A No-Label's Candidate Could Succeed In The Race For President!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!
Jeb Bush is going to win in a landslide…

I know two people offline who registered Republican just to vote for Nikki because they hate Trump. They are Democrats and plan to vote for Biden. So it was just to fuck with the super Tuesday. Pretty sneaky.
Short and sweet. If a third party candidate runs---it will guarantee a win for Trump because that candidate will pull more of Biden's dissatisfied voters than anyone else.
Depends. If it is a Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney or some other prominent but unethical anti-Trump Republican, he/she might pull enough votes from the neocon globalists and/or anti-Trump people to make a difference. I do hope Ronna McDaniel or whoever replaces her if she in fact does resign will have the smarts and clout to strongly discourage any such spoilers getting into the race though.
RFK jr is a serious threat to joe biden either as an independent or a GOP vice president candidate
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!
You're wrong. Manchin was their best shot and he was only getting 5% in polls, which is why he gave up before he even started.
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!
Jeb Bush is an open borders candidate and no improvement over biden

As for RFK jr I wish he could be trump’s vp running mate
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!

So many words, so little said and all it lies.
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!
You should take another look, a better look, at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. These articles of mine might help:

What Conservatives and Liberals Would Each Get with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the White House (alternative HTML version)

RFK Jr.'s Conservative Views

Why I Support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for President
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!


but lol no
Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary yesterday so the American People will have only two viable choices for President at this year's November 5th election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump; two outstandingly "bad" choices. Joe Biden because he is causing, will continue to cause and most importantly will long after he has left office cause significantly higher prices of consumer goods and services and cause a lot of severe economic pain to ordinary Americans with his unbalanced agenda to fight climate change and Donald Trump because he is untethered to a good conscience and his character for making policy decisions entails an alarming trait for disregarding basic important good principles! Many people in America and throughout the world hope that somehow someway America will produce a viable good candidate for President and that person will win this year's Presidential election. It is a real long shot but I think that one specific candidate running on the No Labels Ticket could and the operable word here is "could", the odds would be against him but if very possible things fell his way he could make it to the Presidency. His path to the office of the Presidency would run through the House of Representatives he wouldn't be able to get enough votes to get a majority of the votes in the electoral college but he would deny the Democrat and Republican Party candidate from reaching the winning electoral college threshold and this specific candidate would be palatable enough to moderate Republicans and he would be a thousand times better candidate than Donald Trump to the Democrats and with this practical coalition he would get enough votes to win the House vote and become the next President. This Third Party Candidate that I think could possibly win the general election is Jeb Bush, Jeb is a traditional conservative Republican meaning in key part he is going to control expansion of the national debt which is critical in garnishing Republican votes (the Republican electorate recognizes the cataclysmic danger America is facing with its national debt - Jeb would check this vital box for them), Jeb is against excessive government regulation and most importantly he will stop the regulations strangling and that will further strangle the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry, combustion engine vehicle production and sales in America. Jeb is also just a decent human being (the exact opposite of Donald Trump) and so the political thinking would be that Jeb would garnish the thirty three percent of Republican voters which were reliably going to Nikki Haley in the Republican primary elections and who are repulsed by Trump and would be receptive to a viable alternative like Jeb and let us say Jeb were to pick-up twenty five percent of disenchanted Democrat voters who know that the country has a very serious problem with inflation with Joe Biden's policies and realizes that Biden has experienced age related intellectual ability deterioration which makes him not up to doing the job of President. This voter coalition for Jeb would not likely be enough for him to be competitive to win the electoral college but he doesn't have to if Jeb wins as little as three key states that would be enough to prevent the Democrat or Republican candidate from winning the Electoral College which would throw the election to the House of Representatives. How does Jeb win three states? It would have to be Republican or Purple states; Jeb takes his Nikki Haley Republicans base with his disillusioned Biden Democrat base and picks up the majority of independents, independents tend to use balanced good judgment and Jeb beats out Biden and Trump from this viewpoint this robust coalition makes Jeb very competitive if not the outright winner in these weak Trump Republican and Purple states. Plus, in these toss-up sates if Jeb puts forth a good campaign the polls prior will show his competitiveness which may produce a snowball effect; some voters in these states will recognize the power they hold to throw the election into the House of Representatives and that this outcome will produce the best candidate for President and chose to play a role in making it happen. Everyone needs to consider that only a third of registered Republican voters are MAGA Republicans that believe Trump is great Presidential material the other Republicans go along because they believe the Democrats offer the wrong direction for the country and on the Democrat side Biden does not generate excitement in the Democrat electorate he doesn't have that spark it probably has to do with optics he appears to be a feeble old man and a lot of Democrats recognize that it isn't really a great idea electing such a person as President of the country. Bottom line these voters would be persuadable to vote for Jeb if it looks like he could win their state's Presidential race.

