How Bad Al Goe Is - 20 pages

You think man doesn’t pollute ? A pounded thumb has more on the ball.
CO2 is not pollution. And this is true because it causes plants to survive. We eat plants. CO2 causes us to survive.

Tell me how man manages climate.

Here is a good one. Why does Obama own 2 homes that are both on beaches?
CO2 is not pollution. And this is true because it causes plants to survive. We eat plants. CO2 causes us to survive.

Tell me how man manages climate.

Here is a good one. Why does Obama own 2 homes that are both on beaches?
You’ve already demonstrated how ignorant you are. You’re just repeating yourself now.
CO2 is not pollution. And this is true because it causes plants to survive. We eat plants. CO2 causes us to survive.
Next you‘re going to claim that your shit doesn’t smell because you put it in your garden behind your trailer.
CO2 is not pollution. And this is true because it causes plants to survive. We eat plants. CO2 causes us to survive.
Well then you should be able to dump your shit in your well….it doesn’t pollute because it causes plant to grow and survive…that’s your definition of a non pollutant, anything that makes plants survive…bubba
Oh Biden has many sordid stories he can tell you. Do you think his son was not his student as a man of many whores?
Must be true then…they’re ” stories”.
Did you here about tinker bell. Must be true, it’s a story.
From the link provided by @RobertW to PragerU:

"The long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible." - IPCC, 2007 Report

Yet millions have gone berserk in the U.S. and Europe over this huge fraud. The proponents were as foolishly wrong as the scientists of the Club of Rome which predicted millions would die of starvation in the 1970s and 80s.
What’s your definition of walking the walk? Donning sackcloth, and ashes, and living off grid?
UC Berkeley math professor, Ted Kaczynski, did. The police found a heavily soiled and tattered book by Al Gore, viz., "Earth in the Balance," in Unabomber's rathole cabin that he read over and over and over before killing people he hated with package bombs.

Kindly define how you believe that Al Gore doesn’t “walk the walk”. Is he going around promoting coal and trying to return the USA to heavy dependence on fossil fuels?

"Return" to heavy dependence? Are you kidding? Today we are just as heavily dependent on fossil fuels as ever. You are living in La-La land if you think otherwise. You expect the world to go up the Unicorn Graph.

Renewable energy.jpg

It takes tens of thousands of diesel and gas driven trucks to mine and transport and process the minerals for electric vehicles and all the other fancies that environmental hypocrites think will "save the world."

Meanwhile China is producing far more of the carbon dioxide you find so frightening than the rest of the world combined is reducing.

Coal plants worldwide.png

Is Gore ignoring the $200 billion do US is spending every year on climate related disasters like Trump does.
Damages have gone down by GDP pecentage.jpg

Is he falsely claiming that windmills cause cancer?

“Walking the walk” is passing carbon taxes and legislation to help reduce greenhouse gases, not sitting in the dark and refusing to fly in a plane.

THE dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor. Its concentration in our atmosphere is approximately 15,000 ppmv, compared to 410 ppmv for carbon dioxide. As the graphs below demonstrate, water vapor is not only far higher in concentration, but it is also far more effective at absorbing infrared radiation as shown in the red and blue graph. Combine these factors and water is about 178 times the greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide. That is why on a foggy night it is warm and on clear nights, it is much colder despite the obvious fact that the carbon dioxide concentrations are identical in fog and clear weather.

The Left's answer for every problem is more government and more taxes. It hasn't worked for education as the more money that has been thrown into education, to satisfy teachers' unions, the lower the scores and performance have been.

As Ronald Reagan said, "Government isn't the solution, it's the problem."

No one takes more shit away from people than Trump the scammer. Buy your gold sneakers yet ? How about your little Trump figurines ?
Imagine being a bitter asshole and lunatic who can not get through a conversation without mentioning Trump no matter the subject. I don't even like the man but I have to ask what the fuck does he have to do with Gore ?
Gore duped all you climate moron left wingers while he got rich and laughed at your gullibility.

What BluesLegend said, and in addition, climate moron left wingers genuflect to the 70,000 eco-hypocrites who recently flew to Dubai, many thousands of them in private jets. There they yukked it up, lived life large, and ordered the moron underlings to eat insects and ride bicycles when they're not driving to protests to glue their hands to freeways and interrupt decent people going about their business.
Imagine being a bitter asshole and lunatic who can not get through a conversation without mentioning Trump no matter the subject. I don't even like the man but I have to ask what the fuck does he have to do with Gore ?
The conversation was about Gore and his hypocritical bullshit, but like every lunatic you could not help your obsession with injecting Trump into the conversation. It's almost a Pavlovian response with you people.
The conversation was about Gore and his hypocritical bullshit, but like every lunatic you could not help your obsession with injecting Trump into the conversation. It's almost a Pavlovian response with you people.
Bet your ass….you can’t run away from this a-hole. Hey bubba…he’s your nominee, knight in black armor ready to turn back all of Gore supported legislation.

….. your hypercritical super anti climate AGW bullshitter ? Gore Is mother Teresa.. The same Trump guy who just met with big oil to sell them a promise to turn back oil regulations for a one billion dollar bribe. That criminal pro Russian pollution promoter ? That idiot ?
Imagine being a bitter asshole and lunatic who can not get through a conversation without mentioning Trump no matter the subject. I don't even like the man but I have to ask what the fuck does he have to do with Gore ?
You’re the bitter one. You can’t run from this idiot who just asked big oil for one billion dollars ( to pay his lawyers) in return for turning back all AGW climate change regulations.
Control? That would imply a Dr Evil kind of button. :)
Influence?...most certainly. Through habits and actions.
Influence is code word by the Alarmists meaning hell no, humans can't manage climate.
You’re the bitter one. You can’t run from this idiot who just asked big oil for one billion dollars ( to pay his lawyers) in return for turning back all AGW climate change regulations.
When I was a Democrat, long ago, we did not try to sell the public we managed climate. The party went nuts after Gore.

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