Trump trolls the Libertarian Party at their own convention. “Do you like losing?” “What’s the point in getting 3% of the vote?”

nut-uh. When Trump took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of the crowd, Trump supporters, cheered him.
The only reason he was asked to speak is because some MAGA douche is now head of the party.
The only reason he was asked to speak is because some MAGA douche is now head of the party.
And the only reason he wisely accepted is to appeal to libertarians who share many of his core values: Trump was trying to appeal to libertarians, who have more in common with Republican policy positions than Democrats on issues including taxes and the size of government.
The fact Trump went into those possibly against him is Stand up to begin with.

He hit them with the truth. And offered a carrot. Whether they accept is up to them. Trump had nothing to lose here. Might get some votes out of it.
Really? Maybe some people vote based on principle rather than on the odds of winning.
We all vote on “principle”, the principle being that we vote for the best available option with a chance at winning.
Using the "no chance of winning" logic, no one should have voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964 or for George McGovern in 1972 or for Walter Mondale in 1984. Mondale and McGovern both lost 49 out of 50 states. McGovern lost the popular vote by a staggering 23 percentage points. Mondale lost it by a whopping 18 percentage points. Goldwater lost 44 out of 50 states and was buried in the popular vote, matching McGovern's landslide loss margin of 23 percentage points.

Ross Perot had a genuine shot at winning in 1992, but too many Republicans and centrist Democrats and Independents just could not free their minds enough to vote for him, choosing instead to vote for the feckless RINO George H. W. Bush or for Bill Clinton. Perot got 18.9% of the popular vote. Bush got 37.4% of the vote.
Weird person who can’t comprehend that are system is binary-
”The Cowboys and Eagles are playing but I hate both teams so I’m going to bet on the Giants to win.”
Sane person in-touch with reality-
“Umm, but the Giants aren’t playing in this game.”
Weird confused person-
“Yeah but maybe in time I can will the Giants into winning the game even though they aren’t playing in the game.”
Sane person in-touch with reality-
“Umm, haven’t you been trying this crazy ‘WILL’ bullshit for decades with no luck?”

In this election, polls show that RFK Jr. has a genuine shot at winning. A recent massive nationwide Zogby poll in all 50 states, done just two weeks ago, found that Kennedy wins in a two-way race vs. either Trump or Biden. The poll also found that Biden loses to Trump with or without Kennedy in the race. So, actually, Biden, not Kennedy, is the real spoiler.
I can’t validate this lunacy with a response.
Also, polls are consistently showing that RFK Jr. has the highest approval rating of the three candidates. In some states, he is polling in the high teens or low twenties, and polls have him at 11-15% nationwide. This is amazing, given that he has run only a fraction of the TV ads that Trump and Biden have run. A lot can happen between now and November.
I can’t validate this lunacy with a response.
I don't believe you are sane. Or moral. Or anything but a troll that gets his jollies being an ignorant twat.
I dont play the game of a pillow fight and you dont like it.

I dont believe you are Lubertarian. Your Rage is more of a leftist LUNATIC.

Your purpose here is to try and get us to waste our vote so your leftist when HONEY.
He only said what everyone sane thinks…Why vote for someone who has no chance at winning?
The nonsensical position has stumped me for decades.
The Libertarians expressed their extreme disapproval of Trump.
Trump's suggestion of making their vote count may deive them to vote for Biden.
The reason Biden has a chance to win is becuse the amount of extreme disapproval of Trump.

Biden has high disapproval, also, but the disapproval is not as strong as the disapproval of Trump and MAGA,

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