Humans may be alone in the Universe.

There is no need for "another" creation. In fact, there Cant be.

Christ died, as a human being, so that we have the opportunity for eternal life. He didn't, and won't, die countless times for each of the worlds you imagine. He died once, for ALL
Just to be the devils advocate...and a tad ornery because you are speaking down to me like I am not allowed to have MY OWN opinion.....maybe other worlds didn't need Him to die for us because WE are the bad seeds that were planted on this blue marble. We kill each other, we are killing the marble and all the other inhabitants on it as well. WE didn't turn out as hoped. So WE needed saving with a sacrifice of His son. Maybe HE considered those other worlds a nice vacation spot where He can relax on vacay. And, if you own a company you built from scratch, would you tell EVERY EMPLOYEE every aspect of its inner workings or would you consider their nuneyabiz?

I should write a syfy book.
Nothing like it in the solar system and not likely anything like it anywhere.
There are a billion solar systems in our galaxy and a billion galaxies in our universe. Many of the stars we studied have multiple planets. We may never visit every solar system and find another earth but it seem unlikely we are unique in the universe.
There are a billion solar systems in our galaxy and a billion galaxies in our universe. Many of the stars we studied have multiple planets. We may never visit every solar system and find another earth but it seem unlikely we are unique in the universe.
We are. At least in this "dimension"
There are a billion solar systems in our galaxy and a billion galaxies in our universe. Many of the stars we studied have multiple planets. We may never visit every solar system and find another earth but it seem unlikely we are unique in the universe.

Most of the stars in the galaxy are Red Dwarfs. Like over 60% of them. Red Dwarfs are unstable. It is hard to have life when it is a nice 70F one day and 413F the next.

Very few of the stars we have seen are stable enough to support the stability needed for life to evolve. Even our star is in a class that is not all that stable. Our sun is unusually stable for a type G yellow dwarf.

Half the stars in the galaxy are double or triple systems that adds even more instability for life to develop and evolve.

The giant stars in the Galaxy are very short lived.

If you live on a planet within 50 light years of another exploding star you are probably going to have an extinction event happen.

Half the stars in the Galaxy are near the center with tremendous instability and tremendously high background radiation levels.

I posted a video earlier in this thread where they have looked at the 3K or planets that we have discovered and there were only three that came close to be what we call earth like and they are all marginal at best. The most promising of the three is tidal locked with the star. That means half the planet is very hot and the other half is very cold. How is life going to be created in that?

The universe is actually a very hostile place for life.
There are a billion solar systems in our galaxy and a billion galaxies in our universe. Many of the stars we studied have multiple planets. We may never visit every solar system and find another earth but it seem unlikely we are unique in the universe.
It seems our solar system is what we know and we know there nothing compares to Earth. Beyond that, we really don't know or do we?
Most of the stars in the galaxy are Red Dwarfs. Like over 60% of them. Red Dwarfs are unstable. It is hard to have life when it is a nice 70F one day and 413F the next.

Red Dwarf Stars Aren't So Deadly to Planets After All

The universe is actually a very hostile place for life.
Hostile to creatures like ourselves maybe but the truth is we don't really know much about life. There may be life out there looking at the Earth and assuming it could never support life since the oxygen levels are too high and the radiation levels are too low.

As for stability, it is the variability of Earth's environment that has allowed life to develop. Would we still have only reptiles if there was no Permian extinction? Dinosaurs changed only little in their 150 million year span. If not for a meteor they would likely still be the dominant life form.
It seems our solar system is what we know and we know there nothing compares to Earth. Beyond that, we really don't know or do we?
Not yet but knowledge base will continue to advance current telescopes working in unison, 4 in Australia and others in South Pole will soon be enhanced to look further back in time. Mind bending stuff.

Red Dwarf Stars Aren't So Deadly to Planets After All

Hostile to creatures like ourselves maybe but the truth is we don't really know much about life. There may be life out there looking at the Earth and assuming it could never support life since the oxygen levels are too high and the radiation levels are too low.

As for stability, it is the variability of Earth's environment that has allowed life to develop. Would we still have only reptiles if there was no Permian extinction? Dinosaurs changed only little in their 150 million year span. If not for a meteor they would likely still be the dominant life form.
What evidence of a giant meteor do you have? I have a great flood.
What evidence of a giant meteor do you have? I have a great flood.

No great flood on your Flat Earth.
The Great Flood was caused by God. We live and die by Him. It explains how humans and dinosaurs died together. The evidence is there in the artwork of that time.

That's why the evos had to make up a giant meteor. There's no evidence for it.
There are a billion solar systems in our galaxy and a billion galaxies in our universe. Many of the stars we studied have multiple planets. We may never visit every solar system and find another earth but it seem unlikely we are unique in the universe.
It's your evolution talking. All talk. No evidence.

So far we haven't even been able to visit our entire solar system. We started eliminating planets like Pluto, i.e. around 680 year trip, because we can't reach it. We're still on Mars and that takes more than half a year. Manned missions should take longer. I think it's visit was ordered by President Trump.

God didn't say we are unique in the universe, but He would've said something if we weren't.
The Great Flood was caused by God. We live and die by Him. It explains how humans and dinosaurs died together. The evidence is there in the artwork of that time.

That's why the evos had to make up a giant meteor. There's no evidence for it.
I showed you the proof but don't let that stop your delusion.

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