Humans may be alone in the Universe.

"There might be things we don't know of but that applies to everything."

Which is my point.
We just dont know.
Two things we do know.

1. We have not found life any place else outside of earth.

2. We cannot create life in a laboratory.

in other words we have nothing that says life exist outside of earth.

Until we get something then speculating that life exist because "it just has to because of the numbers" is silly and unscientific.
Two things we do know.

1. We have not found life any place else outside of earth.

2. We cannot create life in a laboratory.

in other words we have nothing that says life exist outside of earth.

Until we get something then speculating that life exist because "it just has to because of the numbers" is silly and unscientific.
If we cannot create life then we don't really know what it is and cannot say it does or does not exist beyond our planet.
Two things we do know.

1. We have not found life any place else outside of earth.

2. We cannot create life in a laboratory.

in other words we have nothing that says life exist outside of earth.

Until we get something then speculating that life exist because "it just has to because of the numbers" is silly and unscientific.

Just because we haven't found life on other planets doesnt mean squat.
Our universe doesnt stop past known space.
If we cannot create life then we don't really know what it is and cannot say it does or does not exist beyond our planet.
Not being able to create life in a lab is a great indication that it is so complex that it is possible to be non existent outside of earth.

Just because the combination of events on earth to create life happen on earth doesn't mean it happen elsewhere.

Check out this analysis:

Just because we haven't found life on other planets doesnt mean squat.
Our universe doesnt stop past known space.
Actually it pretty much does as far as we are concerned. We only know what we know.

We can speculate until the cows come home but until we find life elsewhere we have nothing.
Just because we haven't found life on other planets doesnt mean squat.
Our universe doesnt stop past known space.

"You can't PROVE there's a God. Nanny, nanny billy goat."

The "proof" squeal/demand works fine for atheists, doesn't it.
But when it comes to intergalactic speculation and wishful thinking, well, that's a different story. Maybe, could be, we wish, big numbers, big HUGE numbers!

The space of titin is 20 to the 33,450th. That's the number of possible sequences given 20 different amino acids, not even counting chirality and non-peptide bonding combinations, much less folding. We're really here. Obviously nobody else IS.
Humans are lonely and miserable. Here.

I am also lonely.

Einst da ich bittre Tränen vergoß,
da in Schmerz aufgelöst meine Hoffnung zerrann,
und ich einsam stand am dürren Hügel,
der in engen, dunkeln Raum die Gestalt meines Lebens barg -
einsam, wie noch kein Einsamer war,
von unsäglicher Angst getrieben -
kraftlos, nur ein Gedanken des Elends noch. -
Wie ich da nach Hülfe umherschaute,
vorwärts nicht konnte und rückwärts nicht,
und am fliehenden, verlöschten Leben
mit unendlicher Sehnsucht hing: - da kam aus blauen Fernen -
von den Höhen meiner alten Seligkeit ein Dämmerungsschauer -
und mit einem Male riß das Band der Geburt -
des Lichtes Fessel. Hin floh die irdische Herrlichkeit
und meine Trauer mit ihr - zusammen floß die Wehmut
in eine neue, unergründliche Welt - du Nachtbegeisterung,
Schlummer des Himmels kamst über mich -
die Gegend hob sich sacht empor;
über der Gegend schwebte mein entbundner, neugeborner Geist.
Zur Staubwolke wurde der Hügel -
durch die Wolke sah ich die verklärten Züge der Geliebten.
In ihren Augen ruhte die Ewigkeit -
ich faßte ihre Hände,
und die Tränen wurden ein funkelndes, unzerreißliches Band.
Jahrtausende zogen abwärts in die Ferne, wie Ungewitter.
An ihrem Halse weint ich dem neuen Leben entzückende Tränen. -
Es war der erste, einzige Traum -
und erst seitdem fühl ich ewigen,
unwandelbaren Glauben an den Himmel der Nacht
und sein Licht, die Geliebte.

