grave). Eden translates-paradise--It will be the new earth=paradise. The whole earth transformed into a garden of Eden( paradise). There is no spirit prison mentioned any spot in Gods bible.
The holy spirit isn't a living being. It has 0 equality with god. Not even as much as Jesus has.
The Father isn't the word-Jesus is. The Father is Jehovah.
Spirit as in like dna( every iota of what makes that one who they are) in Gods remembrance. Not a ghost like being.
I reject this.
Whether we pray one on one in Jesus’ name to God the Father; whether we pray with others here on earth, or whether we ask those who have passed on to join us in prayer, do we recognize the part of the Holy Spirit? Where Jesus and the Father are, by definition, so is the Holy Spirit because the three are one. Our prayers, in Jesus’ name, rise to the Father through the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit we are united in the Body of Christ, in Jesus, who is One with the Father.

Today I was thinking I need to be more cognizant of the Holy Spirit and his part in our prayers. I began wondering if he is the most ignored Person in the Trinity.
Well I am honestly not being facetious here when I say that when we believe that God, Son and Holy Spirit are one does it matter? I don't pray to the Holy Spirit but I'm conscious of the presence, especially at those miraculous times when you feel a nudge or the Spirit takes over for a bit. At those times I am immediately conscious and aware of the Holy Spirit. I doubt anyone could really fathom what that is like until they experience it and I'm not sure it can be experienced without a personal relationship with the One. It is all so wonderful and at the same time so much a mystery. I sure hope I get my questions answered when I get to Heaven. :)
What an insane teaching that paradise is in Hades(grave). Eden translates-paradise--It will be the new earth=paradise. The whole earth transformed into a garden of Eden( paradise). There is no spirit prison mentioned any spot in Gods bible.
Once again, you are just plain stupid. You can't read nor comprehend. You spew out garbage from your scholars who are two-bit liars and fake prophets. I never called spirit prison Hades or Hell. I said spirit prison is where all spirits await for their resurrection. Some where when they were on earth were bad and some were good and/or repented of their bad things they did. Let me explain one more time because you are incredibly slow. It's a prison because those in spirit prison cannot progress further in the Father's plan until their resurrection.
In any event, Big M put you in your place by showing you read on to verse 12 to help you understand.

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