Humans may be alone in the Universe.

Ok dude, you're just a other troll loon not worth any more time.
C'mon, some asteroids are so large they have their own moon. They are THE threat. I can accept that, but you were on meteors. You don't know science and that's why you're running away. What is the largest meteor?
What evidence of a giant meteor do you have? I have a great flood.
Meteor crater and extra-terrestrial debris from it. Massive extinction of existing species, too.

Your 'great flood' was, at best, a local phenomenon. Not even close to being the largest flood in Earth's history.
It's your evolution talking. All talk. No evidence.
Just because you dismiss evidence if it conflicts with your theology, doesn't mean there is no evidence.

So far we haven't even been able to visit our entire solar system. We started eliminating planets like Pluto, i.e. around 680 year trip, because we can't reach it. We're still on Mars and that takes more than half a year. Manned missions should take longer. I think it's visit was ordered by President Trump.
We have flown by every planet if that is relevant.

God didn't say we are unique in the universe, but He would've said something if we weren't.
God didn't say the entire Mediterranean disappeared at one time but it did. Maybe you shouldn't be telling him what he should have done and look at what he has done?
people underestimate the vastness of space between individual stars. Even if there is life somewhere in the galaxy or beyond, it’s likely so far away it might as well not exist. It’s distance beyond comprehension.

If there *was* intelligent life within any sort of comprehensible distance, we probably would’ve had contact by now.
What do you consider "comprehensible distance?" The nearest possible planet outside the solar system is 4.3 light years away. Do you have even the faintest comprehension how far away that actually is. If it were possible to shoot a beam of light around the earth at the equator, it would go around 7.5 times in one second.
I’ve reached the conclusion that there’s no intelligent life on Earth. If there is/was any intelligent life in some other part of space and they’ve ever seen/heard about us, I doubt they want anything to do with us.
Meteor crater and extra-terrestrial debris from it. Massive extinction of existing species, too.

Your 'great flood' was, at best, a local phenomenon. Not even close to being the largest flood in Earth's history.
I've seen the meteor craters and even the biggest isn't big enough. It isn't enough to kill off all the dinosaurs. A humongous asteroid hit would have destroyed the planet. We have no evidence of that.

Noah's Flood is the best explanation and it goes to show that you do not read the Bible nor understand it. The flood was worldwide and it is the reason our planet is 3/4 covered with water. You evolution can't explain why that is.
Just because you dismiss evidence if it conflicts with your theology, doesn't mean there is no evidence.
That's my point. What evidence? I'm against the ToE as it goes against the Bible. No science backs up ToE.

We have flown by every planet if that is relevant.
Not manned which is what I was referring to.

God didn't say the entire Mediterranean disappeared at one time but it did. Maybe you shouldn't be telling him what he should have done and look at what he has done?
My point was God didn't tell us everything, but He would've told us if he created other life on another planet. He didn't say, so He didn't. That's why I believe we are the only life in the WHOLE universe. Now, the odds are against that if evolution was true, but Christians know life doesn't just appear out of thin air or in the water. That only happened on Earth because God created it that way.
What do you consider "comprehensible distance?" The nearest possible planet outside the solar system is 4.3 light years away. Do you have even the faintest comprehension how far away that actually is. If it were possible to shoot a beam of light around the earth at the equator, it would go around 7.5 times in one second.
Yes, but if there *was* intelligent life out there, there’s no reason to think they existed on a similar time frame as ours.

presumably some of those civilizations would have existed thousands of years ago or millions of years ago, some long gone and maybe some still around. They would have been pumping out radio waves for much of that time.

given all the time those radio waves have had to travel from potential civilizations that could have cropped up over the eons, one would think at least a *few* transmissions would have been detected here on earth.

Yet the silence is deafening.
I've seen the meteor craters and even the biggest isn't big enough. It isn't enough to kill off all the dinosaurs. A humongous asteroid hit would have destroyed the planet. We have no evidence of that.
What is the biggest crater you've seen?

