Mike Huckabee

Sounds like the petulant pussy is pissed!

WTF Shallow Skeeve, are ya pissed that the GOP is actually a bunch of old greedy pervs that screw up our justice system regularly?

I suppose anyone that isn't a repressed fanatical Christian like yourself is one of them "pigs".

Not pissed. You sound like you are having meltdown pretend guy.. Pig is what you are and always will be PIG. and a pretend sailor too.. nothing worse than that.

Nothing worse than that? Really?

Because..............I kinda thought that being a dried up old prune bag named Shallow Skeeve who is friends with kittens she picks up off the street (maybe it's a food thing), and dresses them in costumes modeled after fantasy characters, would be much worse.

And, when it's put that way? I'd much rather be a Sailor. Incidentally, I've got an ID card that proves I'm a member of the Navy. It's blue. It also has my picture on it and better yet............it's not a bit of fantasy.

Fuck off ya goddamn pedant, go please purists.
Sounds like the petulant pussy is pissed!

WTF Shallow Skeeve, are ya pissed that the GOP is actually a bunch of old greedy pervs that screw up our justice system regularly?

I suppose anyone that isn't a repressed fanatical Christian like yourself is one of them "pigs".

Not pissed. You sound like you are having meltdown pretend guy.. Pig is what you are and always will be PIG. and a pretend sailor too.. nothing worse than that.

Nothing worse than that? Really?

Because..............I kinda thought that being a dried up old prune bag named Shallow Skeeve who is friends with kittens she picks up off the street (maybe it's a food thing), and dresses them in costumes modeled after fantasy characters, would be much worse.

And, when it's put that way? I'd much rather be a Sailor. Incidentally, I've got an ID card that proves I'm a member of the Navy. It's blue. It also has my picture on it and better yet............it's not a bit of fantasy.

Fuck off ya goddamn pedant, go please purists.

You know how many times I have written PIG in giant letters? People read what you write. Not one of them ever told me I was wrong.. I bet the NAVY is ashamed of yer sorry ass.
Mike Huckabee believes in "magical creation" over "science". That one fact will make him unelectable. Who wants a president who believes in "mysticism" over scientific evidence? We would be a bigger laughingstock than when Bush was president.

The Huckabee ship has hit it's iceberg.

well fyi,, this issue was raised the last time he ran,, he didn't do well that time either, so don't cream your drawers over it,, but more than likely the libtards will go ballastic for a month or so demonizing him. Palin can take a vacation.

Yes they will be quite ballistic, They dont want to admit that giving a 17 year old 90 years for robbery was excessive while chanting free tookie. They dont want to admit he was rearrested and the dems cut him loose.
From what I've been reading Hukabee commuted his sentence from 60 years to 47. This made him eleigible for parole. The then Gov didn't just sign off on this. He consulted the Judge and others. Tried to speak with the prosecutors but they never got back to him. The parole board granted him parole. This guy then violated his parole and was scooped again by Ark. Those handling his case dropped the ball by not getting the paperwork in and the charges were dropped. This asshole then went to Washington State where he committed 8 crimes. The last was the rape of a 12 yr old girl. The Judges in those cases let him out on $15,000 dollar bond. He then killed 4 police officers. So. Whose fault was it??? Hukabee for commuting the sentence of a 16yr old from 60 to 47 years?? The prosecutors on the case who never got back with the Gov?? The parole board for releasing him on parole? The Prosecutors who dropped the ball on his VOP? The Judges in WA that let him out on a $15,000 bond?? Take your pick. Lots of blame to go around in this one.
He's finished now.

That's too bad. I liked the Huckster. He has a great sense of humor and at least stuck out his entire term.

I don't think so. Huckabee commuted a sentence of a black man who was serving 95 years for crimes committed before he was 18. The race card was most likely a factor and I doubt people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Barack Obama will allow this to be used against him. Besides, Washington State is as much or more to blame for this.
I wonder how many minutes out of the day you obsess over race.
Huckabee is a snakeoil salesman. A con artist. A scam. He's lying about Clemmons' age, criminal history, and his own role in freeing the 8-time felon.

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