Should Hamas Surrender?

Don't be the cause of terrorism.

The Zionist regime still believes that they can take all of the land that was granted to the Palestinian people. Why would there not be freedom fighters attempting to stop the Zionists?

What land was ever granted to the 'Palestinian' people? The concept of 'Palestine' itself is bogus.

It was an area created by the British to administer after WWI. The very name 'Palestine' is the name the British gave to it.

Before that it was part of the Ottoman empire. It never existed as 'Palestine'

Furthermore, the creation of Israel in no way prejudiced against the non-Jews that lived there.

It was the choice of the Palestinians to collaborate with the Arab League to exterminate all Jews. They freely choose to leave Israel so the Arab League could kill all the Jews and they would not get in the way.

Israel had good reason to not let them return.

If they ever hoped to return, they sould have worked on building trust between them & the Israelis - not continued murder of Israeli citizens.
What land was ever granted to the 'Palestinian' people? The concept of 'Palestine' itself is bogus.

It was an area created by the British to administer after WWI. The very name 'Palestine' is the name the British gave to it.

Before that it was part of the Ottoman empire. It never existed as 'Palestine'

Furthermore, the creation of Israel in no way prejudiced against the non-Jews that lived there.

It was the choice of the Palestinians to collaborate with the Arab League to exterminate all Jews. They freely choose to leave Israel so the Arab League could kill all the Jews and they would not get in the way.

Israel had good reason to not let them return.

If they ever hoped to return, they sould have worked on building trust between them & the Israelis - not continued murder of Israeli citizens.
The Zionist regime is totally to blame for all hostilities. They chose to steal land granted to the Palestinian people and then settle on that stolen land.

This is my opening position and may be very slightly negotiable if you demonstrate an ability to negotiate. Otherwise, my position is final!
The U.S., Great Britan & France still dominate the U.N., so no, the U.N. is far from trying to destroy Israel.

With a U.N. military force in GAZA & a PA civilian government, the PA will be unable to act against Israel.
The US, UK and France can veto Security Council resolutions but they have no power to push resolutions through and they have no power over the General Assembly. Did a UN military force take action to stop the genocide in Rwanda? Did it take action to keep Hezbollah from placing weapons in southern Lebanon?

A UN military force would be useless to protect Israel's security and the PA pays people to kill Jews. Only Israel can provide its own security and if the time come it can't, it will no longer be a sovereign nation.
The U.S., Great Britan & France still dominate the U.N., so no, the U.N. is far from trying to destroy Israel.

With a U.N. military force in GAZA & a PA civilian government, the PA will be unable to act against Israel.
I disagree

The General Assembly is very radical, anti US and Israel
Clearly Biden thinks he should, and the Arabs believe the US can control Israel if it wants to.

Guess what?

The U.S. doesn't want to control Israel beyond minimizing non-combatant deaths while destroying Hamas.

The priority is to destroy Hamas. How many more non-combatants are killed depends entirely on Hamas.

If they care about their own families, they will surrender. If they do not care about their own families, then no one else should.
My starting position is that there was much more than Dresden that was unnecessary against Germany's civilian population.
There's no need to mention Germany's unnecessary bombing of London. That's not the topic we're agreeing to debate.

Likewise the atomic bombing of Japan's cities wasn't necessary.

War is ugly. Somehow you seem to hold the U.S. and the Israeli to one standard, while not holding our adversaries to the same standard.

Germany & Japan started that war - with the full support of their people. They deserved what they got.

Do I really need to review the war crimes of Germany & Japan?

The same withe the Gaza 'Palestinians' - they fully supported Hamas and celebrated the Oct.7 attack. They raped and murdered Israelis in the streets of Gaza while crowds cheered. They deserve whatever happens to them.

Stop trying to take advantage of the West's sense of human decency, while supporting mass murder of the West's people.
The US, UK and France can veto Security Council resolutions but they have no power to push resolutions through and they have no power over the General Assembly. Did a UN military force take action to stop the genocide in Rwanda? Did it take action to keep Hezbollah from placing weapons in southern Lebanon?

A UN military force would be useless to protect Israel's security and the PA pays people to kill Jews. Only Israel can provide its own security and if the time come it can't, it will no longer be a sovereign nation.

The effectiveness of any U.N. security force depends on the orders they receive. Whether they deploy 'Blue Helmuts' or 'Green Helmuts'.

A permanent occupation of Gaza by Israel has been tried before and failed.
If the Zionist army care about their own families, they should stop hostilities. Iran and it's many proxy fighters have gained the ability to stand their ground and fight back with equal or even superior ability.

Iran is now a part of the Brics military and economic alliance.