Noah's Flood is the best explanation and it goes to show that you do not read the Bible nor understand it. The flood was worldwide and it is the reason our planet is 3/4 covered with water. You evolution can't explain why that is.
I'd put my understanding of the Bible against yours any day (faith and understanding are not the same thing). What evidence do you have that there was one global flood?
That's my point. What evidence? I'm against the ToE as it goes against the Bible. No science backs up ToE.
What science backs up the Bible?

My point was God didn't tell us everything, but He would've told us if he created other life on another planet. He didn't say, so He didn't.
Why would he have told you?

Christians know life doesn't just appear out of thin air or in the water. That only happened on Earth because God created it that way.
God created man out of 'thin air' so it is obviously possible.
What is the biggest crater you've seen?
I've seen the Arizona Meteor Crater and the Reno and Elko craters in Nevada.

Which ones have you seen?

I've never seen an asteroid impact, but should have during the times I visited Mexico. Next trip, I will. But how do you know that would cause an extinction of dinosaurs?

I'd put my understanding of the Bible against yours any day (faith and understanding are not the same thing). What evidence do you have that there was one global flood?
One is sea creatures buried high on top of mountains. Another would be rapidly buried plants and animals while doing their daily living like eating or giving birth. There goes evolution.

What science backs up the Bible?
I've posted this before:

Why would he have told you?
Because stuff like that is IMPORTANT to God and us humans.

God created man out of 'thin air' so it is obviously possible.
Shame on you. God created Adam from dust on the ground and breathed His breath of life into his nostrils. Eve was created from Adam's rib or you never heard that lol?
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I've seen the Arizona Meteor Crater and the Reno and Elko craters in Nevada.

Which ones have you seen?

I've never seen an asteroid impact, but should have during the times I visited Mexico. Next trip, I will. But how do you know that would cause an extinction of dinosaurs?

Vredefort impact structure

One is sea creatures buried high on top of mountains. Another would be rapidly buried plants and animals while doing their daily living like eating or giving birth. There goes evolution.
Why doesn't every mountain have sea creatures on it's top?

Because stuff like that is IMPORTANT to God and us humans.
So you are telling God what is important?

Shame on you. God created Adam from dust on the ground and breathed His breath of life into his nostrils. Eve was created from Adam's rib or you never heard that lol?
So Adam was created from non-living matter. Just what abiogenesis says.

Vredefort impact structure

Why doesn't every mountain have sea creatures on it's top?

So you are telling God what is important?

So Adam was created from non-living matter. Just what abiogenesis says.
Why didn't you say largest "asteroid" impact in the first place? Much different in magnitude from meteor.
Why doesn't every mountain have sea creatures on it's top?
Actually, this is evidence against your scientists. The Bible points to an Earth-wide great flood.

How do you think they explain it lol -- Scientists say ocean fossils found in mountains are cause for concern over future sea levels

Next time, you'll be explaining how sea creatures got on top of mountains. Or are you not that hypocritical?
Actually, this is evidence against your scientists. The Bible points to an Earth-wide great flood.
If that is true why doesn't every mountain have marine fossils on it?

Apples and oranges or can you somehow relate the two?

Next time, you'll be explaining how sea creatures got on top of mountains. Or are you not that hypocritical?
I think you know the mainstream geological explanations.
If that is true why doesn't every mountain have marine fossils on it?
What makes you think that they haven't on every mountain? They have been found on every continent. Even your scientists had to admit the rise in sea level. That's a flood you bleep lol. One of the most famous were found on the walls of the Grand Canyon.
What makes you think that they haven't on every mountain? They have been found on every continent.
I've been to mountains that don't have marine fossils. Even one such mountain would falsify your 'great flood'.

Even your scientists had to admit the rise in sea level. That's a flood you bleep lol. One of the most famous were found on the walls of the Grand Canyon.
There have been thousands of these rises and falls. Which is the 'great flood'?

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