If the election gets thrown into the House this is why Jeb could have a shot at winning the House vote. Ordinarily, one would think the Presidential candidate whose Party has the most number of seats in the House of Representatives would win which would be the Republican candidate because the Republican Party holds the majority of seats in the House. But the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and Donald Trump rejects so many critically important fundamental good principles that embody America that enough moderate Republican House members may rebel against giving Trump a second term as President. What the world is learning crystal clearly that Ukraine will fall to Russia if U.S. doesn't help Ukraine (this is no slight of the Ukrainian people they are as good a people as a people come) the lesson clearly demonstrated is that an army cannot stop a much larger army that has enormous firepower and a huge number of soldiers without a large amount of ammunition for their heavy weapons; Donald Trump because he will shut off the aid spigot to Ukraine in his second term will force Ukraine to sign a treaty with Russia that will concede Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine which will practically give Putin time to rebuild his Army without the shortcomings of his 2022 Army and in a few short years Putin will launch another invasion and take the entirety of Ukraine and because Putin has made his long-term goals clear attack a NATO country and because of the NATO treaty cause American soldiers having to fight a war in Europe; some Republican House members will recognize this and seek to avoid this disastrous outcome that will come with electing Trump. Trump in his second term will definitely purge the government employee ranks to a level never seen before to follow his conspiracy theory of this Deep State which controls our government and needs to be cut out and in so doing Trump will be making our country weaker getting rid of very experienced and capable people; Trump will definitely weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. These realities will motivate some Republican House members to not vote for Trump. Further, Trump is not bipartisan Presidential material it is much worse the Democrat Party hates Trump they will not give Trump any decent legislative deals, deals they make will extract a heavy price from Trump and since Trump is not at all tethered to what is good, deals Trump makes will be harmful to America. Trump will because he won't be able to get it legislatively will repeal and revoke the Affordable Care Act through Executive Action and because you don't have Congress funding the many Americans hurt by such a repeal in those states that take Trump up on his offer the country is going to see American's suffering from this Trump decision that will be shocking in both the harm and the numbers of Americans hurt. Some prudent House Republicans will see these serious problems with a Trump Presidency and won't vote for Trump!

This is a critical key to this whole path for the country and if Jeb Bush doesn't sign on he is should stay in Florida and continue with his nice life; the country needs to get off its trajectory where it works for the elites in America, the wealthy and the lobbyist it needs to start working for ordinary working people. So and this so cannot be underscored enough Jeb Bush would need to sign on to the policy agenda that the Federal government needs to provide more direct assistance to low and middle income workers to enable them to have a good standard of living because things and fundamentals of live are too expensive ordinary working people cannot afford them. The promise of America is that if you play by the rules and if you work you will have a good life, America is failing on this promise and as time goes by its failure grows and America is a very prosperous country and so there is no reason America should renege from this promise. There is many areas where the Federal government should be providing more direct assistance so Jeb would have ample issues to choose from, one that is extremely compelling is that the Federal Government should be providing more funding for low income housing; what is key for creating wealth in families and providing monies for people to live on in their retirement is home ownership where people can build equity and so wealth over time. But homes are too expensive for many low and middle income families to afford, this needs to be remedied. There is a need for child care help, there is a need to change the Food Stamp program don't lock people into poverty allow the working poor to be eligible if they have savings up to $25,000 not $4,000 so allow these people a create a safety net so if they get sick or lose their job they aren't in dire straits and have different standard in the Food Stamp program for people working twenty eight plus hours a week or more do things like raise the gross income eligibility up to 150 of the poverty level etc,, there is a need to help low and middle income working people to get out from under higher education debt after fifteen years of good faith paying wipe out the debt, there is a need to help low income working people with utility bills, etc.. Jeb Bush's Father and Brother George were and are good people but America doesn't need a President like them, we don't need trickle down economics because not enough trickles down to ordinary people, America needs a President who will be a smart champion for ordinary working Americans. America needs a conservative President that will directly help ordinary working people, and so, this is the litmus test for Jeb Bush or any other conservative candidate that wants to run as an independent this term. America's finances are such that a President cannot add to the deficit to fund programs to help low and middle income American but there is a ton of loopholes in the tax code that could be closed to do such, you don't have to close an abundance of them just make a difference with your term in Office. Jeb or the candidate would have to identify tax loopholes that would be closed and the saved monies would be used for these programs to help Americans and this reservation of these closures for such programs would be non-negotiable matters; the next President is going have a King Kong size challenge in raising revenue to extend the Trump tax cuts it would not be okay to use these reserved tax loophole closures to pay for these tax cut extensions.