Novalis (alias Freiherr Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1771-1801)

Once I shed bitter tears,
when in pain my hope was dissolved,
and I stood lonely on the barren hill,
which in a narrow, dark space held the shape of my life -
lonely as no lonely man has ever been,
driven by unspeakable fear -
powerless, only a thought of misery still. -
As I looked around for help,
unable to move forward or backward,
And at the fleeing, extinguished life
with infinite longing: - there came from blue distances -
from the heights of my old bliss a shower of twilight -
And all at once the bond of birth -
of the light's fetters. There fled the earthly glory
and my sorrow with it - together flowed the melancholy
into a new, unfathomable world - you night enthusiasm,
slumber of the sky came over me -
the region rose gently;
above the region floated my unbundled, newborn spirit.
The hill became a cloud of dust -
through the cloud I saw the transfigured features of the beloved.
Eternity rested in her eyes -
I grasped her hands,
and the tears became a sparkling, unbreakable bond.
Thousands of years went down into the distance, like thunderstorms.
On her neck I wept tears of delight to the new life. -
It was the first, only dream -
and only since then I feel eternal,
unchanging faith in the sky of the night
and its light, the beloved.

Translated with (free version)
I'll say the same thing I said the last time this topic came up. And this is especially for the people who say "look at how vast space is, there's got to be other life out there!"

One of the things I've learned through life experience is that truth is not always what you'd expect it to be. And sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that. ;)
Just because we haven't found life on other planets doesnt mean squat.
Our universe doesnt stop past known space.

Equally true is that it’s false to say there “must” be life out there just because the universe is really, really big.

It’s entirely possible that the reason we have found zero evidence of extraterrestrial life is because it doesn’t exist.
Not being able to create life in a lab is a great indication that it is so complex that it is possible to be non existent outside of earth.

Just because the combination of events on earth to create life happen on earth doesn't mean it happen elsewhere.

Check out this analysis:

Your position is dependent upon our civilization being a type 1 civilization, that we have only been able to harness the energy of our own planet’s resources. We have begun the stage of developing into a type 2 civilization, learning how to use our host star’s energy moving us into a type 2 civilization. Type 3 civilization masters the previous two levels and learns then how to capture and utilize energy wherever it can be found within a galaxy. Likely, there are type 4 civilizations with superior energy technology that would be mind-boggling to contemplate even by well-versed NASA experts.

Comparatively speaking regarding Earth’s civilizational status, we do not have the technology to know more than a Stage 1 morphing into Stage 2 civilization. We have a long ways to go.

The Milky Way is by far not the oldest galaxy. Relatedly, WHEN a galaxy forms matters greatly with any comparative analysis of energy evolution.

We just “went back in time” with use of Hubble discovering an additional 100 million year older galaxy than previously known!

“The newly-discovered galaxy has been named GLASS-z13, and came into existence 300 million years after the Big Bang.

“JWST has potentially smashed records, spotting a galaxy which existed when the universe was a mere 300 million years old!” former NASA scientist James O’Donoghue enthused. “The light from GLASS-z13 took 13.4 billion years to hit us, but the distance between us is now 33 billion light years due to the expansion of the universe!”

Without question it’s an amazing time to be alive and to witness the birth of stars, confirmation of older galaxies, and other such amazing phenomena.
There has to be billions of planets if not more.
Technically there's a never ending supply of planets out there.
I know, but the simplest answer for why we have no evidence of extraterrestrial life is that there simply isn’t any.

I’m not saying it’s impossible that there’s life, but the fact that there’s limitless star systems out there doesn’t mean that it’s inevitable.
On the question of whether there's other life in the universe, I've long said that it's possible, but that there hasn't been evidence of it to this point. If there is, there's no proof it's as intelligent as human beings, and any travels they've ever engaged in have never approached Earth.
What makes you think anyone would be interested in contacting us?

Or maybe their means of communication are unknown to us, and too advanced for us to recognize or understand.

If there is, there's no proof it's as intelligent as human beings, and any travels they've ever engaged in have never approached Earth.

That we know of. Or maybe a few of the thousands of UFO sightings and report are legit.

Point is, there may well be other intelligent life forms out there that are far more advanced than we are, to the point where they may have found ways to bend space and time to allow interstellar or even intergalactic travel. Just cuz we can't do it yet doesn't mean it hasn't been done elsewhere. I wouldn't say it's not possible; hell, it wasn't that long ago that we started to make fire when you consider that the universe is some 14 billion years old. Stars and solar systems may have been created, existed for billions of years, and then went nova and were destroyed long before our own sun came into existence. So, show a little perspective.

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