Zone1 Beware of stories spreading misinformation about Black men being fed up with Joe Biden and the Democrats

You see white supremacists. They are totally for race preferences and quotas. Race preferences for whites. Quota-100 percent whites.
That's not true, and you can't make it true through wishful thinking.

And it's weird, IM2, to consider that you'd prefer it if whites are pitted against you.

But we're not.
That's not true, and you can't make it true through wishful thinking.

And it's weird, IM2, to consider that you'd prefer it if whites are pitted against you.

But we're not.
Actually what I said is 100 percent accurate. I don't understand how some white people are so fucking stupid. You mean that you cannot see that America created a system of white racial preference, and that the quota for everything was 100 percent white untiil laws were passed to alow others to compete. And even after these laws were made, there are whites who still refuse to follow them and yet we see you stupid Republicans talking about how your party opposes racial preferences and qoutas. C'mon man, this bullshit is getting old. You right wingers can't be this damn dumb.
This happens every 4 years. It is as predictable as the sun coming up from the east. It's the Republican claim ofhow Blacks are running away from the Democratic party. That somehow the majority of blac voters see opportunity and freedom by joining a party that is openly pandering to white racists and developing policies to enforce white supremacy.

Beware of stories spreading misinformation about Black men being fed up with Joe Biden and the Democrats​

OPINION: While Black voters' frustrations are real, we can’t allow that to be an excuse to let misinformation seep into the ecosystem, our communities or the ballot box.

As much time as I spend talking with local, state and national elected leaders, stakeholders, grassroots organizers and party officials, I spend even more hosting and participating in events in barbershops and beauty salons, churches and community centers engaging everyday folks across America where I’m listening a whole lot more than talking.

I’ve even written a few articles here and there about the importance of the Black vote, particularly Black men.

But an article I read the other day didn’t remind me, as I’ve often argued, that Black voters are the most consequential voting bloc in America or that Black men are positioned to be the most critical swing vote in the 2024 election. Instead, it just further illustrated how quickly misinformation can spread in our community — and how damaging that misinformation can be.

As I wrote back in August, “It’s clear that voters of color, particularly Black men, are the number one target for misinformation, disinformation, and voter suppression and the experts tell us that it’s only going to get worse in 2024.”

Now, before we go any further, let me make it absolutely clear that I don’t pretend to speak for all Black men, much less the entire Black community. That would be more than a little insulting. Furthermore, anyone who spends even a little time in the barbershop will tell you that there’s some real frustration out there and even more confusion. Yes, thanks to President Biden and the Inflation Reduction Act, prices are starting to go down. But let’s be honest, all you need to do is go to the grocery store, and you’ll see the affordability crisis. Prices are still high and people are struggling.

I get that. In fact, I can identify with it because I’m pretty frustrated myself. The fact is that when Democrats hold a small majority like we do now in the Senate, Republicans can still use archaic rules and the filibuster to block major legislation. That’s exactly what they did with the President’s “Build Back Better” plan and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and it’s pull-your-hair-out-by-the-roots frustrating.

Some folks are frustrated, some are angry, some are confused and some just aren’t feeling this election at all. I get that. But we can’t let that be an excuse to let this kind of misinformation seep into the ecosystem, our communities or the ballot box.

For example, the article argues that Black men are frustrated with President Biden and the Democrats because they have “failed to deliver on things like student loan debt relief, police reform and voting rights.”

The reality is that President Biden has delivered. He has signed more than two dozen executive actions to deliver $146 billion in student debt relief for four million Americans. They must have forgotten how President Biden cut undergraduate loan payments in half and helped drop monthly payments for millions of borrowers down to $0. He must not know that earlier this month, President Biden laid out a new plan that will expand that student debt relief to more than 30 million Americans.

Of course, none of this would be necessary if GOP officials hadn’t led the charge pushing the right-wing Supreme Court to block Biden’s plan to erase $400 billion in student debt, forgiving the debt of nearly all 40 million federal student loan borrowers.

