Zone1 If God Truly Loves Us Then Why Did He Cause The Great Flood?

And regret that He created humans in the first place? That doesn't sound like love to me.
Are you saying that a loving God would have ended his plans for us on the spot and started over? Wouldn't a loving God say, I cannot approve of how they are behaving, but they are worth my time and effort to save.?

In so many ways, God gives us the opportunity to better ourselves, as well. Isn't opportunity a great gift and blessing?
And regret that He created humans in the first place? That doesn't sound like love to me.
He didnt regret creating humans, he regretted humans who turned away from him and followed Lucifer. Humans were given the choice, and some just needed to be reminded about turning away from God.
Better yet why does God send people to hell who don't worship Him or Her? The Bible doesn't say but my guess would be super egoism.
Hell is separation from God. It's the place you choose if you have no interest in God and don't wish to be around all that love and goodness. (By the way, Dante's Inferno is fiction, not scripture.)
And regret that He created humans in the first place? That doesn't sound like love to me.
He put it off until there were only 8 actual humans left on earth. He saved humanity. Demon infested half-breeds called Nephilim, were what was on the earth. That includes animals. And they were nasty.
Even at that, it grieved God to have to do it.

Gen.6:9 Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation;

Genesis 6:5-6 “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

Gen. 9:13 After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah and all his descendants that never again would the human family be threatened with total annihilation by flood. The sign God gave Noah to assure him of this covenant was the rainbow. “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds I will remember my covenant.”

The next time we see a rainbow, think God, not gay.

The next mass casualty event will be by fire, and caused by man. We'll call it WW3.
When someone holds God accountable for killing humans, remind them of our thing called war.
Man killing man en masse. In fact, there has never been a time when there has not been a war on this planet. We need to give God a break. We've killed more of our own than God has...
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Are you saying that a loving God would have ended his plans for us on the spot and started over? Wouldn't a loving God say, I cannot approve of how they are behaving, but they are worth my time and effort to save.?

In so many ways, God gives us the opportunity to better ourselves, as well. Isn't opportunity a great gift and blessing?

I'm not arguing with you by any means, but that wasn't the question that I asked.

He didnt regret creating humans, he regretted humans who turned away from him and followed Lucifer. Humans were given the choice, and some just needed to be reminded about turning away from God.

I guess that my translation was just different.

The bible says he created everything, he killed innocent babies and he sends people to hell.

Again Satan is who kills innocent babies and God doesn't send anybody to Hell. People send themselves to Hell if they do evil and don't accept Christ. God wants everybody to go to Heaven.

Hell is separation from God. It's the place you choose if you have no interest in God and don't wish to be around all that love and goodness. (By the way, Dante's Inferno is fiction, not scripture.)

Well,.. that is sort of a gray area to me because some people just weren't raised as Christians andt have never gotten the chance to hear the Gospel but yet do very good things onto others. I believe what I just posted above. If somebody is truly evil and hasn't repented then I do believe that they go to Hell, but would God send a nice and loving person to Hell just for having different beliefs than Christians do? I really don't think so. I know that isn't scripture but God also didn't write the Bible, man did and I just can't see God sending somebody who treats others well, doesn't steal, doesn't hurt people etc. to Hell.

OP, how are you defining love?

Not by a God saying "I regret making you in the first place." As that was a sucker punch to me when I read it, but as I said before it was probably the translation as I was reading the NIV version.
Not by a God saying "I regret making you in the first place." As that was a sucker punch to me when I read it, but as I said before it was probably the translation as I was reading the NIV version.
Don't tell me what you think it isn't, I want to know what you think it is.

Then I can respond to you accordingly.
For a start, this from a similar thread in this 'religion' subforum;
Try this on for size ...

If Gawd ~ Creative Intelligence ~ Intelligent Creator ~ whatever, is as portrayed in most religions = eternal; that means no Beginning nor any End.

Combine with you can't get Something from Nothing, then the Intelligent Creator had to make the universe/cosmos from substance of Itself. I use "It" because if the entity is eternal and not in need of reproduction, it doesn't need to have sexes, such as He and She.

Those two together mean that a Big Bang will eventually become a Big Collapse; which then becomes another Big Bang, then a Big Collapse, on and on, no beginnings nor any ends.

That means we humans would also be eternal since we are made from the substance of the Intelligent Creator. If we have souls, than they would be eternal. Reincarnating into new bodies each time as we progress through the physical phase(s) of our existence. Bodies being like another suit of clothes, only in this case another suit of 'meat'.

If not the above, then back to the quandary of what existed before this Universe was created and what exists after it is uncreated = gone ???
Don't tell me what you think it isn't, I want to know what you think it is.

Then I can respond to you accordingly.

Jesus paying the penalty for our sins on the cross even though He was perfectly innocent of any crime so we didn't have to die for them instead.
For a start, this from a similar thread in this 'religion' subforum;
Try this on for size ...

If Gawd ~ Creative Intelligence ~ Intelligent Creator ~ whatever, is as portrayed in most religions = eternal; that means no Beginning nor any End.

Combine with you can't get Something from Nothing, then the Intelligent Creator had to make the universe/cosmos from substance of Itself. I use "It" because if the entity is eternal and not in need of reproduction, it doesn't need to have sexes, such as He and She.

Those two together mean that a Big Bang will eventually become a Big Collapse; which then becomes another Big Bang, then a Big Collapse, on and on, no beginnings nor any ends.

That means we humans would also be eternal since we are made from the substance of the Intelligent Creator. If we have souls, than they would be eternal. Reincarnating into new bodies each time as we progress through the physical phase(s) of our existence. Bodies being like another suit of clothes, only in this case another suit of 'meat'.

If not the above, then back to the quandary of what existed before this Universe was created and what exists after it is uncreated = gone ???

Sorry, but I didn't get a word of that. 😕
Jesus paying the penalty for our sins on the cross even though He was perfectly innocent of any crime so we didn't have to die for them instead.
Yes, that is the ultimate form of love, being willing to die for someone else.

However, to not beat around the bush about it, to love, involves free will, because when you love someone, you do what they say, as in obey them.

That said, is it starting to become clearer now?

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