The Zionist regime no longer has the ability to escalate hostilities without having to consider that Iran's proxies are capable of striking back with equal or better!
Guess what?

The U.S. doesn't want to control Israel beyond minimizing non-combatant deaths while destroying Hamas.

The priority is to destroy Hamas. How many more non-combatants are killed depends entirely on Hamas.

If they care about their own families, they will surrender. If they do not care about their own families, then no one else should.
Stop drinking that Koil aid.

President Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza​

An immediate ceasefire leaves Hamas intact and while it has been weakened it is still the strongest force among the Gazans. Biden is willing to allow Hamas to keep Gaza if it wins him a few more Muslim votes in Michigan.
Do I really need to review the war crimes of Germany & Japan?
Do we really need to review America's 40 criminal wars of aggression since the end of WW2?

My opening position is non-negotiable due to your failure to negotiate in good faith.
If the Zionist army care about their own families, they should stop hostilities. Iran and it's many proxy fighters have gained the ability to stand their ground and fight back with equal or even superior ability.

Iran is now a part of the Brics military and economic alliance.

The Zionist regime no longer has the ability to escalate hostilities without having to consider that Iran's proxies are capable of striking back with equal or better!

Iran & its proxies have been using all their capabilities to strike against Israel & the U.S. for a very long time. They are impotent.

If the American people ever have a consensus against Iran & it's proxies, they will be quickly destroyed.

Iran & its proxies only exist because of the ambivalence of the American people.
Do we really need to review America's 40 criminal wars of aggression since the end of WW2?

My opening position is non-negotiable due to your failure to negotiate in good faith.

Does anyone really care about your categorically Anti-American positions on anything?

It's you that only sees one side of any issue, so please don't tell me about negotiation.
The effectiveness of any U.N. security force depends on the orders they receive. Whether they deploy 'Blue Helmuts' or 'Green Helmuts'.

A permanent occupation of Gaza by Israel has been tried before and failed.
No, it didn't fail, and if Israel had not withdrawn from Gaza in 2005, Hamas would never have been able to build 50 miles of tunnels under the cities or organize the Oct 7 attack. There is a cost to occupying Gaza and the West Bank, but clearly the cost of leaving is much, much, much higher. Sharon withdrew from Gaza and closed some West Bank settlements in a failed attempt to restart land for peace talks, and the withdrawal from Gaza and the withdrawal from southern Lebanon stand as two of the costliest errors any Israeli PM has ever made.
Iran & its proxies have been using all their capabilities to strike against Israel & the U.S. for a very long time. They are impotent.

If the American people ever have a consensus against Iran & it's proxies, they will be quickly destroyed.

Iran & its proxies only exist because of the ambivalence of the American people.
Negotiation is futile due to none of the parties having an advantage over the others at a negotiating table.

America no longer has the ability to escalate hostilities now that Russia, China, and Iran exist as a deterrent to US aggression. The Zionist regime is vulnerable and faces being wiped off the face of the earth.
Iran & its proxies have been using all their capabilities to strike against Israel & the U.S. for a very long time. They are impotent.

If the American people ever have a consensus against Iran & it's proxies, they will be quickly destroyed.

Iran & its proxies only exist because of the ambivalence of the American people.
More likely the acquiescence of American Democrat Presidents
Negotiation is futile due to none of the parties having an advantage over the others at a negotiating table.

America no longer has the ability to escalate hostilities now that Russia, China, and Iran exist as a deterrent to US aggression. The Zionist regime is vulnerable and faces being wiped off the face of the earth.

You are truly delusional.

Russia cannot even win its war in Ukraine. Iran is militarily impotent. China would be a threat of it weren't isolated by the Pacific Ocean. However, Japan is quickly becoming a major military Sea power - China does not want a war with Japan.

BRICS is a dead concept from the 1990s.

Israel is a permanent nation - there's nothing that Iran & its proxies can do to change that.

Donald Trump was your only hope - but he will NEVER be President again and will eventually put in prison for the rest of his life.

But if it makes you feel better, please continue your delusions.
The “Zionists”? Just say the Jews. You’re not fooling anyone.

are all zionists jews? are all jews zionists?

Israel has publicly said that Hamas has two choices: Surrender or die.
So, Hamas has those options.
The problem is that even if you get rid of all of the Hamas fighters, there are still millions of Islamic zealots waiting in the wings, anxious to kill all non-believers.
you see that "surrender or die" as a choice? maybe "surrender the remaining hostages and we can talk about it?

this is another of those stupid netenyahoo deals where trump does israel's bidding and netanyahoo ensures enough chaos to make biden look bad?

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