Larry Elder announces 2024 Presidential run as America's first Black President

You didn't really think Obama was Black, did you? If you did, you were only half right :laughing0301:

"America is in decline, but this decline is not inevitable. We can enter a new American Golden Age, but we must choose a leader who can bring us there. That’s why I’m running for President."

another stab in the back to Trump
Of course we would. Far more of us would vote for a conservative Black candidate than you Democrats would.

You'd just try to lynch him like your Confederate Democrat ancestors did.
like they did anddo w/ Clarence Thomas

You didn't really think Obama was Black, did you? If you did, you were only half right :laughing0301:

"America is in decline, but this decline is not inevitable. We can enter a new American Golden Age, but we must choose a leader who can bring us there. That’s why I’m running for President."

He has no chance. Not enough Republicans & conservatives will vote for him because he's black. They never do. That's why about 55 of the 60 black members of Congress are Democrat.
Lets stop you right there. Republicans were not conservative at the time. They were a party of radical abolitionists.

Further proving that Republicans were the party of conservatism and the US Constitution, seeing how slavery is unconstitutional. We conservatives had to kick you liberal Democrat's asses in a civil war that you started, before you understood what "all men are created equal" meant.

But you fought against that idea, even up to voting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation. They could care less about blacks. They slander them by calling them uncle toms when they get out of line ie not voting for dems.

False. Back in the days of slavery, "libs" were the progressives who lived primarily in the north. The south was primarily the Bible-thumping Christians in and around the Bible Belt. Today, those are conservatives.
You truly do live in Bizarro World. It was the Democrats who disregarded the US Constitution and seceded from the Union, causing the Civil War. Conservatives and Republicans tend to view the Constitution as the "law of the land", while you liberal Democrats believe it's a "flawed" document which needs revision.

The Civil War era Democrats were the liberals of the time, not the Republicans. Look at John Wilkes Booth: He was an actor involved in theater, to which this very day is a liberal institution. There was no magical "liberal switcheroo", where conservatives and liberals suddenly exchanged places. Anyone who believes that nonsense is a historical-revisionist idiot.

Democrats were not Liberals back then.
Those are elected officials and not appointed. How is it the GOPs fault that over 90% of blacks are commies? If they don't want to join our party that's up to them, and unlike Democrats, we're not about to use taxpayer money to buy them off either.
"How is it the GOPs fault that over 90% of blacks are commies"

Well, with that I sure don't understand why black voters don't switch to the GOP in droves.

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