January 6 Could Be Fun


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I was listening to Smerconish on Sirius XM yesterday morning and he had a reading of the Electoral Count Act of 1887:

In short it says the following:


What that means is the following. If Representative Jane Doe objects to Pence accepting a state's electoral votes and it is seconded by a Senator, the above highlighted stipulation takes place.
The conversation on Smerconish's radio show was first, who would be the Republican Senator to second the objection of a house member. Conservative ass-hat Mo Brooks from Alabama (pictured below)

Said he would challenge it. For a challenge to be heard, it would require a Senator to join in the objection.

The interesting thing is this. Mitch McConnell had a conference call with his caucus the day before yesterday urging them to not join in on the objection.

Because he can see how it will play out. It would require both houses to approve the objection and throw out that state's electors. The House, of course, won't do it so any objection would not carry the day. Biden will get 306 electoral votes and win the Presidency...the Congress will make it official on January 6. But...here is the fun part. If a Senator does join in on Mo Better Brook's objection, the Senate will have to debate and vote on the objection. Meaning that GOP senators will have to either vote to overturn a state's electors or they would have to side with the Democrats and not vote to overturn the electoral votes. On one hand, voting to overturn the will of the people in a state is pretty shitty stuff for a US Senator to do. But voting against a Republican President is probably not a good idea either...especially given Trump's supporters propensity for payback and generally hateful behavior. So McConnell doesn't want any of his guys to go on record as being anti-Trump 23 months before they are up for re-election and 15 months before the GOP primaries. Hence the conference call urging his caucus to not die on this hill because the House will never ever vote to throw out electors. Which is great for Biden--that McConnell is doing this.

But...what about the Democratic Party Senators. One could side with Mo Better Brooks and force the GOP to go on the record as being anti-democracy OR anti-Trump. I doubt anyone in the DNC would do this...it would be such a stone cold move to absolutely rub McConnell's nose in it. But it would be hilarious to see the debate take place in the Senate to where a vote is held and GOP senators would have to pick one or the other.

My guess is that most would vote "present" and show just how spineless they really are.
The interesting thing on January 6 will be when Vice President Pence announces that the College has elected the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as the 46th President of the United States of America.

Although I personally do not know to what extent election fraud affected the results, I agree that no Senators should mar the process on January 6.

I hope, however, that research will continue during the next two years into the charges of rigging in order to prevent any repeat in the 2022 Congressional elections. (I do so hope that Nancy is forced to retire.)
I hope, however, that research will continue during the next two years into the charges of rigging in order to prevent any repeat in the 2022 Congressional elections. (I do so hope that Nancy is forced to retire.)

Despite their zeal to investigate anything and everything regarding Republicans and Trump, Democrats in the Senate have no appetite to investigate any voting irregularities. Weird huh?
I hope, however, that research will continue during the next two years into the charges of rigging in order to prevent any repeat in the 2022 Congressional elections. (I do so hope that Nancy is forced to retire.)

Despite their zeal to investigate anything and everything regarding Republicans and Trump, Democrats in the Senate have no appetite to investigate any voting irregularities. Weird huh?

Did you miss the Senate hearing on voter fraud yesterday?

I hope, however, that research will continue during the next two years into the charges of rigging in order to prevent any repeat in the 2022 Congressional elections. (I do so hope that Nancy is forced to retire.)

Despite their zeal to investigate anything and everything regarding Republicans and Trump, Democrats in the Senate have no appetite to investigate any voting irregularities. Weird huh?

Did you miss the Senate hearing on voter fraud yesterday?


What do hearings accomplish?
I was listening to Smerconish on Sirius XM yesterday morning and he had a reading of the Electoral Count Act of 1887:

In short it says the following:

View attachment 430134

What that means is the following. If Representative Jane Doe objects to Pence accepting a state's electoral votes and it is seconded by a Senator, the above highlighted stipulation takes place.
The conversation on Smerconish's radio show was first, who would be the Republican Senator to second the objection of a house member. Conservative ass-hat Mo Brooks from Alabama (pictured below)
View attachment 430138
Said he would challenge it. For a challenge to be heard, it would require a Senator to join in the objection.

