Posting Guidelines Have Been Updated

Dont Taz Me Bro

Diamond Member
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Senior USMB Moderator
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
To further clarify sourcing requirements, the following language has been added to the Rules and Posting Guidelines thread

When starting a new thread and declaring something as fact in your opening post, you must also link to a source. For example, "Polls say 2/3 of people think x, y, z." You need to link to a source for one of those alleged polls. Telling others to Google it on their own is not acceptable.

USMB Rules and Guidelines
You would make your job a lot easier if you restricted the rules to just one - the one that reflects the actual operation of this place.

"Mods do whatever they want, whenever they want and towards whoever they want".
Feel free to tell me to search, it’s how I learn and how I can counter.. so I don’t mind searching
You would make your job a lot easier if you restricted the rules to just one - the one that reflects the actual operation of this place.

"Mods do whatever they want, whenever they want and towards whoever they want".
Modding is a lot better these days.
You would make your job a lot easier if you restricted the rules to just one - the one that reflects the actual operation of this place.

"Mods do whatever they want, whenever they want and towards whoever they want".
Modding is a lot better these days.
It's the time of year for the annual Google Review. Trolls even got cleaned off one of my threads yesterday--and I didn't even ask.
You would make your job a lot easier if you restricted the rules to just one - the one that reflects the actual operation of this place.

"Mods do whatever they want, whenever they want and towards whoever they want".
Modding is a lot better these days.
It's the time of year for the annual Google Review. Trolls even got cleaned off one of my threads yesterday--and I didn't even ask.
I havent been banned all year. Its a lot better than it was with previous mod.
Feel free to tell me to search, it’s how I learn and how I can counter.. so I don’t mind searching
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, bullshit.

I call BS on you. Please provide link proving that the Top Poster of the Month doesn't know how to use a search engine.

"Top Poster of the Month" means nothing more than you need to get a life outside of this message board. That and you value quantity over quality.
Feel free to tell me to search, it’s how I learn and how I can counter.. so I don’t mind searching
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, bullshit.

I call BS on you. Please provide link proving that the Top Poster of the Month doesn't know how to use a search engine.

"Top Poster of the Month" means nothing more than you need to get a life outside of this message board. That and you value quantity over quality.
That’s back to back poster of the month! Hey I got a call from the prez because of this site!
It's the time of year for the annual Google Review. Trolls even got cleaned off one of my threads yesterday--and I didn't even ask.

So the thread was deleted?


Been here for a while. Still not entirely sure how to look for a thread if it exists.

The left naturally support burning the American flag. "Freedom of expression!"

How far back? Am I supposed to look in each area? I didn't see any thread about the flag burning of an lbgtq thread. Informed there are several threads on it.

How am I supposed to know that again. I used the search thread and nothing came up.

So, please explain it.
Been here for a while. Still not entirely sure how to look for a thread if it exists.

The left naturally support burning the American flag. "Freedom of expression!"

How far back? Am I supposed to look in each area? I didn't see any thread about the flag burning of an lbgtq thread. Informed there are several threads on it.

How am I supposed to know that again. I used the search thread and nothing came up.

So, please explain it.

I can ALMOST explain it.. There's still some mysteries about USING it and some "cheats and tips" required....

If you're searching TITLES, -- ALWAYS do it from the Home page.. SOMEHOW, searches on USMB get limited by WHERE you do the search from.. THere's a "search all forums" options when you're NOT on the Home Page, but I can't swear you get the same results -- and I SUSPECT -- they are not..

And if you're looking for THREADS -- make sure to check the "search titles only" box...

So doing a USMB search on the key words (flag burning) from the HOME PAGE gives you DOZENS of threads on the topic.. Some going back 10 years or more.. You can restrict the back date in the search.. Here they are::

  1. flag burning
    it's a pretty small step and there's no doubt it will happen before the next general election. because it's easy to do and those political...
    Thread by: washamericom, Sep 3, 2017, 42 replies, in forum: Politics

  2. Thread
    Flag Burning
    Flag Burning is a whole other matter.... why? it's not illegal or unconstitutional and requires no mention of god. Because I support a...
    Thread by: xotoxi, Feb 17, 2012, 50 replies, in forum: Politics

  3. Thread
    Flag Burning
    made me chuckle:
    Thread by: CSM, Apr 5, 2006, 147 replies, in forum: Current Events

  4. Thread
    Flag Burning
    ...push-button, 'more patriotic than thou', non-issue. Who does flag burning affect? How many flags has anyone ever seen burned outside of the...
    Thread by: nakedemperor, Jun 22, 2005, 88 replies, in forum: Politics

  5. Thread
    Burning American Flag....
    unacceptable or acceptable as "freedom of speech"?
    Thread by: Bonzi, Sep 13, 2015, 445 replies, in forum: Current Events

  6. Thread
    Flag Burning Amendment
    Would this amendment apply to American flags made in China, or Mexico or whereever? Just wondering....
    Thread by: bush lover, Jul 3, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Politics

  7. Thread
    USMB Flag Burning
    Let's get together and burn the flags of Iran , Syria, Saudia Arabia, etc. Let's also burn some copies of the Koran for good measure....
    Thread by: rtwngAvngr, May 27, 2005, 14 replies, in forum: Current Events

