Larry Elder announces 2024 Presidential run as America's first Black President

There you have it

Republicans have only found ten blacks “qualified” for higher office in the last hundred years

You do realize some of the “qualified” candidates include Lauren Boebert who dropped out of HS and George Santos who lied about attending College.

Funny, the Dems elect blacks who are in fact completely UNQUALIFIED for anything except the fries station at McDonalds

Holder and homO are two...
Y'all have been saying that as long as I've been here.

Is this like 'more guns make us safer', where its always some day in the future?

When your hero Hitler confiscated the guns of Jews in Germany, were those Jews safer???
There you have it

Republicans have only found ten blacks “qualified” for higher office in the last hundred years

You do realize some of the “qualified” candidates include Lauren Boebert who got pregnant and dropped out of HS and George Santos who lied about attending College.

Those are elected officials and not appointed. How is it the GOPs fault that over 90% of blacks are commies? If they don't want to join our party that's up to them, and unlike Democrats, we're not about to use taxpayer money to buy them off either.
Those are elected officials and not appointed. How is it the GOPs fault that over 90% of blacks are commies? If they don't want to join our party that's up to them, and unlike Democrats, we're not about to use taxpayer money to buy them off either.

Will you stop with the Commie shit?

It makes you look like a Fucking Moron
Of course we would. Far more of us would vote for a conservative Black candidate than you Democrats would.

You'd just try to lynch him like your Confederate Democrat ancestors did.

Libs are the party of slavery and segregation. They could care less about blacks. They slander them by calling them uncle toms when they get out of line ie not voting for dems.
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation. They could care less about blacks. They slander them by calling them uncle toms when they get out of line ie not voting for dems.

Liberals protested slavery, Jim Crow and Segregation.

It was Conservatives who started wars and engaged in terrorism to keep it
Liberals protested slavery, Jim Crow and Segregation.

It was Conservatives who started wars and engaged in terrorism to keep it

You truly do live in Bizarro World. It was the Democrats who disregarded the US Constitution and seceded from the Union, causing the Civil War. Conservatives and Republicans tend to view the Constitution as the "law of the land", while you liberal Democrats believe it's a "flawed" document which needs revision.

The Civil War era Democrats were the liberals of the time, not the Republicans. Look at John Wilkes Booth: He was an actor involved in theater, to which this very day is a liberal institution. There was no magical "liberal switcheroo", where conservatives and liberals suddenly exchanged places. Anyone who believes that nonsense is a historical-revisionist idiot.
You truly do live in Bizarro World. It was the Democrats who disregarded the US Constitution and seceded from the Union, causing the Civil War. Conservatives and Republicans tend to view the Constitution as the "law of the land", while you liberal Democrats believe it's a "flawed" document which needs revision.

The Civil War era Democrats were the liberals of the time, not the Republicans. Look at John Wilkes Booth: He was an actor involved in theater, to which this very day is a liberal institution. There was no magical "liberal switcheroo", where conservatives and liberals suddenly exchanged places. Anyone who believes that nonsense is a historical-revisionist idiot.
For some odd reason you are unable to differentiate between Democrats/Republicans and Liberal/Conservative

Your depiction of history is bizarre
Prove me wrong
I dont have to.

I know what I know.....and it doesn't matter to me if you are wrong.

I mentioned the trolling thing because that is what you do here.

You make a comment, posters see it differently and say so, and you ask them for proof.

They offer their side and you ask for a link. They offer you a link and you disregard it as disinformation and you criticize them for watching Fox News,

And the beat goes on with you.

It is how you operate. You is what you is.
I dont have to.

I know what I know.....and it doesn't matter to me if you are wrong.

I mentioned the trolling thing because that is what you do here.

You make a comment, posters see it differently and say so, and you ask them for proof.

They offer their side and you ask for a link. They offer you a link and you disregard it as disinformation and you criticize them for watching Fox News,

And the beat goes on with you.

It is how you operate. You is what you is.
Afraid you do need to prove your point if you want to be taken seriously

Disprove anything I posted
For some odd reason you are unable to differentiate between Democrats/Republicans and Liberal/Conservative

Your depiction of history is bizarre

Do I need to draw you a picture with crayons?

Abraham Lincoln was a conservative Republican. He was a strict constitutionalist, even though he did have to suspend some constitutional rights in order to keep the Union intact.

The Democrat Jefferson Davis completely ignored the US Constitution and seceded from the Union. His disregard for the Constitution was no different than today's liberal Democrat's disdain for the document written by "old, white, rich, slave owners", as many of you Democrats describe it to this very day.

You are not the party of Abraham Lincoln. You are the party of Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy, the party of slavery, racism, Jim Crow laws, and the Klan. You are not even the party of JFK these days. You have become more like the party of Marx, Engels, Stalin, and Castro. Your ideology has become something foreign and completely incompatible with Democracy. When you zipperheads say "We must protect muh Democracy", you really mean "We must protect muh power to control others."
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