Isn’t that delivering on student loan debt relief?

This article details some of the things Biden has done and the republican roadbacs that have prevented even more progress.
/——/ Blacks are escaping from the democrat plantation.
You see white supremacists. They are totally for race preferences and quotas. Race preferences for whites. Quota-100 percent whites.
/—-/ Nope. That’s just your delusion. Sure, there are racist in all communities, Blacks, White, Hispanic and Asian, but not as widespread as you have been led to believe by the race pimps.
(1) Many Black men are tired of figuratively living on the Democrat plantation. Not enough of them, of course. It is a good day for Republicans when they can get even 1/5 of the Black vote. It seems very likely that Trump will get more Black votes this time around than he did last time. Maybe he will even get a vote in Philadelphia. Nah, that's too much to ask.

(2) There is essentially nothing that a White man can do in this country that is closed to Black men.

(3) The various "gaps" between Whites and Blacks are ALL more than explained by tangible factors that have nothing to do with racism. No racist is forcing Black women to have babies without husbands; nobody is forcing Black Yoots to piss away their free public education.

(4) Racism still exists. Maybe it's because most of the population is made up of human beings. But for every door that is closed by a racist, there are three doors that would welcome a Black applicant.
That's not true, and you can't make it true through wishful thinking.

And it's weird, IM2, to consider that you'd prefer it if whites are pitted against you.

But we're not.
It is true. That's the probem.
(1) Many Black men are tired of figuratively living on the Democrat plantation. Not enough of them, of course. It is a good day for Republicans when they can get even 1/5 of the Black vote. It seems very likely that Trump will get more Black votes this time around than he did last time. Maybe he will even get a vote in Philadelphia. Nah, that's too much to ask.

(2) There is essentially nothing that a White man can do in this country that is closed to Black men.

(3) The various "gaps" between Whites and Blacks are ALL more than explained by tangible factors that have nothing to do with racism. No racist is forcing Black women to have babies without husbands; nobody is forcing Black Yoots to piss away their free public education.

(4) Racism still exists. Maybe it's because most of the population is made up of human beings. But for every door that is closed by a racist, there are three doors that would welcome a Black applicant.

This is said by a white man who doesn't hang around blacks on a frequent basis. I am a black man and all of this is bullshit. Blacks arenot goingto vote Republican and Trump will get 3-3.5 million black votes. Out of 30 million eligible. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Why do white women with children without fathers have double the wealth of a black 2 parent family?


/—-/ Nope. That’s just your delusion. Sure, there are racist in all communities, Blacks, White, Hispanic and Asian, but not as widespread as you have been led to believe by the race pimps.
You can quit trying to make the non white response to white racism the same as white racism. And you are a racist trying to tell me how racism isn't wdespread.
From attacking overtime pay, student loans, and reproductive rights, to allowing more discrimination, pollution, and price gouging, those behind Project 2025 are preparing to go to incredible lengths to create a country only for some, not for all of us.

Project 2025 works against the middle class and some very rich as well depends whether or not one subscribes to this fascist thinking.

What can be lost?

Millions of jobs, retirement funds, Healthcare, privately owned property, small business operations, all of ones’ rights, voting rights for women, voting rights for men, Women’s Right To Choose, public education and all young poor and middle class will be inducted into a fascist military policing enterprise.

From attacking overtime pay, student loans, and reproductive rights, to allowing more discrimination, pollution, and price gouging, those behind Project 2025 are preparing to go to incredible lengths to create a country only for some, not for all of us.

Project 2025 works against the middle class and some very rich as well depends whether or not one subscribes to this fascist thinking.

What can be lost?

Millions of jobs, retirement funds, Healthcare, privately owned property, small business operations, all of ones’ rights, voting rights for women, voting rights for men, Women’s Right To Choose, public education and all young poor and middle class will be inducted into a fascist military policing enterprise.

/—-/ You guys are desperate.

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