  8. Thread
    Students protest flag burning
    A mob of angry protesters chased a would-be flag burner at Louisiana State University (LSU) off campus Wednesday to chants of "USA, USA."...
    Thread by: Titties McGee, May 19, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Education

  9. Thread
    Flag Burning Amendment Fails!
    The Senate vote fell 1 short of meeting the 67 yes votes required for the amendment to pass Congress and go on to the states.
    Thread by: Mr.Conley, Jun 27, 2006, 58 replies, in forum: Politics

  10. Thread
    Burning the American Flag vers Burning the Quran
    The American flag is in reality just pieces of cloth held to gather by thread. But as a US Army veteran I would punch out any puke that I...
    Thread by: Sunni Man, Apr 3, 2011, 245 replies, in forum: The Flame Zone

  11. Thread
    Burning the American Flag vers Burning the Quran
    Thread by: Sunni Man, Apr 3, 2011, 239 replies, in forum: Religion and Ethics

  12. Thread
    NYPD investigating gay flag burning
    The crazy thing here is that if someone had burned Old Glory, they would be constitutionally protected according to libs. But burning the...
    Thread by: Polishprince, Jun 2, 2019, 37 replies, in forum: Current Events

  13. Thread
    Flag burning at LA campus prevented
    " NEWSCORE - A mob of angry protesters chased a would-be flag burner at Louisiana State University (LSU) off campus Wednesday to chants of "USA,...
    Thread by: AllieBaba, May 12, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: General Discussion

  14. Thread
    How many democrats actually support flag burning?
    I know not every single democrat in the world support flag burning because there are a lot of democrats who have fought for this country because...
    Thread by: SuperDemocrat, Jul 25, 2016, 42 replies, in forum: Politics

  15. Thread
    Occupy Scumbags Now Burning Our Nation's Flag....
    If I was "on scene," someone would have their fucking nuts kicked in. Occupy protest rekindles debate about flag burning
    Thread by: Warrior102, Jan 31, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events

  16. Thread
    My Take On The Flag Burning Admendment
    ...and recently, by a slim margin Congress has allowed the flag burning to continue unhindered. Has our society evolved or become smarter in...
    Thread by: Eightball, Jun 30, 2006, 37 replies, in forum: Politics

  17. Thread
    Burning the American flag aint gonna accomplish anything .....
    Burning the American flag aint gonna accomplish anything .....TRY GETTING A JOB!
    Thread by: RadicalRedneck, Nov 10, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: Politics

  18. Thread
    Racist woman charged with arson for burning flag
    Woman Charged with Arson After Burning Confederate Flag keep committing crimes and videotaping it! Helps with prosecution
    Thread by: Preacher, Jul 24, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events

  19. Thread
    NYC: Motorcycle gang busts up flag burning rally!!!! by real Americans!!!:woohoo: Protesters clash at American flag burning at Brooklyn park - NY Daily News And I'm laughing..........we are...
    Thread by: skookerasbil, Jul 2, 2015, 84 replies, in forum: Current Events

  20. Thread
    How To Stop Flag Burning in the ME
    Send a couple of 100,000 of these. [IMG][/URL]
    Thread by: [URL='']beretta304[/URL], Sep 21, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: [URL='']Politics[/URL]

    Protestor dies from smoke of burning American flag
    Seems we only need our Flag to fight a war. Was it made in China? I wonder:D Burning an American flag proved fatal for a Pakistani protester, who...
    Thread by: PixieStix, Sep 20, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events

  21. Thread
    Hillary Supporters attacking Trump supporters and burning American Flag
    Why burn the American flag? [MEDIA]
    Thread by: Bassman007, Jun 11, 2016, 74 replies, in forum: Politics

  22. Thread
    Patriot, Roy Warden, Arrested/Cited, For Burning Mexican Flag!!!!, very hard to access. City man arrested after Mexican-flag burning By Brady McCombs Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona |...
    Thread by: Eightball, Apr 12, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Politics

  23. Thread
    The Flag Maker, Mr. Ashburner Warns About Burning Flags
    ...have been burned, than the Star of David standard, often a flag burning target for anti-Israeli demonstrators. Mr Flag, one of the UK’s...
    Thread by: Annie, Feb 10, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Europe

  24. Thread
    A Cuban-American Writes about Proposed Flag Burning Amendment
    A FLAG, A POEM AND A LESSON IN FREEDOM By Miguel Perez for June 29, 2005 As Congress considers a constitutional amendment to...
    Thread by: Adam's Apple, Jul 6, 2005, 0 replies, in forum: Politics

  25. Thread
    MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning Cross
    Leftards have totally lost it. The sound you heard was their last synapse snapping. MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning...
    Thread by: Weatherman2020, Jul 3, 2019, 80 replies, in forum: Current Events

  26. Thread
    Gay flag burning Priest removed from Catholic church in Chicago.
    ...Gays. Bravo father Kalchik, (Presumably Polish) Rainbow-flag burning priest removed from Chicago parish Rainbow-flag burning priest removed...
    Thread by: SobieskiSavedEurope, Sep 24, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: General Discussion

  27. Thread
    Patriotic young man storms in to end American flag burning
    VIDEO :

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