Humans may be alone in the Universe.

people underestimate the vastness of space between individual stars. Even if there is life somewhere in the galaxy or beyond, it’s likely so far away it might as well not exist. It’s distance beyond comprehension.

If there *was* intelligent life within any sort of comprehensible distance, we probably would’ve had contact by now.
people underestimate the vastness of space between individual stars. Even if there is life somewhere in the galaxy or beyond, it’s likely so far away it might as well not exist. It’s distance beyond comprehension.

If there *was* intelligent life within any sort of comprehensible distance, we probably would’ve had contact by now.
How would they contact us?
Presumably they would be transmitting radio waves into space like we’ve been doing for a while now
Any radio waves we received from another star would so old as to be useless. The closest star is 4 light years away and the center of the Galaxy is a buttload more than that. Light speed for space travel is incredibly slow and we can't go anywhere coasting in space like we do.
I came across a mind-blowing blogger a few years ago, blog site:

His thought process alone is mind-boggling and well worth anyone’s time to read any one of his various writings on different topics. I promise you one thing, he will make you think and more than ever, at least that was my experience. I’m also a huge fan of his art depictions and creative jokes!

The following quote comes from his piece about the Fermi Paradox and contemplating other possible civilizations. He covers each theory in a straightforward way.
The Kardashev Scale, which helps us group intelligent civilizations into three broad categories by the amount of energy they use:

A Type I Civilization has the ability to use all of the energy on their planet. We’re not quite a Type I Civilization, but we’re close (Carl Sagan created a formula for this scale which puts us at a Type 0.7 Civilization).

A Type II Civilization can harness all of the energy of their host star. Our feeble Type I brains can hardly imagine how someone would do this, but we’ve tried our best, imagining things like a Dyson Sphere.

Dyson Sphere

A Type III Civilization blows the other two away, accessing power comparable to that of the entire Milky Way galaxy.

If this level of advancement sounds hard to believe, remember Planet X above and their 3.4 billion years of further development. If a civilization on Planet X were similar to ours and were able to survive all the way to Type III level, the natural thought is that they’d probably have mastered inter-stellar travel by now, possibly even colonizing the entire galaxy.

One hypothesis as to how galactic colonization could happen is by creating machinery that can travel to other planets, spend 500 years or so self-replicating using the raw materials on their new planet, and then send two replicas off to do the same thing. Even without traveling anywhere near the speed of light, this process would colonize the whole galaxy in 3.75 million years, a relative blink of an eye when talking in the scale of billions of years.”

even if aliens could travel at the speed of light, the time to get to earth would not make it practical to make the trip
Trog- consider reading the link I provided about theories explained with differing research groups backing one or another. As we know, the jury is still out on this issue.

The part about civilizations overcoming a specific time period of complex complications that we either fail or continue to exist is very interesting to say the least. The blogger describes how Earth is somewhere along it’s path of civilization and has either not yet reached that “make it or break it threshold” point in time, or, Earth might’ve already surpassed that specific threshold in time and we then became a rare success story. The author’s opinion is that Earth is likely screwed if we have not already surpassed this defining threshold.

He writes: “One hypothesis as to how galactic colonization could happen is by creating machinery that can travel to other planets, spend 500 years or so self-replicating using the raw materials on their new planet, and then send two replicas off to do the same thing. Even without traveling anywhere near the speed of light, this process would colonize the whole galaxy in 3.75 million years, a relative blink of an eye when talking in the scale of billions of years”.
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Let's look at this another way ... how hard are we to find from out there? ...

I'm thinking we'd stand out like a sore thumb we just smacked with our hammer ... again ... the molecular oxygen in our atmosphere is thought to be strictly the product of life ... and this is easy to see from space ...

But how would they contact us? ... how would we know to look ... what if they're hungry? ...

Why intellegent life, I'd settle for a bacterium ...
Does anyone think the Lord focused just on our little blue marble and those who inhabit it? Nah. Would be a mighty waste of space.

Maybe the other creations turned out better.

Oh ye of little faith. What is "waste" to the Creator of the universe?
The stars and galaxies are just one of many wonders to make our minds wonder and appreciate all that surrounds us, from the beauty of a sunset to the smile of a baby, to the science we continue to unravel and have barely scratched its surface.

Your cynicism is so typical of atheist deniers. So unfortunate. It hurts you but you will not release it.
Oh ye of little faith. What is "waste" to the Creator of the universe?
The stars and galaxies are just one of many wonders to make our minds wonder and appreciate all that surrounds us, from the beauty of a sunset to the smile of a baby, to the science we continue to unravel and have barely scratched its surface.

Your cynicism is so typical of atheist deniers. So unfortunate. It hurts you but you will not release it.
Oh ye of little coherent thought. What creation? Claims to supernaturalism mean it falls to you to make a meaningful argument for a supernatural creator capable of doing supernatural things. Of course, you fail to do that.

I suppose we can thank your alleged creator for the wonders of the cancer cell, tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes. The mind does wonder at the thought of such a super-magical creator.

Your extremism is so typical of the angry religionist.
people underestimate the vastness of space between individual stars. Even if there is life somewhere in the galaxy or beyond, it’s likely so far away it might as well not exist. It’s distance beyond comprehension.

If there *was* intelligent life within any sort of comprehensible distance, we probably would’ve had contact by now.
You are welcome to your opinion
cancer cell, tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes.
1st one is probably caused by man and chemicals. The rest is nature. God never promised a rose garden. Well, he did, but even a human fucked that up.

Everyone has their own opinions. Mine is huge. Infinite. Who knows what other lifeforms are out there that is unreachable to us? Some? Many? Nobody knows or probably will never know. But for me..I believe we are not the only world created. If I were all powerful, I would not put all my eggs in one basket. Would you?
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways."

Isn't it interesting that for decades, atheists claimed the universe is too big for God to waste on humans alone. Along came Brandon Carter to point out the impossibly fine tuning of scores of physical constants, only possible by the Brillant Creator, Nature's God.

"Aha," said the atheists. "There are an infinite number of universes and we are in the 'right one.'"

From way too big to way too small. This is atheist "intellectualism" and "science." Whatever they need and decree.
Oh ye of little coherent thought. What creation? Claims to supernaturalism mean it falls to you to make a meaningful argument for a supernatural creator capable of doing supernatural things. Of course, you fail to do that.

I suppose we can thank your alleged creator for the wonders of the cancer cell, tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes. The mind does wonder at the thought of such a super-magical creator.

Your extremism is so typical of the angry religionist.
Holly, no one expresses anger as much as you do. ;)
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways."

Isn't it interesting that for decades, atheists claimed the universe is too big for God to waste on humans alone. Along came Brandon Carter to point out the impossibly fine tuning of scores of physical constants, only possible by the Brillant Creator, Nature's God.

"Aha," said the atheists. "There are an infinite number of universes and we are in the 'right one.'"

From way too big to way too small. This is atheist "intellectualism" and "science." Whatever they need and decree.
True that. Atheists are good at redefining reality.
Does anyone think the Lord focused just on our little blue marble and those who inhabit it? Nah. Would be a mighty waste of space.

Maybe the other creations turned out better.
He would've told us if he did, but He didn't.

In for a penny. In for a pound.

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