The loopholes I would close to pay for these funding would be the following; The FDII tax deduction is too generous FDII stands for Foreign Derived Intangible Income what this tax break does is allows corporations to get a lower tax rate on certain foreign income the policy goal is to incentivize U.S. corporations not to move domestic businesses and domestic held assets to foreign countries abut it goes too far. The way it works is the U.S. corporation for starters gets to reduce their foreign earnings by the value of ten percent of the value of the capital assets used to create the foreign income stream (this is ordinarily a big figure) then with the balance of the foreign earnings the corporation is permitted to reduce those earnings by thirty-seven and a half percent of that balance and this second balance is what the corporation pays the twenty-one percent corporate tax rate on; the Federal Government needs to scrap the initial ten percent reduction it is too much of a sweet heart deal for corporations it would be like if the Federal Government changed the computation of the capital gains tax for individuals and allowed individuals that sold stocks or other property to shield ten percent of the value of the asset from being subject to the capital gains tax, it is preposterous there is no reason for it. Another tax loophole I would recommend choosing to close is the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program it is a total disgraceful sham what the program involves is allowing individuals to defer paying taxes on their capital gains if they invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones within 180 days of realizing a capital gain. First off, the Qualified Opportunity Zones aren't limited to really distressed communities in April of 2022 the IRS recognized eight thousand and seven hundred and sixty-four of them one I know is about the Broad Street corridor in north central Philadelphia, that is not a distressed area it is a gentrification area that needs no major help to grow residential developments. Plus it isn't like the taxpayer will eventually pay the capital gains tax on the profit they realized, they get to reduce the amount of their profit subject to the capital gains tax by how long they own the investment in the Opportunity Zone. There is no reason for this broad tax deferral and there is no reason for the reduction on the tax ultimately owed, it is a completely corrupt tax loophole! Jeb or any other conservative candidate thinking on running on this independent ticket shouldn't even consider thinking about gaming on the issue of promising during the campaign real direct help to low and income working Americans that need the help and campaign they will protect the existing programs that help this segment of the American people and once in the Oval Office put other fiscal priorities ahead of these commitments and do things like plead I tried in this area but just wasn't able to succeed such a "person" would be making a catastrophic mistake!

One last point for the No-Label's Party Candidate to have a chance, the Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy needs to drop out of the race because the No-Label's candidate is going to need every unsatisfied Biden voter and unsatisfied Trump voter to accumulate enough votes to win in those limited number of states that rea not hard core Republican or Democrat. Polls show disillusioned voters turning to Robert because of the Kennedy name cache and this aura about Robert that he is an anti-establishment champion, a No-labels candidate cannot bleed voters to Robert he or she won't have the winning margin that they can take the hit! Why doesn't No-Label's recruit Robert to lead their ticket, Roberts speaking disability is a real liability a Presidential candidate has to be able to effectively persuade and Roberts speaking disability puts the Kibosh on that. People that know Robert well have to lobby him hard to get out of the race, he is not a truly serious Presidential candidate because he is not addressing elephant size policy issues that a Presidential candidate should be addressing. Such as the Bipartisan Senate Border Protection bill this bill is so good it is like God parting the Red Sea and allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians the bible account of the Exodus; to Americans that have long followed the illegal immigration issue this law would make remarkable progress for the good the humongous problem that the American people have is illegal immigrants gaming our asylum system using invalid claims to get into the country this law would largely shut down this problem, it is truly a God send law how come Robert Kennedy isn't a supporter of this bill. How come Robert Kennedy isn't calling out the mind boggling atrocity of the starvation of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Why isn't Robert Kennedy advocating for passage for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine common sense indicates the Ukrainian people are fighting for America they are fighting the Putin army that if they lose American soldiers will have to fight ten years down the line because this aid bill isn't passing the Russian army is taking more and more Ukrainian land that Ukrainian soldiers will have to give their life to retake and this is all because the presumptive Republican candidate for President Donald Trump wants to use the Ukraine issue as leverage to win this year's Presidential election and using his influence to block a vote in the House. Robert Kennedy if he stays in the race will go down in history as the third party candidate that enabled Donald Trump to be reelected President, a legacy that won't be an asset but a crushing cross to carry for the rest of his life!
Damn, Jim. Ever heard of the downsides of the "wall of text"? BTW, your concept didn't age well.

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