The interesting thing is this. Mitch McConnell had a conference call with his caucus the day before yesterday urging them to not join in on the objection.

Because he can see how it will play out. It would require both houses to approve the objection and throw out that state's electors. The House, of course, won't do it so any objection would not carry the day. Biden will get 306 electoral votes and win the Presidency...the Congress will make it official on January 6. But...here is the fun part. If a Senator does join in on Mo Better Brook's objection, the Senate will have to debate and vote on the objection. Meaning that GOP senators will have to either vote to overturn a state's electors or they would have to side with the Democrats and not vote to overturn the electoral votes. On one hand, voting to overturn the will of the people in a state is pretty shitty stuff for a US Senator to do. But voting against a Republican President is probably not a good idea either...especially given Trump's supporters propensity for payback and generally hateful behavior. So McConnell doesn't want any of his guys to go on record as being anti-Trump 23 months before they are up for re-election and 15 months before the GOP primaries. Hence the conference call urging his caucus to not die on this hill because the House will never ever vote to throw out electors. Which is great for Biden--that McConnell is doing this.

But...what about the Democratic Party Senators. One could side with Mo Better Brooks and force the GOP to go on the record as being anti-democracy OR anti-Trump. I doubt anyone in the DNC would do this...it would be such a stone cold move to absolutely rub McConnell's nose in it. But it would be hilarious to see the debate take place in the Senate to where a vote is held and GOP senators would have to pick one or the other.

My guess is that most would vote "present" and show just how spineless they really are.

He didn't win the Presidency, they stole the election....we saw the Georgia theft in action and saw the data and witness testimony..

biden is the commander and Cheat......not the President.
The Democrats will always lie and abuse power and steal because they have zero morals
So...try commenting on the topic.

Do you think the GOP should contest the electoral votes from one or more states?

Yes....fight to the end.....

biden and his chinese friends stole the election.....so anything is now fair game...thanks democrats.
I hope, however, that research will continue during the next two years into the charges of rigging in order to prevent any repeat in the 2022 Congressional elections. (I do so hope that Nancy is forced to retire.)

Despite their zeal to investigate anything and everything regarding Republicans and Trump, Democrats in the Senate have no appetite to investigate any voting irregularities. Weird huh?

Did you miss the Senate hearing on voter fraud yesterday?


What do hearings accomplish?

If nothing else it raises public awareness. If you had bothered to watch, you'd know the information provided. The NV lawyer said they could pinpoint fraud by name, address, and DOB. Those included dead people voting, people that voted twice, people who voted in NV that no longer live there, homeless and people illegally using commercial addresses on their registration. That was just one witness.

I hope, however, that research will continue during the next two years into the charges of rigging in order to prevent any repeat in the 2022 Congressional elections. (I do so hope that Nancy is forced to retire.)

Despite their zeal to investigate anything and everything regarding Republicans and Trump, Democrats in the Senate have no appetite to investigate any voting irregularities. Weird huh?

Did you miss the Senate hearing on voter fraud yesterday?


I heard they were hearings on what the committee chair had been hearing from people who had been hearing it on the news. No new evidence of any fraud was presented to the committee. Besides it's not a court that has any jurisdiction over the contested states certified elections.

A Kangaroo hearing for Donny's Flock.
The National Archives website I read this morning said if the House and Senate are divided on which set of electors vote to accept from a state, then the tie breaker is to go with the electors the state's governor certified.

if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted.

Legal Provisions Relevant to the Electoral College Process | National Archives

Pennsylvania Certificate of Ascertainment 2020 (archives.gov)

Arizona Certificate of Ascertainment 2020 (archives.gov)
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